can shi

Chapter 312 Purgatory

Huang Quan smiled and said, "It's not far. We are walking, not flying. How fast do you think it should be? Don't you think that's it?" With that, Huang Quan raised his finger to the front.

Looking forward along Huang Quan's fingers, I didn't see anything. The only difference is that the air there is a little distorted. Huangfuyu didn't know why. He looked on tiptoe and muttered, "Is this infernal purgatory? You're not fooling me, are you?"

Huang Quan curled the corners of his mouth and didn't say anything more, but slapped Huangfuyu on his waist, and a stream of Zhenyuan spit out and patted Huangfuyu out. Huangfu Yuran screamed and flew forward, but he could feel that he had been wrapped around his body with a layer of Zhenyuan shield.

The scene in front of him was distorted, and Huangfu Yuran found himself in a sea of fire. Even if he was wrapped in Huangquan's shield, he still felt hot. Huangfu Yuran looked down at his feet and saw that it was a bottomless abyss, full of purple flames.

At this time, Huang Quan also flew in with Leng Lingyu and stopped beside Huangfu Yuran and said, "This is the so-called infernal purgatory. There is a secluded fire everywhere here, which specially burns the soul and makes it burn without death. After suffering, it will never be reincarnated."

Huangfu Yuran nodded a little blankly and looked around. It was like an endless space, full of flames. Huangfu Yuran looked at Huang Quan curiously and asked, "Is there any difference between this and the sea of suffering of Buddhism?"

Huang Quan frowned together and looked at Huangfu Yuran with the eyes of the monster for a long time before saying, "Of course, there is a difference. The bitter sea is water, and purgatory is fire. The sea of suffering is boundless, and the purgatory is endless. Once the sea of suffering enters, it can't come out, but purgatory is not.

Huangfu Yuran's eyes widened and asked in surprise, "Do you mean that this purgatory can go out?" Huangfu Yuran completely forgot that Huang Quan was also in purgatory at this time. How could he come in if he couldn't get out of Huangquan?

Huang Quan glanced at Huangfu Yuran and said angrily, "If purgatory can't go out, I will throw you in?" Can I still come in if I can't go out?

Huangfu Yuran said to Huangquan, "Well... you remove the shield from my body!"

Huangquan is not Huangfu Yuran. Of course, he will not be as reckless as Huangfu Yuran. When he heard Huangfu Yuran say that he wanted to remove his shield, he did not do so immediately, but squinted at Huangfu Yuran and asked, "This is an infernal purgatory. Do you ask me to remove your shield?"

Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "Well, the magic master's skill is to absorb the surrounding aura into his own use. Is that right?"

Huang Quan didn't realize what Huangfu Yuran wanted to say for a moment and nodded. Huangfu Yuran smiled and said, "That's it. Remove my shield first."

Huang Quan was still a little hesitant, but in the end, he waved his hand to remove the shield on Huangfu Yuran and said, "The flame of the infernal purgatory is not a mortal fire. It hurts the soul more. Be careful!"

Huangfu Yuran nodded solemnly and stood in the flames and closed his eyes. The purple flame in the infernal purgatory rushed to Huangfu Yuran and instantly wrapped Huangfu Yuran without any defense.

This scene shocked Leng Lingyu and screamed. Huang Quan said faintly, "We should trust him. It will definitely be fine."

Huangfu Yuran closed his eyes and operated the magic skill of the demon master's cultivation in his body. In an all moment, Huangfu Yuran felt that his body had turned into a huge whirlpool and sucked all the surrounding flames into his body.

When the six Yuanying in the body encountered the flames, except for the red Yuanying, the other Yuanying hid. Although Huangfu Yuran felt surprised, he didn't care, and still kept sucking the flame aura into his body.

What Huangfu Yuran didn't know was that the flames outside his body were spinning around him and entering his body. These flames rotate regularly, which has long shocked Huangquan and Leng Lingyu, who have been paying attention to Huangfu Yuran. Leng Lingyu didn't know the skills practiced by Huangfu Yuran, so he didn't have much reaction. Huang Quan is an authentic demon, and that skill was given to Huangfu Yuran by himself. Huangfu Yuran is very clear about what Huangfu Yuran is doing now.

Huang Quan did not blame Huangfu Yuran for his radicality. The cultivation of magic has paid attention to being casual and natured. Just thinking that he is in the infernal purgatory until now, the power of the flame is still very clear. Huangquan suffered losses in the infernal purgatory at the beginning.

Huang Quan did not hesitate for too long. He raised his hand and slapped Huangfuyu on his heart. A Zhenyuan in his palm spit out and interrupted Huangfu Yuran's movements. Huangfu Yuran had already felt something wrong, but he couldn't stop. Huang Quan simply interrupted his practice, which made him feel much more comfortable.

As soon as the skill stopped, Huangfu Yuran felt a burning feeling in his body, and even the Yuanying in his body began to be restless. Huangfu Yuran was shocked and wanted to exercise to resist the heat.

Huang Quan knew what Huangfu Yuran was going to do when he saw Huangfu Yuran's action, and raised his hand to stop Huangfu Yuran's next move. Huang Quan flashed in front of Huangfu Yuran, stretched out his palm to Huangfu Yuran's chest, and the palm of his hand emitted a suction.

Huangfu Yuran only felt that something in his body was squeezing outward, while another force was pulling out. After a seesaw battle, Huangquan was still slightly better, and a red flame essence was sucked out of Huangfu Yuran's body by Huangquan.

Huang Quan's arm turned around in the air, put all the flame essences in his palm, and looked up at Huangfu Yuran helplessly. Just as Huangquan was about to disperse those flame essences, Huangfu Yuran's body * a red light rushed straight to Huangquan's palm.

Huang Quan had seen the red light for a long time and flashed aside when the red light appeared. However, what Huang Quan didn't expect was the flame essence that was originally in his palm, but it was not in his hands at this time.

Huang Quan looked up at the red Yuanying who looked exactly like Huangfu Yuran in front of him, and his face was surprised and shocked. My body method is eight steps, and that step is gentle and gentle. Anyway, it is impossible to avoid a small baby.

It's just that this is the case. Although Huang Quan dodged Yuanying, he failed to prevent Yuanying from taking the flame essence from the palm of his hand. At this time, the red Yuanying was holding the flame essence taken from Huangquan's palm with a smile on her face, just like a naughty child getting his favorite toy.

The flame essence twisted in Yuanying's arms, struggling to break free from Yuanying's embrace. Yuan Ying freed a hand to gently touch the flame for a moment, and the flame really calmed down.

Not only Huangquan felt strange, but also Huangfu Yuran, who was the owner of Yuanying, widened his eyes in surprise. Under the eyes of this crowd, the red Yuanying's mouth was slightly curled, and the smile was the same as Huangfu's feather. Huangfu Yuran knew what the Yuanying was going to do when he saw this smile, and his eyes couldn't help narrowing.

I saw that the red Yuanying opened his mouth straight and lowered his head to bite the flame essence. The flame essence was bitten off by the red baby, and the color faded a little. Yuanying seemed to be not satisfied and opened her mouth to suck in the flame essence.

Seeing this scene, Huang Quan and Huangfu Yuran moved at the same time. Huang Quan wanted to take out the flame essence, because the flame essence would burn Yuanying alive. Huangfu Yuran was shocked to see what was going on. Yuanying absorbed the flame and whether there would be an abnormality.

Before the two approached, the red Yuanying had made a move. The red Yuanying trembled all over, and her face was twisted and transformed, as if she was suffering great pain. A moment later, the red Yuanying looked up to the sky and opened his mouth as if to shout out, but there was no sound. What came out of his mouth was a purple flame.

Huangfu Yuran's eyebrows were entangled and was about to walk forward. Huang Quan stretched out his hand to stop Huangfu Yuran and shook his head and said, "Don't go. Not only can you save him now, but you will also hurt you."

Huangfu Yuran stared at Yuan Ying's every move and asked, "What's going on?" How could it be like this?"

Huang Quan glanced at Yuanying, who was suffering and sighed, "Although the magic formula can combine the aura of heaven and earth, the premise is that you have a golden body. You are now the body of the soul, and you want to put the essence of true fire into your body, which is tantamount to burning the body. This fire is not like the fire from the original fire. This is the fire of refining gods. Even if the yuan god can't hold up in this fire for long.

While talking, the red Yuanying on the other side had a new move. Now the Yuanying's twisted face is no longer a face, but her whole body has begun to twist. The purple flame has not only spewed out of the mouth, but also began to burst out.

In a while, the red Yuanying turned into a fireball. Through the steaming flames, Huangfu Yuran could see the red Yuanying's struggling body, and his heart trembled. He reached out and took Huang Quan and said, "Think of a way!"

Huang Quan shook his head gently and said faintly, "I can't help it. This flame is the essence of the flame, and there is nothing I can do. Wait. Let's see if he can survive and play tricks on people!"

Huangfu Yuran looked at the fireball nervously and muttered, "How about getting through it?" What will happen if you can't get through it?"

Huang Quan turned his head to look at the burning fireball and said, "This is the test of the fire of refining gods. If Yuanying survives, he will be affirmed by the fire of refining gods, and the fire of refining gods will be used by him. On the contrary, if he can't survive... he will be refined alive!"