can shi

Chapter 277 Night Attack on Cangmu

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Brother Li and I will go out first. If the opposite side is full of little guys, it will be dismissed by the two of us. If there are too many people, it's not too late for you to go out. You just stay in the tower to watch the battle. If we are in danger, you can immediately go to support us. Do you think it's okay?

Huangfu Yuran thought for a long time and always felt that it was inappropriate, but he couldn't say how to deal with it. He could only nodded helplessly and said, "Well, that's all you can do, but remember that if you can't resist, don't resist. I don't want to see anyone fall in this war."

Lin Yang patted Huangfu Yuran on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Well, you worry too much. How can I be willing to be glorious and rich as a prince?" Don't worry, I'm very greedy and afraid of death!" Lin Yang actually said this just to comfort Huangfu Yuran. Lin Yang has never been afraid of anything.

Now that the matter has been decided, there is no need to continue to struggle. After a few chats, everyone went back to their own residences. They need to refresh themselves for tomorrow's war.

When Huangfu Yuran returned to his residence, he suddenly found that Huang Ying was still in his room and was now lying in his ** sleeping peacefully. Huangfu Yuran sighed gently and sat cross-legged in the open space by the bed and gradually entered a state of meditation. Since Huang Ying has entered a state of deep sleep, there is no need to wake her up and let her sleep.

What Huangfu Yuran didn't know was that the moment he closed his eyes, the yellow warbler lying in ** gently opened his eyes. Huang Ying turned her head and silently looked at Huangfu Yuran, who was meditating. Her eyes were full of tears. She slowly closed her eyes. Tears slid down her cheeks and soaked the green silk on her pillow.

In the middle of the night, Huangfu Yuran, who was meditated, suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly left the room and ran to the gate. Just now, Huangfu Yuran felt a slight undesirable Zhenyuan fluctuation, and was afraid that something would happen and come in the direction of the Zhenyuan fluctuation.

Huangfu Yuran went directly to the wall, but did not feel the breath of life, and there was a dead silence around him. Against the backdrop of the night, the surrounding environment is even more profound and horrible.

Huangfu Yuran went far and didn't find a living person. At this time, he felt something wrong. During the day, Huang Ying clearly ordered five steps, one post and ten steps a whistle, but now he obviously didn't see the so-called sentry.

Huangfu Yuran frowned and slowly approached a sentry. When he approached, he saw the two people lying on the ground. Huangfu Yuran was shocked and appeared beside them. He squatted down to carefully examine their situation.

Although the two are still warm, they have no breath for a long time, and they are obviously out of breath. Huangfu Yuran looked over the two several times and did not find any obvious wounds, but he didn't know how they died.

Huangfu Yuran stood up, ran to another sentry, and found that the situation was exactly the same as the sentry just now. Then Huangfu Yuran looked at several sentries in a row, and the situation was exactly the same. This made Huangfu Yuran depressed. He didn't see any wound, and he couldn't be sure who did it.

Huang Fuyu frowned and meditated on something, and suddenly there was a sound of his clothes breaking in the air. Huangfu Yuran's eyes were cold, and he raised his hand and shot out a Zhenyuan. Only a "ding" sound was heard, and the sound of Zhenyuan hitting the weapon came.

Then a figure rushed out and fell next to Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran, who raised his hand to stop him from going to do it, whispered, "Yuran, it's me!"

Hearing Lin Yang's voice, Huangfu Yuran took back the Zhenyuan that had condensed on the palm of his hand. Lin Yang whispered, "Do you also feel it? Have you found anything?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said faintly, "No, I just came here. These people died strangely and couldn't find any wounds all over their bodies." With that, he also pointed to a corpse lying not far away.

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "If you look carefully, there may be some clues left." With that, he looked at the body over and over several times, and finally shook his head and sighed.

Just as Lin Yang turned his head to say something to Huangfu Yuran, he seemed to catch a glimpse of blood marks at the corners of his eyes, "Oh?" Lin Yang swung and turned around again to turn the body over. Huangfu Yuran saw Lin Yang's strange behavior and came over and asked, "What's wrong? Did you find something?"

Lin Yang stretched out his hand and pressed the neck of the corpse, pointed to the throat knot more than an inch and said, "Look here!" Huangfu Yuran stared and found that there was a hair-like red line in the place Lin Yang was pointing to. He didn't know what was special about it, so he shook his head and said, "What does this mean?"

Lin Yang sighed and said faintly, "This is just an appearance. Look at it now!" With that, Lin Yang stretched out his hand and pinched the neck of the corpse with his thumb and forefinger, gently squeezed it hard, and suddenly the red line cracked, and a stream of blood gushed out of the crack.

Lin Yang withdrew his hand and asked, "Do you understand what's going on? That's not a red line at all, but a real wound, a fatal wound. Yu Ran, what did you think of?

Huangfu Yuran squinted at the wound on the neck of the corpse, and then went to the other bodies to take a look. The situation was the same. Huangfu Yuran said lightly, "The traceless sword... is from Shura Hall!"

Lin Yang nodded gently and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a sound from outside the city. Lin Yang looked cold and shouted softly, "Someone!" With that, he was about to rush to the place where the sound came.

Huangfu Yuran stretched out his hand and took Lin Yang and said, "It's the people of the Mingxiao Empire. They are filling the moat!" Huangfu Yuran reached out and took the signal tube used for communication on the sentry post and pulled it to the sky. A gorgeous illumination bomb rushed to the sky with a sharp roar.

This scream completely broke the tranquility of the night, and the city of Cangmu suddenly fell into chaos. Daqin's army was also a well-trained army. After a moment, they knew that something had happened to the city wall, and there was even a night attack. So in an instant, thousands of crossbowmen rushed out of the barracks with bows and rushed to the city wall. At this moment, all the practitioners flew to the wall and stood beside Huangfu Yuran and Lin Yang.

Huang Ying didn't sleep much. When Huangfu Yuran left, Huang Ying knew, but she didn't feel the fluctuation of Zhenyuan and didn't know what Huangfu Yuran went out so late. When I heard the sharp roar of the signal bomb, I knew that something was really wrong, and a thrill rushed out of the room.

Huang Ying came to Huangfu Yuran and asked, "What's going on?" What's going on?"

Huangfu Yuran did not answer Huang Ying's question, but stretched out his hand and pointed to the two corpses lying on one side. Just when Huang Ying was stunned, a fireball appeared in Huangfu Yuran's palm and flew out of the city wall with the sound of wind as Huangfu Yuran shook the fireball on his arm.

With the help of the faint fireball, everyone saw the soldiers of the Mingxiao Empire in armor outside the moat who were filling stones into the moat.

Because Huangfu Yuran's fireball exposed Huangfu Yuran. Now that it has been discovered, the people of the Mingxiao Empire became rampant and lit a torch to blatantly fill the moat.

For a while, the darkness outside the city ceased to exist, and it was full of bright torches from the moat. At a glance, I can only see people's eyes wide, and I can imagine how many people can't see the torch at a glance.

The yellow warbler narrowed her eyes and looked at the sea of torches below and snorted coldly, "Night attack? Unmeassured! The bow and crossbowman is ready, and thousands of arrows are fired outside the target moat!" By this time, thousands of crossbowmen had arrived and stood in two rows on the wall.

With the order of the yellow warbler, thousands of crossbowmen took arrows at the same time and opened their bows. With only a "sw" sound, thousands of arrows fell from the wall across an arc from the wall to the moat like raindrops. Then the first row of archers retreated, and the second row of archers only shot arrows. Suddenly, the continuous rain of arrows hit the soldiers of the Mingxiao Empire outside the moat, and screamed endlessly for a while.

After about half a column of incense, the torch outside the city was extinguished at the same time. In the silent night, only the miserable wailing of the soldiers of the Mingxiao Empire was left, which was creepy. A general stood up and said, "Marshal, why don't you take this opportunity to hunt them out? Just when they are seriously injured, you can catch them all."

Huang Ying shook her head and said, "It's not that simple. The moon is dark and the wind is high. No one knows what is hidden in the dark. Moreover, we still haven't seen the practitioners take action. If we chase them out rashly, I'm afraid we will be beaten all. Tell the soldiers to rest where they are and stand by at any time!"

According to Huang Ying's order, all the soldiers sat on the wall and half squinted and pretended to be in their eyes. Huangfu Yuran looked at the mess outside the city and couldn't help sighing. This darkness may block the sight in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is no different from the day in front of the practitioners.

Huangfu Yuran took a look outside the city and turned to Huang Ying and said, "Well... I don't think the Mingxiao Empire will attack at night anymore. Or let the soldiers go back to rest." To put it bluntly, Huangfu Yuran did not know whether the Mingxiao Empire would attack again, which was also a psychological comfort for the soldiers.

Huang Ying's eyes blinked coldly and said lightly, "No, if it's true, it's true. If the Mingxiao Empire wants to play this little trick, we will play with them! It's okay if they don't come. Give them a blow when they come!"

Huang Ying looked at the moat coldly. The moat in the dark was extremely quiet, but behind it was endless darkness. No one knew what was hidden in the silence.