can shi

Chapter 90 Meet Bai Ze again

"You'd better take Huang Ying and the others. Can you rest assured that Huang Ying and Qing'er go out?" Huangfu Yuran abrokenly refused Linger's request.

Li Qing said, "Let me take them. Since Yuran has decided to leave alone, it's hard for me, Li Qing, to say that I must not follow you. I have nothing to do, and it's okay to take them around.

Huangfu Yuran didn't seem to want to say anything more. He turned around and walked out. At the same time, he said lightly, "It's up to you. You can finish the matter of the He family first."

Huangfu Yuran is right. If Li Qing wants to go out now, he must first obtain the consent of the He family. Li Qing scratched his head, curled his lips awkwardly and wanted to say something. Finally, he didn't say anything and walked out behind Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran is going to say goodbye to Uncle Chen now. Since the family no longer exists and he comes back, Uncle Chen should also enjoy ten thousand years. Huangfu Yuran thought of his endless silver tickets and thought of giving some money to Uncle Chen to let him spend the rest of his life safely.

Everyone returned from the backyard to the door of the cabin where Uncle Chen lived in front of him. Huangfu Yuran suddenly had an ominous feeling and screamed, "Uncle Chen!" He rushed a few steps and pushed the door and stepped in. In his eyes, Uncle Chen lay peacefully **, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this, Huangfu Yuran breathed a sigh of relief, and Uncle Chen just fell asleep. But the next moment, Huangfu Yuran frowned, because the cabin was full of the smell of death, and Uncle Chen was definitely not as simple as falling asleep.

Huangfu Yuran tentatively whispered Uncle Chen twice, but there was no response. He looked carefully at Uncle Chen's chest without breathing pulse. Only then did Huangfu Yuran feel that something was wrong. He went to the bedside and stretched out his hand to probe. As a result, Uncle Chen had no breath and his body was cold. Obviously, he had gone.

Huangfu Yuran silently stepped back two steps and bowed to Uncle Chen. Uncle Chen has also done his best to die. For the sake of the family, Uncle Chen also persisted to the end. On this alone, Uncle Chen can afford this gift.

Several people following came in and asked, "Yuran, what's wrong with Uncle Chen?" Several people walked slowly and only heard the exclaim of Huangfu Yuran before.

Huangfu Yuran said with a sad expression on his face, "Uncle Chen passed away."

Huang Ying opened her eyes and said incredulously, "How could this happen? Wasn't it okay just now?"

"Uncle Chen has also worked hard for his family, and may have come to the end of a strong crossbow. Just to wait for the prince to come back, which made him stick to this belief. Now that the prince is back, Uncle Chen's tense heartstrings have been relaxed and can no longer support it. Linger also saluted Uncle Chen.

Several people buried Uncle Chen in the backyard, which also fulfilled Uncle Chen's dream. Uncle Chen has always wanted to be with his family brothers. If he couldn't do it before his death, he will be together forever after death.

After dealing with these things, it was completely dark. The Huangfu family under the night gives people a cold feeling, and no one dares to approach this generation.

Huangfu Yuran said hello to several people and was about to leave, but Li Qing refused to let Huangfu Yuran stay at He's house for one night and leave early tomorrow morning. Huangfu Yuran couldn't resist Li Qing and had to agree.

Early the next morning, Huangfuyu quietly left the He family. No one told him and left silently. Linger, who came to wake him up, looked at the empty room with a little more loss in her eyes.

Are you so busy that you don't even refuse to say anything? Linger thought so, but no one heard her heart anymore.

Huangfu Yuran left the He family early in the morning and went straight to the outside of Jinling City. After leaving the city, he directly rose up with his sword in the air. When he came, he was afraid of shocking the world, so he flew with his air. The speed of the imperial sword is obviously much faster than that of the imperial qi, and the whole person turns into a streamer and floats away into the distance.

In this way, I flew all the way for a few days, and when I met the town, I stopped to take a break. In the next few days, I also walked a lot, and I thought it was not too far from 100,000 mountains.

On this day, Huangfu Yuran stopped in a small town called Zhongyu City and walked on the noisy street. Listening to the hawkers' shouting, Huangfu Yuran was not interested at all. Walking in the crowd with an indifferent face, all the strange eyes floating beside him were ignored. I don't know when the two wisps of black hair on Huangfu's temples had turned snow-white, which particularly attracted the eyes of passers-by. However, seeing Huangfu Yuran's indifferent eyes, everyone automatically retreated.

"Huangfu Yuran, can you come and talk about it?" An old but energetic voice came, and Huangfu Yuran frowned gently. I don't know who else recognizes himself in this small city?

Following the sound, I saw a small table on the roadside, with a cloth flag standing next to it, with two sentences written on it: the iron-toothed god is credible, and I know myself in my past and present life. There are several yellow books and a gossip-like thing on the small table, and there is a signature tube next to it. Behind the table sat an old man dressed in a green robe, with his snow-white hair tied into a bun wrapped in a square scarf. There are not many wrinkles on the old man's face, which is a little inconsistent with his white hair.

At this time, the old man was looking at Huangfu Yuran with a smile on his face. Huangfu Yuran looked at the old man curiously and made sure that he did not recognize the man. He thought he had heard it wrong and shook his head and turned around to leave. At this time, the old man said, "Slowly, young man, can you listen to me?"

Huangfu Yuran stopped and turned around and saluted the old man and said, "Is my father-in-law a boy?"

The old man nodded and pointed to the stool in front of the small table and said, "Young man, can you sit and listen to me talk about the past of the world of cultivation? Maybe these will be useful to you.

Huangfu Yuran frowned. Now all he needs is about the world of cultivation. How did the old man know this? With curiosity, Huangfu Yuran sat opposite the old man and motioned the old man to continue.

The old man smiled and said, "Before that, I first divinationed for the prince. I don't know if the prince can believe this?"

"Sometimes there must be a hit, and there is no time to force it in life. Believe it, but if you don't believe it, there is nothing. Huangfu Yuran did not answer the old man's words directly, but said this inexplicably.

The old man laughed and said, "Well said, a good hit sometimes has to be there." With that, he reached out and grabbed Huangfu Yuran's palm and motioned Huangfu Yuran to spread his palm and lowered his head to study Huangfu Yuran's palm.

Half a day later, the old man raised his head, frowned and muttered curiously, "What a strange palm that even I can't see through."

Huangfu Yuran asked indifferently, "How about you, father-in-law?"

The old man lowered his head and thought for a moment and said, "I see that you are dark and dead above your head. This is an ominous omen. There may be a disaster in the near future. We should find a way to resolve this disaster, but I can't see anything from your palm. Your palm is so messy. I can see what is going to happen, but I can't see the result of it. What death has the teenager been to recently?

Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "My father-in-law is right. The boy has indeed gone to the dead." The current situation of the Huangfu family can also be called a dead place.

The old man nodded and said thoughtfully, "No wonder there are so many souls behind you."

When Huangfu Yuran heard this, his back was chilled and asked in surprise, "What does my father-in-law mean?"

The old man waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, no one can see these things. These souls may not have become souls. They are the resentment gathered after death, but they are conscious but will not attack others. As long as the purpose they want is achieved, they will disappear between the world. Eh? Why is there a new soul? This person has only passed away for half a month.

When Huangfu Yuran heard the old man's words, he thought of the brothers and sisters buried in the backyard of the family, and then heard the old man say that there was a new dead soul, and naturally thought of Uncle Chen, who had just passed away. They followed themselves, perhaps just to see themselves revenge for the family.

The old man ignored Huangfu Yuran and continued: "The disaster that will happen in the near future can still be avoided. As long as you endure and remember my words, before your cultivation is not enough to challenge the whole world of cultivation, you will talk about the world behind closed doors. Otherwise, you will be trapped on the front line of life and death.

Huangfu Yuran has been bowing his head and considering the old man's words. What the old man said is already obvious, that is, he will face the whole world of cultivation. Wait, the whole world of cultivation? Could it be that this free school also participated in the massacre of the Huangfu family? If that's the case, I really have to endure it for a while.

The old man looked at the unpredictable expression on Huangfu Yuran's face and knew what he seemed to think of. He said faintly, "Maybe it's really as you think, but don't care too much. The world is unpredictable. No one can say what will happen in the future. Even I dare not assert what the future development will be, let alone others!"

Huangfu Yuran nodded to the old man and hugged his fist and said, "My father-in-law's words today, I woke up the boy, and I thanked him here. I don't know what else my father-in-law knows? Can you tell the boy together?"

The old man guessed that Huangfu Yuran would ask this and said with a faint smile, "What I want to say next has nothing to do with human beings."

"It has nothing to do with human beings? I don't quite understand what my father-in-law means.

"The next place you are going is 100,000 mountains, right? Things there are not as harmonious as you think, and the things you arranged are not going well. After you go, you will understand that Phoenix and Kirin have given up their previous life and reached a consensus because of your existence. The old man Shiran said this.

Huangfu Yuran's eyes widened in surprise. No one knew what he had arranged in the 100,000 mountains except Linger. So he asked curiously, "Do you dare to ask your father-in-law's name?"

"Have you not heard my voice yet? "Old man Bai Ze."