Sky Robbery

Chapter 6 Tonight

Under the night sky, in the bamboo forest, Xu Min came here very early. At this time, it was time for the moon to come out. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Xu Min was uneasy. She didn't know how to face Zhang Yuan. Although she was afraid of hurting Zhang Yuan, she had to face some things.

The quiet bamboo forest is very quiet, and there is no movement at all. The quieter it is, the more chaotic Xu Min's mood is.

Behind him, there was a sound of footsteps. The slow footsteps walked very slowly. From this sound, it could be heard that the walker must have something on his mind. Before the visitor approached her, Xu Min first felt the rapid breathing of the visitor.

The sound of the rustling wind blew, and the quiet bamboo swayed with the wind. The scene here was still similar to that three years ago. He slowly walked to Xu Min. Zhang Yuan said, "I'm really sorry to let you wait for a long time. I just went to drink with my brothers." Xu Min shook her head gently, and then she smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I've just been here."

After saying a word to his senior sister, Zhang Yuan remained silent again. He secretly scolded himself in his heart, "Why did he become speechless as soon as he saw his senior sister? Even if there were thousands of words, he became speechless."

Seeing that Zhang couldn't open his teeth and couldn't say what he wanted to say, Xu Min smiled faintly and said, "Xiaoyuan, "You can say whatever you want, but the senior sister already belongs to." When it comes to the four words of belonging in the heart, Xu Min seemed a little reluctant.

Looking at Xu Min's apologetic face, Zhang Yuan took out the shining white spiritual beads. The white light lit up the bamboo forest under the night sky, and the beautiful face of the senior sister looked more fairy under the light of the spiritual beads.

Sending Lingzhu to Xu Min, Zhang Yuan said tremblingly, "Senior sister... give it to you..." After saying that, he looked at Xu Min with a pair of expectant eyes. Lingzhu seemed to be affected by Zhang Yuan's mood, which

The white light is more powerful and brighter. Within 100 meters around, all the scenery can be seen clearly, and even the bamboo leaves gently rolled up on the ground are illuminated by the light of the spiritual beads.

Looking at the spiritual beads in Zhang Yuan's hand, Xu Min didn't know what to say for a moment. She stood quietly in front of Zhang Yuan, with a pair of beautiful eyes full of guilt. If the senior sister did not speak, Zhang Yuan would definitely not withdraw the spiritual beads in her hand. After just dozens of hours of waiting, Zhang Yuan was as trembling as if millions of years had passed, making his hand holding the spiritual beads tremble.

The curved bright moon moved quietly, and the floating clouds under the bright moon covered the moon from time to time, but after a while, the moon reappeared at the other end of the floating clouds. There is a saying that the clouds and flowers finally see the moon, but Zhang Yuan has been guarding for three years, but why can't he wait for the moment when the clouds open and the moon appear?

The moon appeared again, repeated so repeatedly and endlessly. After a long time, Xu Min whispered, "I'm sorry, I can't accept it. Forget me. It's impossible for us to be together."

Although it had been expected, Zhang Yuan was also like a thunderbolt at this time, and his mind suddenly sounded. Is it true that I have been waiting for three years in exchange for a word of sorry? What on earth am I in your heart? Zhang Yuan asked unwillingly:

Fee that Zhang Yuan's expression was fierce and the situation fluctuated greatly. Xu Min said guiltily, "In my heart, you are my best younger brother. There is nothing else to think about."

At this moment, Zhang Yuan seemed to feel that his life seemed to have come to an end, and there was no meaning to live. Tonight's moon was particularly beautiful, and tonight was also his most desperate night. Three years of love finally came to an end. I don't know why, while the pain was crying, Zhang Yuan also seemed to feel a little relaxed.

After a few steps back, he stood under a few green bamboos and stood still. The spiritual beads in his hand disappeared after rolling on the ground. They were covered by the green bamboo, and the moonlight could no longer shine on his face.

A few meters away, Xu Min felt Zhang Yuan's cliff away. She wanted to see his haggard face, but under the dark bamboo, Xu Min couldn't see anything, as if Zhang Yuan had already disappeared out of thin air.

After walking slowly, Xu Min came to him and felt his cold breath and cold body, as if he were a deceased person. Xu Min said sadly, "Please forgive my senior sister and hope you can live a happy life. If you are depressed from now on because of me, then I will be very sad and I will not be able to Forgive yourself." Saying this, Xu Min lowered her head and kept pulling the corners of her clothes with her hands. She was willing to look up at Zhang Yuan.

After a burst of pain and blood, Zhang Yuan said, "Senior sister, thank you for the happiness you have brought to me and wish you grow old." After saying that, Zhang Yuan turned around and walked forward. He swayed all the way and floated as if a gust of wind could blow it. On the ground, the spiritual beads rolled into the bamboo leaf pile, and countless bamboo leaves covered its light. When passing by the spiritual beads, Zhang Yuan did not bend down to pick it up. This pearl exists for the senior sister, and now the senior sister is no longer what she used to be, so there is no need for this pearl to exist.

The road in the bamboo forest is winding. Zhang Yuan walked around the bamboos that blocked the way. Xu Min stood in the distance and kept looking at his lonely figure. He wanted to open his mouth to keep him, but Xu Min thought about it. It took time to forget a person to forget him.

Ji Ling came to Xu Min's side. He also looked at Zhang Yuan's figure. Xu Min did not seem to find Ji Ling's arrival. She still stood there and watched Zhang Yuan. Seeing Zhang Yuan's lonely figure, Ji Ling seemed to empathize. He and Zhang Yuan were disciples of the same sect and rivals.

"Xiaomin..." Ji Ling shouted several times in a row, but Xu Min did not answer. Seeing Xu Min's sad and tearful face, Ji Ling gently hugged her in his arms.

"Ji Ling... I don't want to hurt him. I owe him too much. He was willing to give his life for me many times, but I finally brought him harm. Xu Min cried in Ji Ling's arms: As she spoke, she was even more sad. Thinking of Zhang Yuan's inability to extricate himself, crying and sad pain, Xu Min couldn't forgive herself. "Why did God arrange it like this? If Zhang Yuan didn't like him, there would not have been such an end today." Ji Ling has been holding Xu Min in his arms. He said affectionately, "Xiaomin, Zhang Yuan is willing to give his life for you, and I, Ji Ling, am also willing to. From now on, we will always be together for three lifetimes and will never be separated."

"Well" Xu Min nodded in his arms and replied:


I'm entangled. Is there anyone reading it? If so, please bubble up so that I can be sure whether this book is worth writing. No matter how many readers there are, even one reader will write it. Please send me a red ticket.