can shi

Chapter 89 Ten Thousand Jin Family Letter

The Flame Eagle blinked its eyes, spread its huge wings and flew into the sky. After hovering, it disappeared in an instant.

After the Flame Eagle left, Huang Ying asked curiously, "Well, can you understand what it says?" What did it just say?

Huangfu Yuran said faintly, "Just now, the eagle said that it felt the breath of spirit beasts here, but they are all low-level spirit beasts, and those spirit beasts are controlled by human beings."

"You mean that humans control spirit beasts to slaughter your family? Ah! Beast Mountain!" Huang Ying said and grew up in surprise, with her eyes wide open. In this case, Huangfu Yuran will face the Wuji Gate, Tianjian Gate and Wan Beast Mountain, and there are even some unknown sects. Huangfu Yuran's danger can be imagined. It is not realistic to face such a powerful enemy on his own.

Thinking of this, Huang Ying said tentatively, "Yu Ran, we need to think about this matter in the longterm. Maybe you can't deal with it alone. We need to find some helpers, such as the prince, Zhao Xin and others."

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand to interrupt Huang Ying's words and said, "Stop it, this is my own business. How can I bother these brothers? Besides, can I watch these brothers take risks for me so much?

Li Qing's voice came at this time: "Yuran, where did you put these brothers when you said this? Since we are brothers, how can we watch you take risks alone? The so-called no brother is no world. Since you are a brother, your business is our business!"

Huangfu Yuran still shook his head and said, "This is not a matter that can be solved by one or two brothers. I appreciate your kindness, but I can't let you worry about your life for my affairs. Yuran is satisfied to reach out to me when I need help. Thank you, brothers!"

Huang Ying looked curiously at Li Qing who came in and asked, "Aren't you at He's house? Why did you come here?"

Li Qing waved his hand and said, "I have been worried since you left. When the subordinate went back, he talked about the situation here and said that Yuran is very abnormal now, so I rushed over immediately. We didn't expect such a thing to happen. We are all heartbroken.

Huangfu Yuran didn't say anything more, but continued to look for something. Li Qing saw that Huangfu Yuran seemed to be looking for something and asked, "Yuran, what are you looking for?"

Huangfu Yuran did not turn around and said lightly, "I don't know. I can feel what is calling me, but I don't know exactly where it is!" The more you go this way, the stronger it feels. It should be right here, Sister Linger, where is that place?

Linger looked up at the direction Huangfu was facing and recalled, "If you remember correctly, it should be the master's study. Does the master have something left for you in the study?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head. He didn't know if it was really that his father had something left for him. He only knew that when he faced him, the feeling in his heart was the strongest.

Step by step, I walked to the study and felt the throbbing in my heart, but there was a trace of hope in the tension.

Open the door full of cobwebs and step into the dusty room. Looking at the neat study, I eased my violent heart. After all, it is still neat, but no one has cleaned the dust and cobwebs for several years.

Huangfu Yuran closed his eyes and walked to the inner room step by step. There was a desk in the inner room with a pile of books on it. An inkstone was placed on the table, and the ink inside had already dried up. There is a brush on the inkstone. It seems that the writer has left in a hurry to clean up. There is an open book in the middle of the desktop, which is not surprising. Strangely, there is a jade pendant on the book.

When Huangfu Yuran saw the jade pendant, he was sure that this was what he had been calling for. He reached out and picked up the jade pendant placed on the book and blew away the dust on the jade pendant. This jade pendant is round, and a flying dragon is carved in the middle, which is lifelike. When I held the jade pendant in my hand, I felt a coolness in my heart.

Linger only took a look and recognized it and said, "This jade pendant was given to the prince when the prince was full moon. The master has always been with him and never leaves, as if he were a prince, but the master may have any intention of leaving this jade pendant here.

Huangfu Yuran put away the jade pendant and looked at the study carefully to see if he could find anything else. After looking around, I didn't find anything special. I was about to leave when I suddenly thought of why this jade pendant should be placed on the desk? If you still put it on the book, is it possible to keep the secret on the book?

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yuran went back and picked up the book and shook his hand to shake off the dust on it. He just shook it twice and heard something coming out of the book.

Huangfu Yuran bent down and picked up the item that fell on the ground. At a glance, he found that it was a letter. He saw it written on the cover: My son Yuran personally!

Huangfu Yuran looked at the letter, and his hands couldn't help trembling. His father wrote the letter to himself. I just don't know what is written in this letter. I really don't dare to open it for a while. I'm afraid that I will see despair after opening it!

Linger saw Huangfu Yuran holding something there, as if she was still trembling. She walked over curiously and asked, "Yuran, are you all right?" What's wrong?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head gently and handed the letter in his hand to Linger and said, "I found this, but I dare not open it!"

Linger took a look and said in surprise, "It's the letter left by the master to the prince. You should open it and see what the master wants to tell you. Maybe the master knows the reason. Open it, Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran reached out to take the letter returned by Linger, slowly opened the envelope with trembling hands and took out the letter inside. It is only written in the letter:

My son Yuran:

When you see this letter, it should be a few years later. There are some things that my father still needs to tell you.

When my son was born, I don't know why it shocked the world of cultivation. When my son was one month old, many practitioners came to the family, and they all came for you. As a father, I don't know what they saw, but it is undeniable that my son is a superior person. It is not difficult to see that you can talk about it at the age of three, which is a little better than your peers.

Since my son left, the family situation has been getting worse and worse, and my father has thought of this for a long time, so I brought you all the funds in the family when you left. Looking at the withering family, it is also heartbreaking to be a father. I never thought that the century-old family would be destroyed in the hands of a father.

Although the family is not as good as before, the people in the family still stick to this family and persuaded them to find another way out for their father, but no one abandoned the family alone.

In recent years, practitioners have come to the family one after another. Strangely, they never mentioned your business again, but wanted to talk about business with their father. Because my father knows that the purpose of their coming here is still my son, the so-called business is just an excuse. The father rejected all practitioners, and slowly saw killing and brutality in their eyes.

The father knows that this day is still coming. The brothers and sisters in the family are all ordinary people. How can we deal with the killing of practitioners? The father asked them to leave, and no one would listen and would live and die with the family.

Perhaps, when my son returned, I saw a ruin or a dead place. Don't be surprised to see this. These are all expected by the father. He didn't want to escape and avoid it.

Tell my son this is not to avenge my family. My son's responsibility should be heavier than this little hatred. If we are hostile to the whole world of cultivation, I'm afraid there will be no foothold in the world.

When I saw this letter as my father, my son should endure it. If he can, he should endure it. Practice well. If you have enough cultivation to avenge your family in the future, you can let go. My father doesn't want to see my son bear too much burden for this.

My son should remember that people should be worthy of their own hearts. Even a true person can't get rid of the indisputable fact that he is a human being. As long as you feel right, then let it go. There is no right or wrong in this world, it is all the eyes of others.

Remember. Take care of yourself.

Father: Huangfuqing

After reading the family letter in his hand, Huangfu Yuran closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. After sighing, he carefully collected the letter. This is the only thing left by his father, and he should keep it carefully.

The yellow warbler leaned over and asked carefully, "What did the letter say?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head gently and said, "I didn't say anything, just the family's enemies and some words that warned me."

The yellow warbler turned her eyes and said, "Oh, that's it. So what should we do next? Go straight to the enemy?"

Huangfu Yuran still shook his head and said, "No, with our current cultivation, we are just going to die. Brother Li Qing, go back to He's house. Sister Linger, take Huang Ying and Qinger to other places for a walk, which is also a kind of experience.

Linger immediately heard the key point. Among the people arranged by Huangfu Yuran, there was no Huangfu Yuran's whereabouts. He asked, "We are all gone, what about you? Where are you going?"

Huangfu Yuran looked at Linger's anxious eyes and knew that Linger was worried that she would not open the door to kill a person, so he comforted Linger and said, "I won't be with you anymore. I went to 100,000 mountains to discuss some things with Phoenix and Kirin, and I happened to practice there. When the repair is enough for me to extinguish the inorganic door, I will contact you. With that, he reached out and took out a few letters and handed them to the three people respectively.

When the three saw that Huangfu Yuran had decided to go, they did not object to Huangfu Yuran's will, and took over the jade slips handed over by Huangfu Yuran one after another. Linger grabbed Yujian and asked timidly, "Yuran, can I go with you?"