Sky Cultivation

Chapter 292 Rank 19

In the mouth, the teleportation method unfolds again, and the speed is three or four layers faster than before, which is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

However, it was still not enough. Zhao Tian looked at the falling beam and muttered with a frown.

I simply practice while watching the law of the falling of the beam and thinking about the policy on the other hand.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Tian only knew that the aura in his body was constantly increasing. Suddenly, Zhao Tian sat cross-legged with a long-lost smile on his face.

"The total length is one kilometer, a cycle of 100 meters, that is, you can rest once a hundred meters away, but the beam attack is too dense to resist at all, but there is always a sparseness in Baimi, and these beams have a breathing pause after falling." Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes, stared at the canyon in front of him, and muttered.

"100 meters, one breath!" Zhao Tian's body flashed and appeared 60 meters away the next second.

"60!" Zhao Tian frowned, and a second-class speed elixir was put in his mouth. His figure was blurred, bringing a shadow in the air, and a breath had appeared 88 meters away.

"There are still more than ten meters left!" Zhao Tian was completely speechless this time. The gravity here is too strong, and his speed advantage can't be exerted at all, and he can't even play the usual ten points.

While Zhao Tian was thinking, Miao Yun, who was practicing, slowly stood up and looked at Zhao Tian, who was thinking. He was a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"I'm a little sure now, but it's still a little short!" Zhao Tianmei tightened and said to Miao Yun.

"What's worse?"

"You must spend 100 meters in one breath! But even if I take the fast elixir, it's still more than ten meters away!" Zhao Tian said solemnly in his tone.

Miao Yun's pearl-like eyes turned slightly, and the next moment the sticky aura in the air became unstable, and a strong smell of medicine came.

Miao Yun took out a mixed milky round elixir from his universe bag. The elixir was only as big as his little finger, but the fragrance of the medicine surprised Zhao Tian for a while.

"I often use the third-level elixir, and it will not emit such aura fluctuation at all. The fifth-level elixir will produce a vision of heaven and earth, and this elixir only has a result, the fourth-level elixir!"

"This is the fourth-level top elixir Yumindan that my father gave me! Increasing my speed by 100% is for me to escape when my life is in danger!" Miao Yun handed the elixir in his hand to Zhao Tian without hesitation.

Zhao Tian was also stunned, and then immediately thought that it was no wonder that the Miao family, as one of the four major families in the imperial capital, for so many years, even if it is not good, some background is still indispensable.

The fourth-level elixir is precious, but Zhao Tian can now practice the third-level elixir. I believe that it won't be long before he can advance to the fourth-level elixir.

"Good! I'll try!" Zhao Tian is not pretentious. He has given his body to himself. He can't pay off what he owes Miaoyun, so he simply doesn't care about this.

The milky elixir melts into water and turns into a cool aura. It does not pour into the abdomen, but goes directly to the legs.

The cool aura tightly surrounded his legs. The cool aura flowed through his body. Zhao Tian felt that his whole body was like staying in a large piece of ice. The cool feeling swept his whole body, and the pores of his whole body opened.

Countless pores are greedily absorbing the aura of air, and a cyan halo appears on their legs, spreading to the roots of the thighs.

The whole body seems to have lost weight and become light, and the gravity effect of this space seems to have become much weaker in it.

Slowly took a step forward and suddenly stepped out of a distance of more than ten meters. Zhao Tian was overjoyed. This is indeed a four-level elixir, which can not only increase his speed, but also has great benefits for physical cultivation.

The teleportation method quietly appeared at the feet, with silky gold in the cyan light, leaving a stream of light in the air, like a very low beam of light.

"About 120 meters!" Zhao Tian smiled and saw the distance he had taken with all his strength. His eyes showed satisfaction, and the tightened eyebrows between his eyebrows also unfolded.

"Miaoyun, come on!" Zhao Tian waved to Miao Yun and motioned Miao Yun to come over.

When Miao Yun knew what Zhao Tian wanted to do, he couldn't help blushing and slowly walked over.

"Come on, I'll carry you behind your back. I'll try our speed!" Zhao Tian did not hide the smile on his face at all. The smile seemed to be the summer sunshine, melting the winter ice.

With Miao Yun on his back, Zhao Tian did not feel any weight. The aura under his feet turned, and the green color was mixed with light gold. His body was light and like nothing. With a flash of his body, he had already disappeared hundreds of meters away.

"One hundred and eight meters!" Zhao Tian smiled, but did not put Miao Yun down, but went directly to the end of the cliff.

"Yun'er, we're going to pass!" Zhao Tian said to Miao Yun in a more intimate tone for the first time.

Miao Yun's cheeks were slightly red, but he did not resist. He had given his body to this man. Although it was just a moment's mistake, after all, he was his first man.

"Ye" He answered softly like a mosquito.

Zhao Tian didn't need to think about it, but he also knew that Miao Yun was a little shy, smiled, his eyes tightened, and stared at the beam in the valley in front of him.

"That's the time!" Zhao Tian said in a low voice.

But the next second, Zhao Tian's body rushed out like a breeze, and the beam fell. The shadow behind Zhao Tian was shattered by the beam, and Zhao Tian had appeared 100 meters away and stayed exactly where he changed his feet.

But after staying tightly for less than a breath, Zhao Tian's figure turned into a remnant again and rushed forward.

Six or seven times in a row, coupled with the threat of the beam, Zhao Tian's whole body was in a tense state, and his spirit reached a peak. He was hit and nothing, but there was still Miao Yun behind him.

The whole body's aura dances crazily, and it doesn't care about waste at all. The whole body's defense is removed, just to increase that glimmer of speed.

After the relay again, after two times, there was only the last 100 meters left. Zhao Tian's eyes were solemn, and his toes were gently on the ground at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, as if a breeze floated by.

brought a burst of dust, and the beam penetrated from the dust, and Zhao Tian's figure had already passed by, leaving only the breeze.

Seeing the transmission array in front of him, Zhao Tian's speed did not slow down at all and rushed straight in.

I don't know who will come out in the 19th place.

"I think Gu Qianhe must be known as a ghost step. Although his speed is not as fast as Xu Da, the captain of the patrol team, and Duan Zhixian, he can compare with less than five people in the inner courtyard. I believe that he will not drag him far in the Canyon of Light."

"I don't think so!" The other man said with some disbelief.

"Oh! So who are you talking about in the 19th place?

"In my opinion, Feng Yunxiao, who ranked 23rd last time, is expected to be listed here!"

"Feng Yunxiao?" The man was stunned and then smiled and said, "Feng Yunxiao is only the peak of the five-level martial arts master. He is light and has only reached the fifth level. How can he compare with Gu Qianhe?"

"Hmm! As far as I know, Feng Yunxiao has raised his strength to a six-level martial artist in this short year, and Ling Yun Qingpiao is the top skill of advanced skills. He has cultivated Ling Yun Qingpiao to six. His light kung is not under Gu Qianhe, and his attack power is even more than Gu Qianhe can compare!

"What! Feng Yunxiao has improved his cultivation and skills in a year!" The people around looked surprised when they heard it.

"Look at the transmission array. I'm really looking forward to it!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone's eyes were attracted.

I saw a man dressed in plain clothes, with a handsome face and a sea of unfathomable momentum, and his eyes seemed to be a black hole in the void, devouring everything.