Sky Robbery

Chapter 7 In the Wind and Rain

The bright moonlight is very cold, and the bamboo is like the sea, quiet and far-reaching. In the endless bamboo forest, thousands of green bamboos swayed in the wind, and the sound of rustling was endless. Every subtle sound of bamboo leaves was deeply transmitted into Zhang Yuan's cold heart.

The cold moonlight shone on his white clothes, making him more lonely. Walking in the bamboo sea, he is like a wandering soul at night, wandering on the ground.

As Zhang Yuan walked, he muttered to himself, "Three years of secret love, past feelings, what am I in your heart? Thousands of days of hard work, day and night, but in the end, this is the result. Suddenly, he remembered what the man in the rising sun city said to him half a year ago.

"There is no way out on the cliff, and you need to turn around.

I know it's a sea of suffering, why don't you look back?

You can get rid of yourself by abandoning your persistence.

This is what Mr. Xiangshu once said to Zhang Yuan. At that time, Mr. Xiangshu told Zhang Yuan that his marriage would not be perfect.

When thinking about this, Zhang Yuan laughed dumbly and said, "I can't even change my fate. How can I change her?"

After a sudden gust of wind and clouds in the originally bright moon sky, the scene suddenly changed. The bright moon was covered by black clouds, and the dim stars were nowhere to be found. After a burst of clouds, several thunder and lightning flashes also appeared. The roar of thunder spread all over the sky, and even the earth was turbulent. After counting his breath, some scattered raindrops began to fall. Zhang Yuan looked up at Tiansan and let the sporadic raindrops hit his face. When the raindrops fell on his face, he only felt a cold feeling into his heart, and then penetrated his whole body.

The wind was getting louder and louder, and thousands of bamboos were shaking violently. Under the strong wind, a cyclone appeared on the ground. Countless fallen leaves were like tides, rolling up and slapping. The dense bamboo leaves blew on his face, and he felt pain in his face. It turned out that the cyclone rolled up sand and stone and flew over. His face. The more the wind rises, the more fiercely Zhang Yuan's mood fluctuates.

In an instant, the storm and the sound of wind and rain drowned him. Zhang Yuan's clothes were all soaked, and the rain on his body flowed down like a river.

The wind and rain are sad, just like his life. He stands still in the wind and rain. A flash of lightning made an uproar and hit the bamboo behind him. In the electric fire dance, it lit up his face in an instant. After the electric dance disappeared, the branches and leaves came one after another, and several green bamboo thunder and lightning were blown up on the spot.

In the sad wind and rain, the rain that never abandoned him appeared again. Looking at Zhang Yuan's situation, Yu Li was heartbroken, but she was happy in an instant, because from then on, no one could compete with Zhang Yuan with him. From now on, she can stay with Zhang Yuan for a long time.

"Xiaoyuan," Yuli came to his side and gently shouted softly: Zhang Yuan has been holding his head high, and he did not know the arrival of Yuli. After a few soft calls, the rain stood quietly in the rain. From now on, they will spend the wind and rain together.

Gently hugged Zhang Yuan, and Yu Li comforted Zhang Yuan with her warm body. The raindrops hit Yuli's cyan clothes, like the wind blowing the remnants, which will break the remnants at any time. The rain fell all night, and Yuli also accompanied him all night. After dawn, the fog rose everywhere, and the whole bamboo forest was filled with fog, and the endless fog enveloped the two figures.

Xu Min didn't rest all night. At dawn, she came to the bamboo forest to see if Zhang Yuan was still dead. When she walked outside the bamboo forest, she saw a woman accompanying Zhang Yuan from afar. The woman's whole body was dripping and her hair was lax. The woman held Zhang Yuan and stood quietly in the fog. In the misty rain, they spent a bleak night relying on each other.

One night, the rain did not disturb Zhang Yuan. Everything is enough for you. As long as I can stand beside you, I am willing to endure the wind and rain day and night. Feeling very stiff, Zhang Yuan moved his limbs. When he woke up, he saw Yuli and saw Yuli, who was suffering like him. Seeing that Yu Li's clothes were soaked, Zhang Yuan knew that the woman had been with him all night. He was moved and his heart was warm. Yu Li looked at Zhang Yuan to tidy up his hair, and then wiped off the rain dew on his face. He smiled gently at Zhang Yuan with a touching face, and then took Zhang Yuan's hand and walked down the mountain.

In a daze, Zhang Yuan didn't know whether to refuse the woman. Like an unconscious person, he followed the woman down the peak of heaven. Yulu took Zhang Yuan's hand and walked down the stone ladder step by step and down Qingfeng step by step. Zhang Yuan walked with her hazyly. In his consciousness, he called himself that he could not go with her or with her, but he could not refuse this infatuated woman.

The stone ladder leading to the foot of the mountain is so long. On both sides of the stone ladder, some places are cliffs. In the depths of the cliff, there is also the fog of the valley, and the fog covers the whole stone ladder. The two figures gradually disappeared at the end of the stone ladder, or gradually disappeared in the fog. Under the green peak, in the forest, a woodcutter's song sounded, and the loud song spread all over the forest after the rain. I only heard the woodcutter sing, "The house is covered by several rafting mountains. Songzhu Meilan is so cute.

No one blames me for looking for dry firewood through the forest, or less or more from the world.

You can put money and wine as fast as you want, and the tile bowl is very comfortable. Drunk and lying in the pine yin, no hindrance, no harm, no interest, no hearing of the world, no matter the rise and defeat of the world.

Listening to the woodcutter's song, Zhang Yuan suddenly misses the old days. He used to be a woodcutter when he was in Tianyuan Shenzhou.

"Uncle woodcutter, please come here for a moment." Zhang Yuan opened his mouth and shouted: The woodcutter picked firewood and walked to Zhang Yuan. Zhang Yuan touched it from his waist and then looked in the space ring, but he found that he had no jade coins. Knowing that Zhang Yuan wanted to give the property to the other party, Yuli took out a handful of jade coins and handed them to the woodcutter. After receiving the jade coins, the woodcutter asked happily, "What's wrong with the fairy family asking me?"

Zhang Yuan said, "Three years ago, when I first came to Jiujian Palace, I heard you sing this poem here. Three years later, when I walked down the Jiujian Palace, I also heard you singing this poem here. Can a woodcutter really lie so calmly and carefree?"

The woodcutter suddenly realized, "I remember that I saw you here three years ago, and I didn't expect you to grow so tall three years later. Shangxian, the old man just sings casually in his spare time to make you laugh.

Zhang Yuan said to himself, "Yes, I didn't expect three years to pass in an instant." During his own words, his face was full of vicissitudes.