Sky Robbery

Chapter 27 Cold

As soon as he turned around and wanted to continue to go deep into the hinterland of the demon clan, Zhang Yuan suddenly felt danger, and a vast force came to him. He hurriedly pulled out the golden light sword and wanted to fight with the comer, but he didn't see anyone, so he was dizzy, and then he was dizzy. His body seemed to be disobedient and was drifting quickly. Zhang Yuan was depressed and wanted to control his flying body, but he found that the vast power Quantity is not something you can compete with.

With such a powerful force, Zhang Yuan could only be controlled by the other party. He looked carefully at the situation around him, but it was gray everywhere without a trace of light. The body floats involuntarily, and the square space is full of endless airflows when it is chaotic. Because the speed is too fast, there is a sense of fear in the bottom of the heart, just like an ordinary person suddenly falling from the sky.

In the field of ideas, Zhang Yuan used this magic power, but as soon as the idea was used, he was forced back to his consciousness.

Zhang Yuan was shocked. He didn't even see the other party's figure and was completely controlled by his opponent. From his perception, the distance between the other party and him should be a hundred miles away. That is to say, the other party can easily kill himself a hundred miles away. Such a powerful opponent is the most powerful one in his life. He feels that he has no resistance and simply does not resist, allowing his floating body to fly at a high speed.

Zhang Yuan thought to himself, "If there is such a powerful person, he must be a Daewoo-level strong man who can control the movement of his body a hundred miles apart, which shows that the other party is using supreme magic power and star shift."

In the haze, Zhang Yuan faintly saw a sea. This sea was boundless and never had an end. The green sea, the clouds and fog, and the water columns rising from time to time were all vaguely seen by him. A familiar feeling suddenly surged into his heart. Try to recall, Zhang Yuan

It suddenly occurred to me, "This is the sea of stars,"

Three years ago, the palace owner flew here with himself. It's just that he couldn't figure out at this time, "Who on earth took action on himself?" Why did the person who took action transfer him to the Star Sea? Is it a ferocious Lord?" Thinking of this, he secretly denied that there were only a few big buildings in the world. Even if it was imposed by the three major gods, there would be more than ten people at most.

A very large black hole appeared in front of him. This black hole was boundless. In an instant, Zhang Yuan was transferred to this black hole. As soon as he entered the black hole, his floating body also stopped and stood in the void. The four directions were dark, and the time and space seemed to be still. In the space, there was no breeze, no light, or even floating dust. In a normal space, no matter how peaceful it is, there will be a small amount of dust floating, but it is not here, except for darkness or darkness.

Although it is dark around, Zhang Yuan can barely see miles away with his strong thoughts.

In the silent darkness, he slowly flew down and then stood down. On the ground, these soils looked like soil, like sand, neither soil nor sand. Bend down, Zhang Yuan grabbed a handful of soil and found that the soil was actually very heavy, with the same size, even heavier than the steel outside. Seeing this, he secretly marveled that the soil here was heavier than the iron in the outside world. He had never seen such a strange thing in his life. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he would never have believed such a thing.

The soil on the earth is all black, and the endless earth is not even grass. The scene here is more desolate than the cold and barren.

"What the hell is this place?" Zhang Yuan said to himself: After thinking for a long time, he suspected that this should be a space like a sand world. At the beginning, he strayed into the fantasy world. Although the situation there is different from here, it is essentially the same, and they all belong to another space.

On the dead and lifeless land, Zhang Yuan stepped forward slowly.

After walking for a long time, the surrounding scenery is the same and has not changed at all. Except for the black soil, it is still black soil, as if this world is composed of black soil.

After walking a hundred miles, a vast ocean appeared in front of him. The water was dark blue. There was no wave or surging sea water on the sea. Everything was so quiet. He pulled out the golden light sword and stirred the useless spirit sword in the sea water. Then he was surprised to find that the volume of the seawater was also the same. Heavy. Holding up a little sea water, I feel that the water here is as heavy as the stones outside.

He said in consteration, "It's really strange and incredible. I've seen a lot of strange things, but I'm really rare to see such an outrageous thing." Once in the ghost crying cliff, Zhang Yuan saw skeletons, tree spirits, undead spirits, ghosts, bone birds and three-life stones. But he has never seen a strange thing that the soil is heavier than steel and the sea is heavier than stone.

Looking at the endless ocean, Zhang Yuan was secretly worried. The other party threw him here. I don't know what the purpose was? If he can't go out for three or five months, he will starve to death even if he doesn't suffocate.

Fortunately, the sect gave him a storage ring, in which dozens of jars of good wine were stored. Affected by the environment, Zhang Yuan felt a little irritable. He sat on the ground, took out a few jars of wine from the space ring, and drank alone.

Inadvertently looking up, he was suddenly shocked, and the endless sea in front of him disappeared. At this time, what appeared in front of him was a small cold pool. In the cold pool, there was still the mist. The mist was very cold. When the fog rose to a certain height, it would slowly dissipate. In a dark space. Everything that happens in front of us is silent and real change.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuan was stunned. Such a big ocean disappeared in front of him for no reason, but he was not aware of it at all. He hurriedly used his thoughts to see if all this was true, but when the ideas were carried out, he could clearly feel, "All this is real, absolutely not an illusion."

In such a strange place, Zhang Yuan believed that this place would definitely not be peaceful. He threw down the wine jar in his hand, grabbed the spiritual sword and stood up. The golden sword in his hand emitted thousands of lights and golden brilliant light, lighting hundreds of meters around him. With this sword in his hand, Zhang Yuan was fearless.

Since the appearance of the cold pool, there has been no change. Zhang Yuan did not want to stay in one place for a long time. Previously, he chose to take a break only because he was depressed. At this time, the strange scene suddenly appeared, and he naturally did not want to rest. After staying away from the cold pool, he flew up in the air and flew alone in the dark space. I don't know how long it took. I don't know how many days he flew, but he was still in the dark space.

There is no space for sunshine, no scenery, no surface of creatures, which makes him feel so difficult every moment. During the flight, he rested several times, but as he stayed here longer, he found a more terrible thing. There is no aura here. If the spiritual power in the body is exhausted, even if it waits for thousands of years, it will not recover a little.

If there is no aura, it means that you can't get spiritual resources. This is a matter of life. Without spiritual power, how to ensure your safety. At this moment, he cherished his spiritual power and was reluctant to waste it at all. He came down from the air and chose to walk. Although walking was slow, it was better than consuming spiritual power.

While walking, Zhang Yuan complained, "I really don't know who threw me into such a strange place. Wouldn't it be easier to kill me directly than to play tricks on people like this?"

At this time, he even doubted whether the other party intended to throw himself here and then let himself slowly consume all his spiritual power and die. If so, it is more cruel than killing himself directly."

He had to laugh bitterly at the other party's ability to play tricks on people. After walking for a long time, Zhang Yuan still did not find anything different. Not to mention finding a way out, he couldn't even tell the direction. There are no references around, and all the ground is the same. In addition, it is endlessly dark, so it is easy to distinguish the direction. Feeling a sudden chill, Zhang Yuan couldn't help shivering, which was different from the normal chill.