can shi

Chapter 436 Leave your life

"Zhao Xin, stop it! The tricks of hurting the enemy a thousand and self-damage 800 are used for these wastes... It's too wasteful!" Just as Zhao Xin was about to make that move to the abyss of death, Huangfu Yuran's voice appeared faintly in Zhao Xin's ear.

Then he saw that there was one more person beside Zhao Xin, wearing a white Confucian shirt and long snow-white hair scattered on his shoulders. Huangfu Yuran was shaking a folding fan with one hand and patting Zhao Xin on the shoulder in the other hand, looking at the people around him coldly.

When Lin Yang saw Huangfu Yuran appear, he smiled and said, "Why did you come here? But it's good to come. Save them first!" While responding to the enemy's attack, he pointed to the direction of Linger and other women.

Huangfu Yuran gave a faint hum, turned his head to look at Linger, and hummed faintly, "So many people bullied several weak women. Fortunately, you are still practitioners. It's really sad to have a waste like you in the cultivation world." After saying that, his body shook to Linger's side and waved several swords to blow out several long swords attacking Linger.

When Linger saw Huangfu Yuran coming, she put away Piao Ling's offensive and gasped gently. It seemed that Linger's defense had just spent a lot of real yuan to become so tired. However, when he saw Huangfuyu standing in front of him safely, he was relieved that it was worth it even if he was tired.

Huangfu Yuran turned to Linger and said, "Sister Linger, thank you for your hard work. Next, leave it to me." This is not boasting, but absolute confidence in one's own strength, and at the same time, it's time to vent the bloodthirsty restlessness in your heart.

After saying that, a dodge appeared beside Leng Lingxue and whispered in Leng Lingxue's ear, "Crazy girl, do you dare to compare speed with me?" Such an intimate action suddenly made Ling Xue blush.

However, Huangfu Yuran hasn't called himself a crazy girl for a long time, and it's the first time she has had such a close contact. Seeing that Huangfu Yuran had spread out and left, Zhenyuan spewed out under his lips, and disappeared in an instant.

I saw two black and white figures, constantly flashing and moving to the side. But strangely, neither of them took action against the besieged practitioners, as if they were just to lead them away, but can they really get what they want?

Leng Lingxue's speed has never been as fast. Even if Huangfu Yuran deliberately slowed down his speed, Leng Lingxue was still out of reach. Huangfu Yuran's figure stopped beside Leng Lingxue, reached out and hit the knife that shot at Leng Lingxue with a folding fan, and snorted coldly, "By the way... Are you looking for me? It's a little indescable to use hidden weapons to attack in groups!" His eyes stared at the direction of the flying knife, and his eyes began to gather red light.

Looking at Huangfu Yuran's eyes, everyone knows that Huangfu Yuran is now on the edge, and he just needs a reason to become a demon and an excuse to run away.

No one pays attention to Huangfu Yuran's indifferent tone, and the sword spirit hidden weapon is still the same as before. Because of Huangfu Yuran's appearance, Linger couldn't help but relax her vigilance. Without Piao Ling's protection, she was in a hurry for a while.

In the chaotic attack, it still can't be completely defended. A sword quickly stabbed in the dead corner of his eyes behind him, and he had reached Linger's shoulder almost without warning. By the time Linger reacted, the sword had pierced Linger's shoulder.

Ling'er snorted, and her heart clapped somewhere. The vast Zhenyuan came turbulently. Ling'er flew out and opened her mouth in mid-air and spewed out a mouthful of blood. A blood mist scattered, and it was a little sad and beautiful.

Linger, who vomited blood and flew out, still had enough to control her body, endured the raging pain of Zhenyuan in her body, and struggled to mention Zhenyuan and slowly fell down. Linger didn't have the chance to recover for a while. Before she landed, someone chased after him. At the same time, she caught up with two long swords shining cold, one straight to her chest and the other pointed straight to her eyebrows.

Linger covered the bloody sword wound on her shoulder, and her eyebrows frowned tightly. This time she left Xiaoyao School was the most seriously injured. Perhaps for the last time, there was some floating under his feet to block the long sword that attacked again, which seemed to be too strong enough.

I wanted to look back at Huangfu Yuran, but I found that my body had been suppressed and it was even difficult to turn my head. Looking at the two long swords that gradually enlarged in front of him, he slowly closed his eyes and gave up resistance, waiting for the arrival of death.

A crisp sound of "ding" came, and Linger opened her eyes in surprise, and she could see the long white hair flying in the wind. Yes, it was Huangfu Yuran who flashed in front of Linger and blocked the long sword on his chest with a folding fan, and the other handle was clamped by two fingers.

Only two fingers clamped the fierce sword and did not move at all. This scene stunned the practitioners who besieged Linger and others. This sword went to take the life of the spirit. They knew how powerful it was. Unexpectedly, Huangfu Yuran clamped the long sword with only two fingers.

Huangfu Yuran half closed his eyes and gently turned his head to Linger and said, "Wait a minute to take everyone out of here. Don't look back. Go to the Cangyun Empire to pick up Qinger and then go to the Canglan Sea to wait for me."

Linger was already extremely weak, and the wound on her shoulder was still bleeding out. She covered her shoulder and frowned and asked, "Let's go. What about you?" Huangfu Yuran is in a wrong state now. I have never seen Huangfu Yuran so cautious.

Huangfu Yuran shook his head gently, squeezed his lips and said, "I will come to you. You don't have to worry about me. Go! ...Ah!" Before he finished speaking, his half-closed eyes suddenly opened, and the red light in his eyes flashed out, which shocked Linger.

The folding fan in Huangfu Yuran's right hand also turned into the strange-shaped sword after the red light flash, and the sword clamped by Huangfu Yuran's left hand was also broken by two fingers. Huangfu Yuran held his head in his left hand and seemed to be very painful. His dark and deep eyes had turned blood red, and the faint red light flashed from time to time.

The light rain's eyes flashed and she shouted, "Linger, come back quickly, Yuran is enchanted!" Linger didn't believe this fact at all. She still stood still and shook her head with a little confused eyes and muttered, "No, Yuran won't..." I don't know whether he was saying that Yuran would not be possessed or that Yuran would not hurt himself.

However, what answered Linger was Huangfu Yuran's angry roar, and his almost hoarse voice roared: "Everyone... must die!" The remnant soul-sword of the right hand has waved out with a series of shadows, but the direction of the knife is... Linger's neck!

A red light flashed, and the remnant soul-stricsing knife was empty. After a cry, the light rain had thrown out the floating silk in his hand and pulled Linger back. Even so, the soul-spiring knife still wiped Linger's neck. At the moment of hesitation, Linger's head was about to be in a different place.

Huangfu Yuran's violent walk made everyone around him stop attacking, and all of them looked at Huangfu Yuran, with surprise, helplessness and regret. Qingyu still heard what Huangfu Yuran told just now. After pulling Linger back, he turned around and galloped away with Linger and shouted softly, "Let's go. It's up to Yuran!"

Maybe it was helpless about the status quo, Zhao Xin and others took a deep look at Huangfu Yuran and also followed Qingyu to turn around and gallop away. They want to leave, but the people who besiege and kill them may not let them go. Anyway, Huangfu Yuran's situation is already like this now. Huangfu Yuran, who is not recognized by his relatives, may still be a great help for others!

With a crash, everyone dodged and stopped in front of the light rain and others, and the fierce weapons made Huo Huo sound. The leader said coldly, "Do you want to go? How can it be so easy? Leave your life first!" With that, he rushed up with someone first.

But he was right. It was not so easy to go. After rushing up, he found that there was a knife light and a blood-red knife light coming. The wideness of the knife light covered everyone. There was no time to be stunned. The moment almost everyone put the weapon on their chest, the knife light had hit everyone's weapons.

After a muffled bang, the person who rushed up was pushed back. Huangfu Yuran's body flashed and stood in front of the light rain and others. His blood-red eyes stared coldly at these fierce people in front of him, and said with a gloomy smile, " one wants to leave! Leave your life!"

Facing Huangfu Yuran's cold eyes, these people felt what fear was. I have always known that Huangfu Yuran's cultivation entered the country quickly, and I didn't expect it to be so fast. The last time I was in the frozen demon realm, I was still out of the late stage, and now after a few months, I have already made so many divine practitioners afraid. If the cultivation does not exceed the period of separation, that is the reason for this demonization.

The light rain wink at the people around him, and a group of people rose in the air and went in the direction of the eastern Cangyun Empire. The practitioners who confronted Huangfu Yuran still wanted to catch up, but they had no choice but to face Huangfu Yuran. A group of people shouted and rushed to Huangfu Yuran, and the others turned around and chased Qingyu and others. This was their wishful calculations. Some people took Huangfu Yuran, and others went to chase Qingyu and others.

It's just that their wishes were sure that they could not be played when they met Huangfu Yuran. Not to mention that Huangfu Yuran could not stop Huangfu Yuran when he was not enchanted, and now Huangfu Yuran's speed after becoming a demon is beyond their reach.

Huangfu Yuran's body shook slightly, swinging the soul-shading knife with one hand, and a circle of red knife light rushed out from the soul-ring knife. It was another move, and with the same effect. All the people who rushed over flew back, as if they had never left their original position.