Sky Robbery

Chapter 26 Pursuit

This is the ferocious demons in the depths of the cold wilderness. The ferocious demons live in caves. They have tens of thousands of valleys, some valleys are inhabited by millions of people, and some valleys are only tens of thousands of people. But no matter how many people there are, the ferocious demon people are like brothers. No matter what, they will not kill each other. The leader of each valley treats his people like relatives, meticulous and is very considerate of them.

In the war outside the wilderness, it can be seen that the strong people of the ferocious demon clan are single-minded. No matter how powerful their opponents are, they will not leave the clan and escape by themselves. When Boss Shang insisted on repaying the clan with death, countless strong men under his hands did not hesitate and decided to die with Boss Shang. From these places, it can be seen that the group of the demon clan One heart is like a brotherhood of a family.

After seeing these scenes, Zhang Yuan couldn't help sighing, "With such a heart, there is no need to worry about the loss of race." Quietly leaving the Yanbo Valley, he walked for dozens of miles, but saw another valley in front of him. The valley was more than ten times wider than the Yanbo Valley and 10,000 meters away from the valley. Several powerful divine consciousnesses swept towards Zhang Yuan. He hurriedly hid his breath and avoided the exploration of these divine consciousnesses in time.

These divine consciousnesses are sent out by some strong people in the valley for the safety of the people. It will not be long before these strong people will explore the movement outside the valley.

From the previous leader's words, he learned that their ferocious demon clan had tens of thousands of valleys. Zhang Yuan wanted to sneak into the valley and then look around for the traces of Aunt Qing. Although he suspected that Aunt Qing was a ferocious demon, he was still not sure. Because Aunt Qing's breath is obviously human, and the luster of Aunt Qing's eyes is no different from that of the human race. The breath can be disguised, but the color of the eyes cannot be disguised.

At least Zhang Yuan has not heard of which strong man can change the luster of his eyes. Because "the luster of the eyes comes from the soul. No matter how powerful you are, you can't change your soul. The soul is the source of a person's life. If the origin of life is changed, it will no longer be the same person, so any strong man against the sky will definitely not do so."

Thinking of this joint, Zhang Yuan hesitated whether he would still sneak into the ferocious demon clan. He walked around the valley for a long time, and his thoughts were hesitant. Zhang Yuan came to the back of the valley, but he saw a flying jade-like waterfall rolling down from a cliff, and thousands of splashes scattered on the ground full of sand and stone.

Hearing someone talking in front of the waterfall, Zhang Yuan carefully walked forward dozens of meters, only standing beside the water, a man and a woman, both of whom were about fifteen or sixteen years old. Zhang Yuan was simply surprised by the boy's cultivation. He was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and his cultivation was actually a strong man in the early stage of Yunxiao. Thinking that at his age, his cultivation was not just a foundation period. At the beginning of the sect, he was ridiculed as a bun.

I only heard the girl say, "Big Cong, what did you ask me to come out?" After saying that, the girl put her mouth on her back and waited for the boy to answer with a smile.

The man looked at the girl reluctantly and then said, "Xiaofeng, I'm leaving, but if you let you go, I will always remember you."

Hearing that the boy was leaving, the girl said anxiously, "Why? Am I not good? Don't you want to see me?" After saying that, the girl seemed to cry, and tears couldn't help falling down.

The boy seemed to have unbearable parting and said, "It's not that you are not good, but that I have a mission. The ferocious Lord chose me to go to the Holy Land to practice. I want to become stronger. I want to be strong. I want the clan. One day, I will kill all the human race and take back everything we should have." Speaking of this, the boy looked at the girl and said, "Xiaofeng, do you know what the outside world is like?"

Xiaofeng shook her head and said she didn't know. After gritting his teeth indignantly, the boy said, "It's the world of the human race outside. They eat rice, live in houses, use luxury goods, and wear gold and silver. And what about us? We eat wild vegetables and grains, live in caves, use nothing, and wear nothing. Why? Why do we live so poorly while the human race lives so well? I don't accept it. The world is ours. The hateful human race still refuses to stop forcing us to this predicament, and even the only cave we have to come and smash it.

The more the boy said, the more angry he became. His blue veins burst out and he was furious. Even the girl Xiaofeng hates what the human race has done at this time. She has no power to bind the chicken. If she has a sword in her hand at this time, she will definitely kill the strong man of the human race without hesitation, and then shout angrily, "Give me back my rivers and mountains,"

The boy resolutely turned around and left. From then on, he was determined to embark on the road of restoration. Looking at the boy's distant figure, Xiaofeng shouted, "Big bush, will you still come back? You must come back. I will always wait for you to come back in the clan, and then you take me to walk on the territory of the human race and grab all their beautiful things for me.

The distant figure suddenly paused for a moment, and then the boy shouted, "Don't worry, I will come back. I will take you to the territory of the human race, and then grab all their good things to you, because I only deal with the big bushes of the demon clan." After saying that, the boy didn't look back and strode forward.

Listening to the words of the big crowd, Zhang Yuan felt a lot, "In this world, there is no right or wrong, only strength. If the human race is far less than that of the ferocious demons, then the end will be like this."

Looking at the infatuated alien woman in front of him, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but think of "Yu Li, Yuli is also deeply in love with himself, but he has hurt her several times." A sense of guilt surged into Zhang Yuan's heart.

After waiting for the girl Hui, Zhang Yuan continued to walk forward. He originally wanted to sneak into the valley, but it was too risky, because there was only one entrance to the valley. If he mixed in, it was easy to be found. The demon clan has tens of thousands of settled valleys, and Zhang Yuan believes that it is impossible for every valley to be so difficult to enter.

After walking through this valley, Zhang Yuan found several valleys in a row. The deeper he went, the larger the valley was, and the more people lived there. In the fourth valley, he even found the existence of a strong spirit. Most of the leaders of the outer valley were not high, but with his deepening, whether it was the leaders of the valley or the people of the valley, their strength gradually became stronger.

Unconsciously, two days passed by, and Zhang Yuan also went thousands of miles into the place where the ferocious demons lived. Along the way, what he saw was the brotherly unity of the alien race. Every time he saw this, Zhang Yuan would ask himself sadly, "Why is our human race not so united? Is it true that tree poop will branch?

Suddenly, a high-sounding horn sounded. In dozens of valleys nearby, countless young men and women ran out one after another. These men and women were all dressed in strong clothes, and thousands of people gathered towards the sound of the horn at the same time. Zhang Yuan kept a long distance from everyone, and he quietly followed everyone.

In a flat place, a strong spirit stood in the wind. Looking at the people gathered from all directions, he smiled a little on his face.

"See the martial arts master," thousands of people gathered together and said:

Tianlingqiang smiled and said, "You are the elites of our clan, so you must undergo very hard training. Only by enduring ordinary people and surpassing their own limits can you become a strong person who can protect the people of the clan."

Under the guidance of Tian Lingqiang, thousands of people began to practice martial arts. They each found an opponent and fought against each other. In the battle, there is no earth-shaking sound, and there is no colorful light. This is a martial art skill, a kind of close combat martial art. No matter how high you are, there is a close battle with your opponent. If the martial arts skills are too poor, it will be troublesome once you are approached by the opponent.

Looking at the crowd fighting with each other, Tianling said harshly, "When fighting with the human race, either he died or you died. Therefore, you have to keep strengthening yourself to kill the strong men of the human race." As soon as he finished his words, thousands of people shouted with hatred: "Kill all the human race, and rivers and mountains..." The eight words have been echoing in the sky.

With the improvement of morale, more than a thousand people practiced more and felt their invincible spirit. Zhang Yuan was also deeply moved. He never thought that the heart of the demon restoration clan was so strong, and the determination to destroy the murder clan was so fierce. At this time, Zhang Yuan felt admirable.

He has been walking in the territory of the evil demon clan for several days. Zhang Yuan has not seen the Lord of Qinglian. In his hurry, he intends to go deeper into the territory of the demon clan. Although he has been here for a few days, he is all on the periphery. He believes that people like the Lord of Qinglian should live in the deepest place.