Sky Robbery

Chapter 65 Request

Xue Furong's sudden invitation, Zhang Yuan and others didn't know what happened to the other party. After three rounds of drinking, Zhang Yuan said, "Fairy, now they have also been drinking three rounds. It's okay to say anything."

Xue Furong smiled and said, "But there is something that needs a few people's help, but the ancients said that if you want to take it, you must give it first. I haven't given any kindness to several people, so it's really hard to say." Xue Furong's expression seemed very difficult and seemed to have something important. She wanted to ask several people for help, but she was afraid that several people would shirk.

Zhang Yuan said, "Although the fairy said it, if we can help, we will certainly not refuse. As for what kind of kindness you said, those are all vulgar gifts. You and I are monks and should put aside these secular concepts."

Zhou Tai and others also said, "Fairy, but it doesn't matter. As long as it's a matter of justice, we will do everything."

Seeing that everyone was so impassioned, Xue Furong smiled and said, "Since everyone is so generous, I would like to thank all your Taoist friends for their kindness." After saying that, Xue Furong sighed, and then stared out of the window. Outside the silent window, the night wind roared, and the fluttering willow catkins danced with the wind. The whole dark world, except for the conversation between several people and the sound of the wind, there was no sound. In the dark, I don't know how many dangers are lurking.

Xue Furong looked out of the window without saying anything for a long time. Her melancholy eyes seemed to see something shocking was happening in the depths of the night.

Zhang Yuan and others also followed her to look out of the window. The more they looked at the night, the more depressed they felt. A feeling of mountain rain coming and the wind all over the building surged into everyone's hearts.

"I'm waiting for this feast, but do you know how many people will die tonight?" Xue Furong said sadly: After saying that, she drank by herself and was sad.

"Fairy refers to those who die for no reason?" Zhang Yuan asked:

Xue Furong nodded and said, "Exactly, I think that nothing has happened since I managed Lei Ze Town, but recently, countless people have died. As their master, I don't have the ability to protect their safety. This is my fault. It's all because of my limited strength and I am a woman."

"Hi!" Zhou Tai said, "I thought it was a big deal. It turned out that the fairy was worried about this matter. The fairy didn't have to worry. I will help you clear up the evil forces."

Zhenwei said firmly, "I promise that I will not leave here if I don't help the fairy complete this matter."

With everyone's guarantee, Xue Furong smiled and said, "I really can't repay the great kindness of your Taoist friends. Furong is here to represent thousands of people and thank several people for their kindness."

Zhang Yuan said, "Fairies don't have to thank us. It is our duty to eliminate adultery and punish evil. Excuse me, fairy, what did those who died suffer and cause death? Although Zhang Yuan's suspicion is caused by fascism, the suspicion is only doubt after all.

Xue Furong said, "These dead people die in a very strange way. Many people still look calm when they die. Obviously, they did not fight with anyone when they died, but a small number of people were extremely ferocious when they died. But whether it is the former or the latter, their deaths have a common feature, and there are no scars on their bodies.

"Is it caused by enchantment?" Zhang Yuan said:

Xue Furong said, "In my opinion, it must be caused by the soul. Other than that, there is really no better reason." After hearing that it was caused by the soul, Zhang Yuan and others all looked ugly and ingested the souls of others, which was not allowed by monks. However, those who have the ability to ingest the souls of others are not ordinary people. When fighting with such people, no one can guarantee that they can retreat completely. Although several people are not greedy and afraid of death, who is willing to There is nothing to die.

Zhang Yuan said, "If it is really caused by the soul, I dare to be the work of Jianhuangmen, because I have seen several disciples of Jianhuangmen arrest souls everywhere. A year ago, I personally rescued some souls captured by them from the land of the wilderness."

"Hmm!" Zhenwei said angrily, "Among the disciples of my Heavenly King Sect, there are also people who were killed by the Jianhuang sect. I have wanted to eradicate this evil sect for a long time."

Seeing the anger of the heroes, Xue Furong showed a smile. She opened her mouth and said, "To tell you the truth, I have long known that this matter was done by Jianhuangmen, but I am weak and can't be outnumbered. Besides, Jianhuangmen is a powerful sect. If I fight against it, it will undoubtedly hit stones with eggs. The reason why I invited several fronts I came to help Lei Zezhen through this disaster with the help of the strength of several people and the sects behind you.

What Xue Furong said is indeed. With her strength alone, she can't compete with Jianhuangmen at all. Although she is the owner of Raze Town, only she can use her own real combat power. In the cold continent, you don't need the name of the orthodox royal family to become the lord of a party. As long as you have the ability, you can find a place and then declare your status.

If Zhang Yuan is willing, he can also go to a town to kill the original owner, and then shout his power. As long as no one can defeat him, he can always be the master of the city, but Zhang Yuan doesn't like these powers.

After Xue Furong understood his original intention, Zhou Tai said, "I'm willing to help you with this. Please ask the fairy to tell me to wait for the task. Let's start to take action and kill the disciples of Jianhuangmen in Leize Town one by one. No matter how strong the Jianhuangmen is, he is not strong enough to compete with the major sects behind us. Strength." Zhou Tai said so. If the eight sects behind the eight people join hands, the Desolation Gate will inevitably be destroyed.

Xue Furong said, "We don't need to be in a hurry to deal with the enchanting thing now. Even if they dement the soul, it won't hurt many people's lives for a while, but at present, we have a very urgent thing to do."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yuankai asked: Since it is more important than the dementor, it must be of great importance.

Xue Furong said, "Jianhuangmen and the demon clan are allies. Everyone must know this, right?" This matter is known all over the world, and Zhang Yuan and others naturally know it.

"Of course I know." Zhou Tai and others said:

"So since it is an alliance, it is inevitable that the desolation family will have to work for the demon clan, right?" Xue Furong added:

Zhang Yuan said, "Of course,"

Xue Furong said, "But have you ever seen Jianhuangmen working for the demon clan?" Zhang Yuan and several people have indeed not seen this. It is said that Jianhuangmen is an ally of the demon clan, but Jianhuangmen has never done anything to the demon clan.

Everyone thought for a moment, and then everyone shook their heads. Zhang Yuan said, "Fairy, don't have to beat around the bush. If you have something to say, just say it."

Xue Furong said, "The reason why the desolation gate did not work for the demon clan is that the time has not come. If necessary, they will naturally do something that endangers the overall situation of the human race."

"Is the matter you asked us to help also have an indirect relationship with the demon clan?" Zhou Tai said:

Xue Furong said, "Let me tell a few people slowly. This matter has to start with Tianxue Mountain."

After hearing Tianxue Mountain, Zhang Yuan and several people remembered the recent actions of the demon clan. Eight of them came to Leize Town this time to go to Tianxue Mountain.

I only heard Xue Furong say, "I don't know why the strong people of the demon clan have gathered in Tianxue Mountain recently. At the beginning, the human race had not paid attention to this matter, but as the demon clan's behavior became bigger and bigger, the strong people of the human clan began to take action. Not long ago, the Henggu family sent another secret letter, inviting the right path of the world to go to Tianxue Mountain to destroy the demon clan. With the call of the Henggu family, the strong people of the human race came to the peak.

For the Henggu family, Zhang Yuan did not know about the secret letter calling for the world to be righteous, because he walked out of the Jiujian Palace and violated the patriarchal rules. Now he can be said to be guilty.

Zhou Tai said, "Yes, the Henggu family is the right way to gather in Tianxue Mountain to destroy the demon clan. Otherwise, the sect would not have been sent there."

Xue Furong said, "The strong people of the human race rushed to Tianxue Mountain one after another, so the conspiracy of the demon clan there will inevitably be unimplemented. At this critical juncture, they can't compete with the demon clan of the human race. In order to avoid the danger of being surrounded and annihilated by the human race, they have to ask for help."