can shi

Chapter 395 Epiphany

Zhao Gang's palm did not blow the body away, but strangely passed through the body, just like hitting the empty place. Luo Bin also didn't feel that he had been caught, so he opened his eyes and saw that a body passed through him, but he was safe and sound. And the old man naturally saw everything that happened between the two and felt very curious.

After being surprised, the three calmed down at the same time. These bodies were just phantoms, not real existence. What could really threaten the three people was not these bodies, but the so-called time control.

The old man completely ignored the bodies that pounced on him and said lightly, "Close your six senses and use your divine consciousness as eyes." With that, he really closed his eyes and tried to take a step aside.

Luo Bin and Zhao Gang stared at the old man flashing a few feet away, and their speed was unrestricted at all. Only then can I understand what the old man said that the illusion array controls people's actions through the six senses. As long as the six senses are closed, this illusion array can't help many people at all.

Luo Bin and Zhao Gang also learned from the old man, closed their eyes and completely closed their six senses, releasing their divine consciousness to feel everything around them. I found that the purple around me did not exist, and it was just a phantom.

Keeping up with the old man's footsteps, Luo Bin asked, "Master, this array is also broken. What should we do next? I'm afraid there will be more dangerous after this illusion.

The old man smiled and turned to Luo Bin and said, "No, this formation is not broken. As long as the stone is not removed, this formation still exists, but we see through this formation is not a threat to us. The most important thing now is to break the whole phantom killing array so that the people behind can do it before. With that, he walked aside first, and the footsteps under his feet were completely at the mercy of gossip.

Luo Bin and Zhao Gang looked at each other and also locked the old man to follow. Finding the array is easy to say, and taking a wrong step may change the formation.

There is no day and no moon in cultivation, and there is no time factor in the array. The people waiting outside waited from the beginning of the new sun to Xishan at sunset, but the three still had no movement, so they had to meditated and wait in place.

Huangfu Yuran and others waiting inside were also a little impatient. Huangfu Yuran still stood there in the air, with a cold expression on his face as if he had never changed. Looking at the sun that was about to go down from the horizon, Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and said faintly, "The phantom killing array is worthy of the array that has become famous in the real world. They can't break the array for a while. Let's go back first."

Everyone had no doubt about him and turned around and left one by one. Only Qingyu did not move at all and still stood beside Huangfu Yuran. In the gradually dim light, Qingyu looked at the solemn expression on Huangfu Yuran's face and said, "Are you still worried? After all, the phantom killing array can't resist it, and it will gradually cease to exist. Soon we will face the whole world of cultivation. At that time, no one will take care of anyone. You can't worry about the people behind you, right?

Huangfu Yuran's face was indifferent, nodded a little confused and helpless, and said with a sigh, "The reason why there is today's situation is all because I am alone. I dragged down my brothers. The whole world of cultivation has to deal with me, and it has nothing to do with you and them. But for the sake of simple friendship, everyone put themselves in deep water, which... How can this make me feel!"

Light rain didn't say anything, but just quietly listened to Huangfu Yuran talking about his inner distress there. At this time, it might be better to be a quiet listener. Sometimes there are some things that don't need to be said, and perhaps a slight move is enough.

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and straightened the white hair scattered on his shoulders, and his eyes were full of bitterness. Looking up at the erratic clouds in the sky, Huangfu Yuran's voice trembled a little: "If I could, I would rather face all this alone. If there is an afterlife, Huangfu Yuran just wants to be an ordinary person and enjoy the tranquility of every day quietly.

That's right, but now it's just an extravagant hope. Let's not talk about whether there is an afterlife. Even if there is an afterlife, Huangfu Yuran will never be overwhelmed by the long river of history, and will only slowly emit the light he deserves.

Huangfu Yuran found that he was a little distracted. He turned around and smiled awkwardly and looked at the light rain beside him and said solemnly, "Uncle, Yuran has something to ask for. Please be sure to agree to Yuran."

Qingyu was also a little distracted and was still recalling the meaning of Huangfu Yuran's words. Suddenly, he heard Huangfu Yuran say that he had something to ask for. He nodded reflexively and said, "Well, you said, as long as my uncle can do it, he will definitely help you."

"Take Linger and leave here, take them north before the phantom killing array is broken. Although I don't know what it's like to go north, I think that's the only place to go. Huangfu Yuran thought about it and finally decided.

Light rain shook his body and gently frowned and said, "To the north of the frozen demon realm, it should be the rumored empty world in the Xiuzhen world. It's much more dangerous to go there than here... Wait, you just asked me to take them away? What about you? Don't you want to go together?"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head, pointed to the spirit beasts in the surrounding snowfield and said, "This is their home, because of my reason, it is no longer peaceful and peaceful. If I leave at this time, the practitioners will definitely be angry with the spirit beasts in the frozen demon realm, and there will be more life suffering. How can they endure? Anyway, those people in the real world are looking for me. As long as I am here, they should not spread their anger to others. Next, let me, Huangfu Yuran, will bear it alone!"

"Can you afford it alone? What you will face is the whole world of cultivation, which is not simply what you can bear. Even if you stay, what can you change? Can you guarantee that they won't move the spirit beasts here after killing you? Are you sure that they will go to their own place safely? This idea is too naive. It's not your responsibility to face the whole world of cultivation!" Qingyu was also a little excited and loudly accused Huangfu Yuran of his bold decision.

Huangfu Yuran's heart trembled. He looked back at Qingyu with complicated eyes and shook his head gently: "Uncle, you go back first. I want to be alone."

"Okay, think about it yourself. The world of cultivation is much more complicated than you think. Even without you, there will be such a day in the world of cultivation. The light rain nodded and turned away.

In a short time, only Huangfu Yuran stood proudly in the whole snowfield, and I don't know when snowflakes began to fall in the sky. In the fluttering snowflakes, Huangfu Yuran's figure with white clothes and white hair became a little hazy, and gradually seemed to melt into heaven and earth. Obviously, he stood there in the air, but it gave people a feeling of nothingness.

Huangfu Yuran reached out and took a piece of snowflakes. Looking at the snowflakes that gradually melted into water droplets in his hand, Huangfu Yuran sighed in his heart. Yes, life is nothing more than this, always shining its own light.

Even if the light is out of reach, like this snowflake, it will do its best to decorate the whole earth. Even if you know that it will melt in the end, it will be shattered.

Isn't this just like life? I have been working hard and struggling all the time. In the end, I still have to turn into a pile of dust, which is a sadness that no one can change.

Huangfu Yuran's eyes flashed, and his body had disappeared in place. Several figures of Huangfu Yuran on the ground flashed and left a series of shadows behind him. I don't know when there was an extra knife in his hand. He turned around and rotated his body in place, and the knife in his hand stroked down sharply.

Without earth-shaking sound and sharp knife spirit, everything ended quietly. Huangfu Yuran closed his knife and turned around and walked away. At this time, the remnants left behind the original gradually became blurred until they disappeared.

After Huangfu Yuran left, there was a difference in the place where he waved the knife. If anyone saw it now, he would be surprised by the power of Huangfu Yuran's knife. The nail-sized snowflakes falling all over the sky turned into small snow in the knife, and a breeze blew away like dust.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in a blink of an eye. Two days may not be a big deal for those waiting outside, but in the eyes of the three people in the phantom killing array, these two days are absolutely torture.

Two days of sleeplessness is nothing for practitioners, but they must be on high alert all times during these two days, always paying attention to the movements around them and the destruction of the mind and gods.

Although two days have passed without danger, he was still negligent at the last moment. Luo Bin was seriously injured and unconscious in the killing array, and Zhao Gang was also slightly injured. Fortunately, the phantom killing array was relieved without danger. When the old man picked up the last stone, everything around him returned to its original appearance.

In the eyes of everyone, three people were not far away. The old man stood in the snow with a stone in his hand. Zhao Gang covered his chest and sat on the ground with a weak face. As for Luo Bin, he lay quietly at the feet of the old man, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Seeing the tired appearance of the three people, someone immediately rushed up and brought them back. The old man simply ordered a few words and went aside to meditated. He couldn't rest for two days, and the real yuan in his body was almost consumed.

Zhao Gang was only slightly injured and ran to meditated. Luo Bin was taken away by Wenxin. Luo Bin's injury is not optimistic and needs timely treatment.