can shi

Chapter 276 Marching Array

Lin Yang did not take over the handsome seal, but waved his hand and said, "You deserve it. No one here can take on this heavy responsibility except you."

Huang Ying looked at Lin Yang with slanting eyes and said faintly, "Are you praising me or satirizing me?" Who in the world doesn't know that your fourth prince knows the art of war and has a good opinion on the march, but you say that no one is suitable to lead the three armies?

Lin Yang pointed to his nose and said with a smile, "Me? Don't put such a hat on me. My little trick is okay to deceive children. The real war that determines life and death is not enough. Do you admit that your wisdom is not as good as Lin Yang and admit defeat? Lin Yang thought that all practitioners were competitive, so he tentatively provoked.

When Huang Ying heard what Lin Yang said, she immediately took back the handsome seal and held it in her arms and raised her head and said, "How is that possible? When did my Huang Ying admit defeat? Isn't it just leading troops to war? Let me show you what the goddess of war is! It's a mistake for the Ming filial piety empire to come here!" When he said this, Huang Ying's eyes shone with cold light, as if what he saw in front of him was victory.

Lin Yang smiled softly, nodded secretly, and then shouted, "All the generals obey the order!"

Hearing Lin Yang's shout, everyone present stood up and looked at Lin Yang, waiting for Lin Yang to announce his decision. Lin Yang cleared his voice and said loudly, "Tomorrow, the Mingxiao Empire will arrive at the city of Cangmu. I have handed over the seal to Princess Yuxin, and all the soldiers will obey the orders of Princess Yuxin. Those who disobey the order, behead!"

The soldiers answered in unison. This is an order. Those who violate the order will be killed. I don't think anyone will joke about their lives.

Huang Ying turned her eyes and looked at Lin Yang and said, "Lin Yang, you gave me this power. What are you doing? You don't have to obey my orders, do you? Then I can't stand it!" Huang Ying talked to Lin Yang as if laughing.

Lin Yang's eyes turned around, smiled mysteriously and whispered, "No, we have other tasks that want me to obey you. Let's win this battle first!"

Huang Yingbai glanced at Lin Yang and snorted, "Don't be happy too early. Remember what you said. If I win this war, you will obey me!" Haha, I really haven't tried to summon the feeling of a prince!" Hearing this, Lin Yang's back was chilled, as if he had foreseen that he was going to suffer.

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "My Marshal Huang, you can say whatever you say. Now you can do the deployment first, and let the Qin soldiers know that Marshal Huang is worthy of his name. Lin Yang said the truth. Suddenly, he gave the position of marshal to Huang Ying. Naturally, many soldiers of Daqin would be unconvinced.

Huang Ying nodded and turned over his hand and received the general's seal in the Qiankun bag. She looked around the generals and said, "It is a taboo for soldiers to change the commander-in-chief before the war, but it is difficult for the fourth prince to believe in me so much. So I will simply do the pre-war deployment here. Who is responsible for the round-city sentry?

A shrewd middle-aged general stood up and said, "Marshal, the sentry is in charge of the last general."

Huang Ying nodded gently to signal the general to sit down and said, "Just walked all the way, I took a small look at the arrangement of the sentry, which is generally good." Speaking of this, Huang Ying stopped and turned her head to look at the general and saw the general's face with joy, so she continued to say, "But... there are still many omissions. The distance between sentries is too far, so there will be many visual blind spots. Although there are many dark sentries, they still can't cover everything. There are also some places that must have sentries but are not arranged. For example, there should have been a sentry at the southwest corner of the city wall, but there happens to be a place that other sentries can't take care of. If the other party breaks through from there, we can only be beaten passively!" Huang Ying's words had no intention of criticism, but it scared the general.

The general immediately stood up and said respectfully, "The last general will arrange this matter as soon as he goes back."

Huang Ying waved her hand and said, "Today is different from the past. I don't know when the army of the Mingxiao Empire will come to the city, so it must be comprehensive. After you go back, send more people to increase sentries to ensure five steps, one guard and ten steps to one sentry above the city wall. Also, how long does it take to change the post?

"Marshal, change your post once every two hours."

"Well, from today, it will change for an hour during the day and half an hour at night. Night is the weakest time for people, and they will also feel tired when they stand guard for a long time. Huang Ying thought for a moment and said.

After the general took the order, he sat down. Huang Ying thought for a moment and asked loudly, "Who will lead the Archer Camp?"

Another slightly thin general stood up and hugged his fist and said, "Marshal, the last general is fully responsible for the shooter camp."

Huang Ying waved her hand and smiled and said, "How many people are there in your archer camp? How about archery?

The general bowed his head and replied slightly, "Marshal, there are 20,000 archers in the archer battalion, of which eight thousand archers are excellent in shooting, and they can pass through Yang in a hundred steps!"

Huang Ying knew that his words were a little exaggerated. The crossbowman can't practice a hundred steps through Yang overnight, and she said with a smile: "A hundred steps through Yang? Well, after going back, count 5,000 archers and be on standby at any time. Once they find that the army of the Mingxiao Empire is close to the moat, let them enjoy our rain of arrows! So is the Cangyun Empire. Go back and count 5,000 archers on standby at any time. With that, he turned his head and nodded to a general of the Cangyun Empire.

Then Huang Ying slowly got to her position, and everyone thought that Huang Ying's arrangement had been completed. Unexpectedly, Huang Ying just sat down and asked, "Who is responsible for the shield armor soldiers, spear soldiers and cavalry?"

As Huang Ying finished speaking, three armored generals stood up and said, "Marshal, the last general is in charge of shield armor soldiers (long gun soldiers, cavalry)."

Huang Ying reached out and pulled her long hair that slipped out of her helmet and asked, "Have you ever practiced formation?" Seeing the three generals nodding, Huang Ying continued, "It's the best. The cavalry troops are ready to take the lead in charging in order to disrupt the opposite formation." The so-called Stinger Array is that there is only one cavalry leader in front of the head, and two up to three in the back row, so that they form a long array, and the flanks randomly have cavalry out of the long array.

One of the three generals who stood up bowed and said, "Take the order." Then he sat down.

Huang Ying continued: "The shield armor soldiers and the spear soldiers cooperate to form a small nine palace array. The shield armor soldiers defend and protect the spear soldiers inside, and the spear soldiers attack, but any approaching enemy will die in chaos! You also need to charge into the battle and be psychologically prepared.

The remaining two generals shouted at the same time, "For the reputation of Daqin, we will fight to the death!"

The yellow warbler clapped his hands and said, "Okay! That's heroic! Make these preparations before the war. It's hard to say the variables that appear in the battle. At that time, let's watch me act! All right, let's get ready."

The soldiers left one after another. Huang Ying turned her head and said to Lin Yang, "My fourth prince, do you think my arrangement is feasible? Does it need to be improved?

Lin Yang smiled and said, "Marshal Huang is far-sighted. How dare I assert that Marshal Huang's arrangement is very appropriate and I admire it." If you are serious, you have to bow and salute.

Huang Ying saw that Lin Yang, Huangfu Yuran and a group of practitioners had something to say, and she didn't want to let herself know, so she waved her hand and said, "Ok, don't compliment me. You can talk about yours. I'm a little tired and go back to have a rest first." Huang Ying was telling the truth. As soon as she woke up, she cried and then was called here before she could breathe.

After Huang Ying left, Lin Yang touched Huangfu Yuran with his shoulder and said with a smile, "Yuran, do you regret rejecting her? Huang Ying is a rare good woman, resourceful and knowledgeable..."

Huangfu Yuran rolled his eyes and shook Lin Yang away and said, "It's not right, is it? Your Highness, are you still in the mood to make such a joke with me now that the army is under pressure? My Huangfu Yuran can't calm down. I don't want to let her down.

Lin Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, okay, it's reasonable. Have you considered Huang Ying's feelings? ..." Seeing Huangfu Yuran staring at himself, he immediately turned around and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about the situation we will face next.

Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "The battle between practitioners does not want a war only seen by ordinary people, and the battle between practitioners is full of variables and even more dangerous. So I don't recommend pouring out immediately. Let the two of us go out to see the situation first. If not, it's not too late for them to go.

As soon as Huangfu Yuran finished his words, several practitioners stood up almost at the same time and said, "No, I don't agree. This is too dangerous. We can't let you take risks alone.

Huangfu Yuran frowned and said naturally, "It's because it's too dangerous that I can't let you go. It's just right for Lin Yang and me to go."

No matter what Huangfu Yuran said, Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Yuran, stop talking about it. You can't be the first to rush out."

Huangfu Yuran didn't understand why Lin Yang had to oppose his opinion and asked with a puzzled face, "Why?"

Lin Yang counted his fingers and said, "First, this is the confrontation of practitioners. It's too dangerous, and your mission does not allow you to rush to the front. Second, we don't know how many people there are. Isn't it useless for you to go? Third, you also speculate that they are here because of you, and you will be self-defeating if you rush out. In that case, you will not be the only one who is dangerous, but all the practitioners and even the people of Cangmu City will be affected. Think about it yourself, Yuran, and put the overall situation first.

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and thought about it. He looked up and asked, "Who will go?" Do I sit idly by and ignore you when I watch you take risks?