Sky Cultivation

Chapter 291 Canyon of Light

Zhao Tian also smiled: "The student is Zhao Tian!"

"With the strength of the fourth-level martial artist alone, you can break through two levels in a row. No wonder the dean is so optimistic about you, but this third level does not depend on luck alone. Remember that if you are not sure, you must return, otherwise even I can't save you!" The old man in white robe changed his momentum and said seriously.

Zhao Tian also knew that after opening up the space, there was some turbulence in the space. Only the creator or higher than the strength of the creator could be changed, and the elders in the inner court could not do it even if they reached the realm of King Wu.

Zhao Tian nodded seriously. Facing an unknown world, Zhao Tian would never joke about his life.

Miao Yun is also not worried at all, and he doesn't know what's going on. He has always lived on his own, and even his parents have not been too concerned, but in front of Zhao Tian, he is close to this teenager who doesn't have much contact with.

is a deep sense of security, which is not so strong around my parents.

The old man in white robe turned his body, and a momentum like a rising step stretched out on his body. At first, the two of them were no different, but with only three breaths, the momentum of the old man in white robe had reached the point where they looked up.

Zhao Tian was full of golden light and raised the aura in his body to eight layers to relieve the pressure, while Miao Yun's body was shining with white fog, and the surrounding temperature had dropped to an unbearable level for ordinary people.

The old man's hands were tightly together. As the momentum grew, his hands slowly opened until he stopped, and a breath full of ancient floods spread.

Both bodies trembled, which was not only the oppression of ordinary bodies, but also felt a kind of pressure from the depths of the soul, contempt for the sky and submission to it!

Zhao Tian resisted this pressure tightly, and his legs had a feeling of wanting to bow down, but fortunately it was only for a moment, but at this time, Zhao Tian was soaked in sweat.

Miao Yun's face was even pale. His vitality had just been recovered. At this moment, he seemed to have been drained and he was weak. He quickly took out the second-level return elixir given by Zhao Tian, swallowed a few, operated slightly, and his face improved a lot.

The space in front seemed to be summoned by the white-robed old man, as if the space had been torn apart. A blue light curtain half a foot high and seven or eight feet wide appeared in front of the two people, allowing only one person to pass through.

Through this blue light curtain, a breeze blew. Zhao Tian inadvertently took a breath and immediately felt refreshed and strong aura, which made the aura in Zhao celestial body surging.

"What a strong aura!" Zhao Tian couldn't help sighing.

"This is the Canyon of Light, which is a gravity space, and there are constant turbulence and divine light attacks. Remember to return if you can't!" Finally, the old man in white robe explained again when they were about to leave.

Zhao Tian nodded again and pulled Miao Yun to turn around and stepped into the blue curtain.

Looking at the slowly disappearing backs of the two, the old man in white robe exhaled a deep breath: "He has reached the realm of a fourth-level martial artist before the age of 18, and the previous attack method and strength are no less than that of any five-level martial artist, and the miasma can be passed through. Although it is covered by the miasma, he is absolutely Yes, there will not be only this strength, this son will become a great weapon in the future!"

If Zhao Tian knew that his every move in the first and second levels was monitored, he would not be so calm, but the old man in white robes also did not see Zhao Tian wearing ancient jade pendants, otherwise he would not have talked to Zhao Tian so calmly.

As soon as the two stepped into the canyon of light, a strong aura came to their faces, and the aura here has reached a considerable level.

Even the aura in the body was pulled out, and neither of them moved. The aura here is simply a holy place for cultivation. Feel the aura here and slowly integrate into it. The aura in the body is uncontrolled and runs.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Tian slowly opened his eyes, and a deterrent from his soul shot straight into the front, but it was only fleeting.

Miao Yun has already woken up and is looking at Zhao Tian curiously.

Zhao Tian also just looked up, and their eyes were intertwined. Miao Yun quickly dodged, and his cheeks showed a red glow until his neck.

The two have just been at the intersection and have gained a lot, and the aura in their bodies is also much stronger, both of which has been a month or two compared with normal practice. If you go back and consolidate it, it is possible to break through to the middle stage of the fourth-level martial arts, or even in the later stage.

Zhao Tian smiled and looked at the surrounding environment.

First of all, a continuous mountain range that comes into sight. These mountains look a little illusory, hazy, and true and false, giving people a feeling that it is out of reach from a distance. In front of this mountain, there are two thousands of cliffs, nearly thousands of feet, which can only be reached through this canyon. Arrive at the opposite side to complete the third level.

The cliff is 90 degrees vertical. On the mountain rock cliff, there is no grass, but on the other side of the cliff is a deep forest, lush and lush. The towering trees can be seen everywhere, like a primitive deep forest.

There is a huge gap in the environment between the two sides. If it is not visible to your own eyes, it is impossible to believe that there will be such a scenery.

The Canyon of Light, a space forcibly opened up by a dean of the Demon College, the powerful man of Wuhuang, was used for the students of the Demon College, but the whole continent is only respected by the strong, and the inferior can only be eliminated, so the strong man has set up some hands and feet, only to reach the realm. Only with a certain realm can we safely pass through this space.

Zhao Tian and both were shocked by the scenery in front of him, but then they were not too surprised to think that this was opened up by the great power of Emperor Wu.

There was no change around and there was no difference from the outside world, but the two still did not dare to relax and their whole body was alert. As soon as they took the first step, the expressions on their faces changed.

There is a strong attraction in the air. No wonder the aura in the air is so strong. This step is as good as Zhao Tian's full punch.

Each step will leave a deep footprint on the ground and finally walk to the bottom of the cliff, but when they see the front, there is a trace of bitterness on their faces.

Every once in a while, there will be a purple aurora falling from the air and falling to the ground without making any sound or causing any damage, but silently integrating into the ground.

If there is no such gravity in the outside world, Zhao Tian may be able to greatly increase the chance of success with the help of teleportation, but the gravity here is so powerful and the attack is so dense that there is little hope to avoid it completely!

Zhao Tian casually took out a long knife in the universe bag, which was prepared by Zhao Tian in the space ring.

Throw it with one hand and throw it into the canyon.

A beam of light splitting the long knife into two halves, but the second beam turned the long knife into fragments. The third beam directly bombarded the long knife into slag.

Zhao Tian originally held the last glimmer of hope and was also shattered at this moment. The long knife he just threw out is also a good spiritual weapon in the outside world. Although it is only a low-grade, it is enough to increase the attack power of people in the realm of the great martial arts by one or two levels.

But under this beam, I only persisted for less than three breaths this year, which is equivalent to the full blow of a five-level martial artist. If I have received it, I would have been seriously injured.

Miao Yun's face was cold, and there was a slight surprise in her eyes, but as an ordinary strength, she was also a little powerless.

Zhao Tian then went to another place, and the aura under his feet concentrated, without any defense, and he exerted the teleportation method with all his strength.

"Wo!" A broken sound passed through, but it was more than ten times slower than the usual instantaneous step.

Even with the naked eye, Zhao Tian's figure can be seen clearly.

When Zhao Tian experimented again and again, he suddenly remembered that he still had a refined second-speed elixir, with an increase rate of 30%.