can shi

Chapter 394 Accumulated Corpse Region

Zhao Gang nodded and meditately summoned his spirit beast and said, "The illusion array will be handed over to me. You follow me. Remember not to look at the surrounding buildings." After saying that, he whispered a few words to the spirit beast and let the spirit beast lead the way.

The white-fronted tiger roared, lowered its head and sniffed forward. Zhao Gang simply closed his eyes and followed the tiger, reaching out to hold Luo Bin behind him. Luo Bin also reached out to hold the old man and closed his eyes and followed the white-fronted tiger all the way.

If the three people opened their eyes at this time, they would see that the white-fronted tiger walked forward without scruples and bumped directly into the wall without dodging, but the amazing thing is that the three people actually passed through the wall like this.

And the dust behind them, which was originally imprisoned by the old man's array, also turned into a shadow and disappeared into the array after the three left. Perhaps it can be said that Juechen is a non-existence, so the old man's array can't help him.

However, Zhao Gang's spirit beast led the way. Although he avoided the trouble of turning left and right, he was also frightened. The white-fronted tiger doesn't know what is dangerous at all, but goes to the jade that controls the array according to its own fluctuations in aura.

In this way, the array cannot exert its power. The original principle of the illusion array is to affect the five senses and make people have illusions, thus controlling people's minds. First, the white-fronted tiger is just a spirit beast, not a human. The white-fronted tiger relies on its nose and sensitive feeling to distinguish the direction, and those illusions are useless to it at all.

It didn't take long to find a piece of jade shining with emerald light under the leadership of the white-fronted tiger. When the white-fronted tiger saw the jade as if it had seen food, it rushed up like a devil. The tiger roared and opened its mouth and swallowed the jade, and also symbolically burped.

After the white-fronted tiger swallowed the jade, the surrounding pavilions and pavilions immediately disappeared. Only the lonely figure of Juchen not far from the left and his angry eyes were left.

There was a red light in Juechen's eyes, which seemed to be very angry with Zhao Gang and others breaking the illusion. He still had to rely on the illusion array to cover his figure. Fortunately, there was no place to hide if the illusion array was gone.

The old man gently turned the corner of his eyes and caught a glimpse of the dust that was slowly walking, and immediately pulled Luo Bin and Zhao Gang to jump back and said, "No, the illusion array is gone, but the killing array is still there! Juechen is now in a state of anger. You can't touch him. Go!" With that, he turned around and rushed out.

Luo Bin and Zhao Gang naturally dared not stay any longer after listening to the old man's words and rushed out behind the old man. How could Juechen watch them leave, holding a few sword flowers casually, and countless small swordsmanships soared from all over Juechen's body.

Despite this, it was still a step late, and Luo Bin and the others rushed out in a few steps and disappeared without a trace. It's not so much to escape as to enter other formations.

The illusion array of jade is also the stone of the killing array. After being eaten by the white-fronted tiger, the killing array also disintegrated. The reason why the illusion of Juechen exists is because of that obsession, which is caused by the murderous atmosphere emitted by Huangfu Yuran when he arrayed.

With the disappearance of Luo Bin and the others, Juechen's sword spirit became more and more, which made the whole space chaotic for a moment. Finally, Juechen's figure gradually faded into a puff of smoke as if it had never appeared.

Luo Bin and the three of them stepped out and appeared in another place in front of them, as if they had gone straight from the magnificent palace to the barren place like a purgatory cemetery.

Luo Bin waved to the old man and Zhao Gang and said cautiously, "This is already another formation. This phantom killing array is really not easy to deal with. It's interlocked. If you don't have a little strength, I'm afraid you really have to load it here."

The old man squinted and turned his head to look around, nodded and said, "We underestimated the phantom killing array, and also underestimated Huangfu Yuran."

There is a little white smoke floating in the purple-gray air around, and the whole space feels very depressing, as if this place has been life for tens of millions of years, and the whole area is dusty.

Just as the three were still thinking about how to leave this place, a low, hoarse and vicissitudes voice came: "Welcome to the corpse world. It's my supreme honor to receive you..."

The sound suddenly sounded, very suddenly and strange. I couldn't hear it anywhere, and there was this low sound in the whole space. The practitioners are most afraid of meeting this kind of unknown enemy, who is nowhere to be found, but they can't hear his voice.

The voice continued: "For thousands of years, no living people have come in this corpse. Your arrival is indeed a surprise for my corpse."

"Who the hell are you? Hidden head and tail, I have never heard of any accumulated corpses!" Zhao Gang's temper was hot. He was really upset by the invisible person's voice, so he shouted out loudly.

The voice seemed to be stunned when it heard Zhao Gang's roar, and then heard a burst of laughter, and then the voice said, "The accumulation of corpses does not belong to any world, but is an independent space. Don't deliberately want to find me. To tell you the truth, I'm here. As long as this space is still there, I'm everywhere.

The old man was still more stable and careful. He found that it was really like what the voice said, and he couldn't find it, so he said loudly, "Is there any other space besides the accumulation of corpses?" The old man just wants to know if there is any other weird space behind him.

"You are a sensible person. Today, I'm in a good mood, so I'll tell you more about it. You must have seen the dust realm in front of you, and there are also the Shura domain, the broken situation and the urban area behind it. But you don't have a chance to see the ones behind, because you can't get out of here. The voice was full of confidence and arrogance.

The old man was not angry because of the mockery of the voice, but calmed down and asked in a low voice, "We have seen the dust field, and it is nothing more than the space controlled by the god of killing! So what's so good about the accumulation of corpses?" The old man is eager to say more.

The voice came intermittently: "I understand your mind... I just want to know the situation of the accumulation of corpses, and it's okay to tell you. The accumulation of corpses, as the name implies, is where the corpses are accumulated. People who get to this space are corpses, and you will soon join them.

The sound gradually drifted away, and the surrounding space became a little stagnant in an instant. Luo Bin and the three only felt that their bodies had become a little dull. The whole person seemed to be doing slow motion, and they looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"This is the underworld wave of the accumulation of corpses, which controls the time of the whole space, so your movements will look so slow. It has been several years or even decades since the time of accumulation of incense outside. Maybe you will become corpses before the tea time!" The voice also solved the panic and doubts in the hearts of the three people.

However, the three people don't want to die here like this. The phantom killing array has not been broken, and Huangfu Yuran has not been killed yet. It's not worth dying here. So the three began to struggle, and everyone lit up, hoping to use Zhenyuan to isolate this terrible restriction.

After trying for a long time, the three of them were frightened to find that it had no effect at all. Instead, their movements became slower. Luo Bin turned his head and looked at Zhao Gang with difficulty. At this glance, he scared himself. He saw that Zhao Gang's original shiny face had been full of wrinkles at some point, and he was rapidly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The other two also found this situation, and their eyes widened, and they were unwilling to believe that this was a fact that happened to them. Zhao Gang roared unwillingly, and the light on his body suddenly flourished, and his momentum suddenly increased a little.

"Don't waste any more effort. Struggle is futile. Your Zhenyuan will only accelerate the speed of aging and make you die faster. The only solution is suicide, but then you will become part of this corpse faster. Haha..." The wild laughter was endless.

Zhao Gang ignored the loud laugh and continued to roar there. After every roar, Zhao Gang's momentum will increase a little, and every roar will make his body brighter.

"Oh?" The voice whispered softly, and this doubtful whisper made Luo Bin and the three of them see hope, and all of them secretly condensed their true yuan and slowly raised their momentum.

"I've said that it's useless and you have to work so much in vain. Since you don't want to kill yourself, let my child help you. Children, your snacks are coming. Let go and eat!" The sound was a little cold in the end.

As the sound fell, the surrounding air shook, and small earth bags gradually bulged on the ground. In the surprised eyes of Zhao Gang and the others, the little earthen were bursting out one by one, revealing the truth inside, and the dry bodies staggered out of it one by one.

More and more bodies gradually surrounded the three people and clumsily reached out to catch the three people with their big mouths. Luo Bin and the three wanted to avoid, but there were such walking corpses everywhere. The movements of the three were still extremely slow and could not be avoided at all.

Feeling that the disaster was inescapable, Zhao Ganghu raised his hand and patted the oncoming body with a roar. His extremely slow palm did not drive a trace of air flow. Luo Bin on the other side seems to have been appointed, obediently closing his eyes and waiting for death.

"Hmm?" The next moment, three doubtful voices came from the noses of the three people, and the fear on their faces turned into surprise and surprise.