Sky Robbery

Chapter 66 strange

"Does the Desolation Gate want to take action against the human race?" Zhenwei was stunned and said: If the Desert Gate really takes action against the human race, then it is really unacceptable. People and gods are angry. In the race war, as the Desertification Gate of the human race, how can it do such a rebellious thing?

Xue Furong said, "Although Jianhuangmen is an ally of the demon clan, they are at least a human race. With this, the owner of his door dares not do so."

Zhang Yuan suddenly realized, "I know that since Jianhuangmen can't directly take action against the strong people of the human race, it is only at this time that they begin to arrest souls. In this way, the right path will certainly not sit idly by. At that time, as long as the right way is to stop it, the pressure of the demon clan will be greatly reduced. This strategy is related to the blood stains of the rising sun city. Birds are really similar. At the beginning, when he was in the Rising Sun City, Boss Shang used such a trick to make the strong people overwhelmed, but the conspiracy of the former was deeper and more cunning than the latter.

Xue Furong said, "Zhang Daoyou is really smart. You can see the mystery at a glance, but you only know one, but you don't know the other."

"Is there anything more mysterious?" Zhang Yuan asked:

Xue Furong said, "At this critical moment, the strong man of the human race will naturally not try his best to stop it. Although the lives of the people are important, tens of millions of people will not hurt the foundation of the human race. But even if one or two of the strong people die, they will hurt the foundation of the human race." What Xue Furong said is very reasonable. It's not a big deal for ordinary people to die millions of people, but those big buildings can't die. If more than a dozen strong people in the nihilistic world die, I'm afraid the human race will go crazy.

"In this case, what should we do to attract the strong people of the human race to stop it?" Zhou Tai asked:

Xue Furong said, "Thousands away from Leize Town, there is a mountain called Wushan. In Wushan, there is a divine stone, which is the divine seal that suppresses the tide of the sea in the star domain. If this divine stone is unprinted, the tide of the star sea will flood the whole cold wilderness, and even the divine continent will be affected. At that time, I'm afraid that the dead people will be countless. Such a great damage will be unbearable for the human race.

"Does the desolation door want to unprint this divine stone?" Zhang Yuan was stunned and said: If so, I don't know how many people will die. On the cold continent, at least hundreds of millions of people live there. Although the cold wilderness is very desolate, many places are smoke-free areas, but it is large. No matter how desolate it is, hundreds of millions of people live on this continent. As for the divine continent, the population is at least 10 billion. Crowd.

In the three major Shenzhou, Tianyuan Shenzhou has the largest number of people. Even if the cold wilderness is added to the Shenhuang mainland, the population is less than 1% of Tianyuan Shenzhou.

Xue Furong said, "According to my detective's report, they found that the people of Jianhuangmen were moving around Wushan. If I guess correctly, I'm afraid that Jianhuangmen is going to untie the divine stone, attract the tide of the Star Sea and flood countless ethnic groups."

Zhou Tai and several people took a cold breath, and it was really cruel to judge the wilderness. They also dared to do such a harmful thing, unraveling the divine stone and triggering the tide of the sea in the star domain, which is ten thousand times more serious than arresting the soul. Jianhuangmen is really abominable. I really don't understand why the righteous and powerful people of the human race not eradicate such a scourge of Jianhuangmen? Zhenwei said angrily:

Zhang Yuan said: "All must pay attention to the bottom line of killing. Even if they kill millions of human races, the righteous people will not pursue it. The more the clan is, the bigger the bottom line of killing, such as some sects where only the spirit is strong, only If you want to kill tens of thousands, you will be destroyed. Few people know about killing the bottom line that this tacit understanding is customized by some super sects by default. Sects such as the Loess Sect and the Heavenly King Church naturally have no right to customize this rule.

Xue Furong said, "If the seal of the divine stone, then the bottom line of the destruction of the wasteland gate will be more than the thunder pool. No one can do the seal of the divine stone. In the whole world, only the seal of the wasteland can be unprinted this divine stone."

Zhang Yuan said: "I understand the meaning of the fairy. Jianhuangmen wants to take the depress as the ear and lure the strong people of the human race to transfer their full energy to Wushan, so that the demon clan can successfully complete the plan of Tianxue Mountain. The fairy does not want to see the end of the cold wilderness turning into an ocean, so she invited us to stop the action of Jianhuangmen together. "

Xue Furong said, "Exactly, but this operation is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be damaged, so I hope you can think twice before making a decision."


Zhou Tai looked up to the sky and smiled and said, "We monks have fought with heaven, which is contrary to the truth. Since we have chosen this extraordinary road, why are we afraid of death?"

Zhenwei and Du Qian said, "Brother Zhou is right. We are willing to go to Wushan to stop this crazy action of Jianhuangmen." Several people also agree that Zhang Yuan is indispensable. Wherever it is to maintain justice and save the world, there is his figure.

"When are we going to Wushan?" Zhang Yuan asked: For him, the sooner he goes, the better, and the later he will change. If the divine seal is untied, everything will be irreparable.

Xue Furong said, "With the strength of our nine people, we are definitely not the opponent of the barren gate. If we go, we will die. Why don't we wait for a few days and wait for a large number of people to go together." To go to Tianxue Mountain, you must pass through Leize Town. However, there are naturally more than eight people going to Tianxue Mountain.

Zhou Tai said worriedly, "I'm afraid that the divine seal will be solved at that time," which is exactly what everyone cares about.

Xue Furong said confidently, "Don't worry, I have arranged my eyes and ears as early as Wushan. At this time, I haven't found the divine seal yet. Once they find the divine stone, I will immediately notify you urgently. At that time, even if there are only nine of us, we must risk our lives."

Wushan is a famous mountain in the cold and wilderness. This mountain spans tens of millions of miles. If you want to find the divine stone, it really takes some time.

After talking for a long time, and it was also in the middle of the night, Xue Furong picked up the glass and said, "It's late at night. That's the end of the story. Thank you for your help. After drinking this glass of wine, let's take a rest in the village for the night."

In order to celebrate the success, Zhang Yuan stood up and drank a glass of wine at the same time. Then everyone left and walked out of Boyuezhuang. Xue Furong originally left eight people to rest in the village, but Zhang Yuan and others refused. Unexpectedly, Xue Furong arranged a carriage to send several people back, and Zhang Yuan also refused her kindness.

With the cultivation of several people, they naturally disdain to take any carriage. When they came, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, they took the carriage. At this time, it was so late at night, so naturally they didn't have to be so careful. Besides, even if they know what can they know? With the strength of the waste gate, knowing and not knowing, the ending is the same. Once Wushan The divine stone will be unsealed by countless strong people in case of accidents.

On the windy street, there was no pedestrian at this time. Each family turned off the lights and closed the door. The whole street was so quiet that there was no movement. The dead leaves of countless ancient trees drifted down with the night wind, and the dead leaves fell on the ground at the moment, emitting a slight sand. The sound.

Eight people walked side by side, and the wide street, even if eight people walked side by side, it was more than enough. Walking on the street in the middle of the night, Zhang Yuan had been thinking about Xue Furong's words in his heart. He felt that these things seemed to be true and false. Even with the status of Xue Furong, even if she knew this, why did she know the movement of Jianhuangmen so much? Question mark And how many people have tried their best to get their own help? The important thing is that as soon as I came out of the star world, I encountered such a big event. When many factors are combined, I always feel a little strange.

"Brother Zhang, how true is what Xue Furong said?" Zhou Tai asked:

Zhang Yuan said, "It turns out that Brother Zhou also has many doubts. To be honest, I feel that this woman's scheming is not as simple as it seems."

"But since we promised her, we have to fulfill it, otherwise we will be laughed at." Zhou Tai said helplessly:

Zhang Yuan said, "As long as it is a big event to save the world, we naturally have to help her. Anyway, no matter what scheming she has, it is always for the sake of the people, so let's wait and see what happens." After thinking that the ultimate goal was to benefit the people, Zhou Tai and others stopped thinking about it and strode towards the inn.