can shi

Chapter 311 Six Reincarnations

The reincarnation is not too far from the Hades Temple. The Hades Temple is at the center of the hell in vain, and the reincarnation is located in the southwest corner of the hell in vain. The three walked to the door of the reincarnation with only one incense and looked up at the majestic plaque on the gate. Huangfu Yuran felt a lot and couldn't help sighing.

Huang Quan turned around and patted Huangfu Yuran on the shoulder, but said nothing more. He pulled Huangfu Yuran to the door of the reincarnation division. In the current scene, it is meaningless to say more. Some things still need to be solved by Huangfu Yuran by himself.

When I just walked to the gate and wanted to push the door in. Two night forks with steel forks appeared on both sides of the gate to stop the way and said with a fierce face, "This is the reincarnation division. The idle people will leave as soon as possible!"

Huangfu Yuran was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Huang Quan with a smile on his face, trying to see how Huang Quan solved this matter. Huang Quan naturally felt Huangfu Yuran's eyes and shrugged his shoulders and said to the two Yecha, "I know this is a reincarnation division. Go and tell the boy of the wheel king, and say that Huang Quan is coming and let him come out to greet him!" With that, he really sat on the steps with his arms folded.

One of the night fork seemed to know Huang Quan and frowned, but the other did not have such a good eyesight. He raised the steel fork and pointed to Huang Quan and said, "What are you, how dare you let the wheel king..."

Before the night fork's words were finished, Huang Quan's face became cold in an instant, and he said heavily, "Huh?" With a sound. The talking night fork was blown by a cold wind and shivered. He wanted to say something more, but he was stopped by another Yecha. The Yecha signaled him not to act rashly, turned his head and said to Huang Quan, "You wait here for a while, and I'll report to the wheel king." With that, he turned around and walked in, leaving only the reckless night fork here.

Huangquan sat on the steps and didn't pay attention to the night fork. He knew that the night fork had just been on duty. Huangfu Yuran smiled, walked over and sat down next to Huang Quan, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect to be stopped outside the door, right? It seems that you don't have much face!" Huangfu Yuran was just joking with Huang Quan.

How could Huang Quan not know what Huangfu Yuran meant? Huangfu Yuran glanced at him and said, "No matter how famous I am, I can't let the whole underworld know who I am!" He has just been on duty, and I don't know if I'm normal. Hey, am I right?"

Huang Quan's voice was very loud. Yecha was shocked. He looked at Huang Quan and asked, "How do do you know? I was on my first day at work, and I just..."

Huang Quan waved his hand and said with a smile, "No wonder. Those who don't know are not guilty. Just pay attention to it in the future." ......

While talking, the door of the reincarnation division opened again, and an old man came out of it. The old man wore a blood-red official robe and a black gauze hat on his head. The old man's face and the white beard on his chin did not make him look like the vicissitudes of life, but gave him a feeling of worship. His eyes flashed fiercely, and he was resolute and majestic.

This old man is the owner of this reincarnation department and the tenth hall of hell in the ten halls of hell. Since his appearance, Huangfu Yuran has known his identity from his momentum and the official robe, so Huangfu Yuran has already stood aside at this time, because it is time for Huangquan to perform.

After the wheel king came out, he saw Huangquan sitting on the steps at a glance. He walked over and asked in a low voice, "Say, what's the matter with you coming to my reincarnation department?" The sound is a little hoarse, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Huang Quan stood up from the steps with a smile, turned around and looked at the wheel king and said, "You are the only one who is not afraid of me except Pluto. I came here today by the order of your Pluto to take my brother to see the six reincarnations. Just look at it as convenient. Don't pretend to be serious, so as not to hit Pluto in the face!" Huang Quan's meaning is obvious, that if you don't let me in, you are hitting Pluto in the face.

After listening to Huang Quan's words, the wheel king's face obviously changed and said in a low voice, "Do you think anyone can see the six reincarnations? What do you think of my reincarnation?"

Huang Quan shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I can ask Pluto to come here in person, and then..." Huang Quan did not continue to talk, and as a result, he thought that the wheel king would know.

After hearing this, the wheel king was stunned for a moment and glanced at Huangfu Yuran and Leng Lingyu, and the light flashed in his eyes. Then he stood sideways and said, "Then come in. The six reincarnations are very busy, and I'm afraid they will not be treated well."

Huang Quan motioned to Huangfu Yuran and raised his foot into the reincarnation division. Huangfu Yuran and Leng Lingyu also followed and walked in, but the wheel king passed by Huangfu Yuran: "Young man, think twice before doing things. Even if fate is like this, you must not lose your nature."

Huangfu Yuran paused under his feet, turned his head and looked at the wheel king, smiled slightly, and nodded to indicate that he knew. The wheel king's worry is not unreasonable. He saw that Huangfu Yuran had a six-color baby and was bound to be unlimited in the future.

The reincarnation department is much worse than that of the Yanluo Hall. If the Yanluo Hall is a magistrate's office, then this is just a small county government office! There is only one table, a few chairs and nothing else in the whole hall.

Huangfu Yuran looked up at this simple hall and hummed doubtfully. Huang Quan heard Huangfu Yuran's voice and turned his head and explained, "But all the souls sent to the reincarnation division have basically been tried, even after hell torture. Therefore, this reincarnation division naturally does not need interrogation, just send it directly to the six reincarnations.

Huangfu Yuran didn't ask more about this. These are all things in the underworld, and he doesn't need to pay attention to them. He said lightly, "Take me directly to the six reincarnations to see."

Huang Quan nodded, turned around the hall and walked to a sword room behind him. Huangfuyu didn't know, so he followed in. When he entered the door, he found himself in a strange environment, which was not like the room he imagined.

There are six well-like things that emit various lights in the large space. At this time, one soul is being pushed into the well. Huangfu Yuran didn't know why, so he took a few more steps to see what was going on.

Huangquan appeared on the side of Huangfu Yuran and pointed to the six wells and said, "This is the so-called six reincarnations, and those colors are the marks of distinguishing each road."

Huangfu Yuran nodded and then asked, "How to distinguish this according to the color?"

Huang Quan pulled Huangfu Yuran to a well and pointed to it for Huangfu Yuran to have a look. Huangfu Yuran looked down and looked into the well. Through the faint golden light, people flying with swords floated by in the picture, and then saw the Lingxiao Treasure Hall. Huangfu Yuran's eyes widened, pointed to the "well" and said, "Is this... Xiandao?"

Huangquan nodded, pulled Huangfu Yuran all the way through six shining wells, and introduced all the way: "Yes, the golden color is the immortal way, and the reincarnation of this path is born as an immortal. The purple-black one is the devil's way. After birth, he has a magic spirit and will definitely fall into the devil's road, such as you. Huang Quan did not care about Huangfu Yuran's white eyes and continued to introduce: "Green is a ghost path. After the soul enters this reincarnation, it is a person in the underworld. From the little ghost to the underworld, it comes from this path. Water blue is a demon path, everything is spiritual, and everything can be cultivated and formed at this time. And this gray and white one is humane, which is the largest and most common. Finally, it is the earthy beast road. Chickens, ducks, cats, dogs, pigs, birds and beasts are all in this cycle.

Listening to Huang Quan's introduction, Huangfu Yuran also showed these six channels thoroughly, with some doubts but did not ask. Leng Lingyu was also the first time to see the six reincarnations, and he was also very curious. It's just that Leng Lingyu knows that he only looks at it. Sometimes it won't go wrong to be quiet.

Huang Quan turned around and looked at the two people with an excited face and said with a smile, "What, do you like which one? Do you want me to send you in to play?

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and said, "Forget it. I don't want to reincarnation yet. I will come to you when I have to." Huangfu Yuran's casual words really laid the foundation for future reincarnation, which are all later words.

Huang Quan laughed and said, "Okay, I'll find a good person for you to be reincarnated!" Huang Quan was also joking, because he knew that Huangfu Yuran would not easily choose reincarnation.

Accompanied by the wheel king, the three of them visited the whole reincarnation division and left the reincarnation division under the eyes of the wheel king.

As soon as he left the reincarnation division, Huangfu Yuran looked at Huang Quan and asked, "I can feel that I don't have much time. Where is the infernal purgatory? Is it far? If it's too far away, it won't pass. It's not too late to see it next time.

Huang Quan glanced at Huangfu Yuran and said faintly, "Do you think the underworld is your back garden and want to come? Next time? The Purgatory is not far away, just nearby. Saying that, he walked forward first.

Huangfu Yuran undoubtedly followed Huang Quan and slowly walked out of the prosperous city and into a somewhat desolate place. Although Huangfu Yuran was curious about how he came here, Huang Quan took it in front of him so that he would not go the wrong way.

But after walking like this for most of the day, the surrounding environment became more and more desolate. Huangfu Yuran asked, "Didn't you tell me that it was very close? Is this what you call very close? Because he didn't walk for most of the day, Huangfu Yuran was a little angry.