can shi

Chapter 437 Undead Warriors

But the only difference is a series of screams behind him, which make everyone frightened one after another. But at this time, no one dared to look back, because Huangfu Yuran, with a cold face, had slowly approached.

When Huangfu Yuran shook his body, a split had flown out of Huangfu Yuran's body. Of course, these were not noticed by the people in front of him. Although it is a split, it also has 80% of the strength of the body, and it is a real soul-sama knife in his hand.

A flash has appeared next to a person who turned around and chased him. With a smile, the remnant soul-slaughter knife in his hand cut down at the man's head with lightning speed. Even before he had time to react, the man only saw a flash of red light in front of him, and a tearing force came out of his scalp and soul.

The pain from the soul is really not what ordinary people can bear. After a scream, the soul has been pulled out of the body, and a touch of white light has been absorbed by the soul-stricken knife. This is Huangfu Yuran's strength. This is the horror of the soul-killing knife, but everyone he saw is dead.

After killing one, he immediately dodged and chased the other, but the same move and the same action can have a different effect. Although he heard the screams of his companions and knew that Huangfu Yuran had caught up with him, he was unable to resist the power of Huangfu Yuran's knife and was still killed by Huangfu Yuran.

The successive screams did not affect the confrontation between Huangfu Yuran and the group of people in front of him at all. Anyway, these left behind are really damn. I'm afraid their purpose is not to stop Qingyu and others, but to kill Huangfuyu, and let people chase Qingyu just to make a show to distract Huangfu Yuran's attention.

Huangfu Yuran smiled strangely, raised the remnant soul- killing knife in his hand and pointed to more than a dozen people opposite him and said coldly, "I said that everyone has to die, and no one wants to escape!" The indifference shocked everyone facing him and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"Oh? Does everyone have to die? I don't think so. Even if you die, I will pull you to die together!" After saying that, everyone actually made the same action at the same time. The long sword of his right hand crossed his left wrist, and blood dripped to the ground, and then his hands began to make complex fingerprints.

With the movements of these people, the surrounding air has become heavy, and the momentum of those people has gradually risen, and their cultivation has improved to a higher level in an instant, and there is no sign of stopping. The condensed air was full of bloody smell, which made Huangfu frown. To be honest, he didn't hate this bloody smell.

Huangfu Yuran, who half squinted at their movements, raised his eyebrows gently, and their cultivation was significantly improved, but the breath of life in their bodies was rapidly losing. If you want to gain strength, you must pay a certain price, which is the price of these people, in exchange for a significant improvement in cultivation at the cost of their lives.

Huangfu Yuran snorted faintly and said, "Do you use life as a medium to improve your strength? How long can you hold on? I want to die together, but you think too beautifully. Well, I'm tired of playing, and it's time to end!"

The lazy look on the face made people really think that they were just playing, and the next action made everyone stunned. Huangfu Yuran took the split back with a wave of his left hand, and the soul-stricying knife scratched the palm of his left hand, and a wisp of red blood oozed out of the palm of his hand.

Huangfu Yuran also slowly closed his eyes, with a strange seal in his hand, and still whispering: "Now I will use my blood as a medium to summon you to be reborn and give you eternal life. As the price of your rebirth, you will obey my orders, and all those who have different intentions will fall into the hell and suffer from the burning of night fire. Appear...the undead from hell, the warriors of the abyss!"

With the end of Huangfu Yuran's singing, a gray-black fog suddenly appeared on Huangfu Yuran's body, and in a moment, he had shrouded a radius of more than ten feet. In the gray-black fog, small earth bags bulging on the ground can be faintly seen.

The small earth bag cracked one by one, and a group of undead emerged from it. Yes, it was a group of undeads. At a glance, they were full of red eyes and grinning. The angry roar of colleagues and the dead, and the breathtaking roar made people chill.

When Huangfu Yuran finished these, the people opposite also finished the so-called "blood sacrifice", and their cultivation seemed to have soared to a higher level. Compared with Huangfu Yuran's current cultivation, Huangfu Yuran will not be stupid enough to challenge such a group of practitioners equivalent to his own cultivation.

The body suddenly disappeared into the gray-black fog, and the people on the opposite side also knew that their current cultivation could not last long, so everyone shouted and rushed into the gray-black fog laid by Huangfu Yuran. What was waiting for them was the extremely crazy army of the dead, and someone approached and shouted to meet them.

This is a massacre, this is a fierce fight. Although the undead army has an advantage in number, they all rely on their bodies to fight. Their claws and sharp teeth are their best weapons. However, these may be more than enough to deal with ordinary people, but it seems that it is not enough to deal with practitioners whose cultivation has reached the combination period.

The slaughter continued, but there was no trace of blood. Although there were cut arms everywhere, rolling heads everywhere, and there was still no trace of blood. This is the advantage of the army of the dead. They don't know what pain is, let alone fear. They only know how to destroy everything in front of them, which is also the order issued by Huangfu Yuran.

The practitioners of the combination period will drive the surrounding air between their hands and feet, and Zhenyuan can directly blow away or even kill people when they disperse. However, the army of the dead also has its own advantages. They are indeed undead. Even if only half of their bodies are left in the end, they continue to attack themselves.

The time of incense has passed, and I don't know how many of the undead have been cut. Looking at it, it is still a dense piece, and there is no trend of reduction at all. However, those practitioners feel that Zhenyuan is rapidly losing, and it is not far from their limit. They have to find a way to solve these problems in front of them quickly.

However, no matter how they kill, no matter how hard they try, there is no way to reduce these undeads, and it will only anger the undead, and the undead' offensive has become more fierce.

Another incense has passed, and finally a true healer was exhausted. At the moment before he could react, he was submerged by the army of the dead. Finally, there was a trace of blood in the gray fog. The undead tore the poor practitioners to pieces and scattered the ground.

Seeing this scene, the practitioners were afraid. Although they chose this trick of dying together, they would inevitably die, but this way of death was really a little scary. So, the first practitioners who rose to the sky took their heads, and the practitioners all rose up in the air.

As soon as it rose into mid-air, I felt the pressure and a sense of crisis above my head. Just at the moment of frowning, countless swords fell from the air and smashed these practitioners who were already the end of the crossbow back to the ground.

Huangfu Yuran's cold voice came from mid-air: "Repeat what we just said, today... everyone... will die! Join the army of the dead! Resistance is useless. Even if you use blood sacrifice, it is useless at all.

Huangfu Yuran's voice fell to the ground and the army of the dead made a shocking roar and a sad scream, which gradually calmed down for a long time.

Huangfu Yuran's figure appeared in the sky, looked down at all this, and gently shook his head to put away the gray-black fog. Along with the gray-black fog, the army of the dead disappeared at the same time, leaving only the ground with the broken meat mixed with blood foam.

Huangfu Yuran's red eyes bloomed with red light, and his hoarse voice shouted in a low voice: "Death...but that's all!" Identify the direction a little and fly in the direction of the Canglan Sea in the east, where... has its own familiar atmosphere.

The fight here has long attracted the attention of practitioners, especially when those practitioners are improving their cultivation, and the rising momentum makes nearby practitioners feel different. If it hadn't been for the critical moment of life and death, I'm afraid no one would like to use this forbidden trick that is not explicitly stipulated in the world of cultivation.

After Huangfu Yuran left, many practitioners appeared on the field, looking at the red land under his feet and the messy meat. They frowned one by one, not to mention that they want to see who these people are. Now they can't even find a complete piece of meat, how can they distinguish them?

Who is it? ...How dare you use such a vicious means to make people unable to choose the method of reincarnation. Is there such a great hatred?" A white-haired old man frowned and felt the breath around him.

"Senior, in your opinion, who did this?" A middle-aged man stood behind the old man with a respectful face.

The old man shook his head gently and sighed and said, "I can't determine who did it, but the air is full of evil breath, which makes people feel very uncomfortable... wait... and... the breath of the dead!"

"What? The dead? That's not from the underworld... Do you mean? ......”

The old man waved his hand and shook his head and said, "Don't think too much, the underworld will not take action against people in the real world. This should be artificial. That evil breath went in the direction of the sea of Canglan!" With that, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction in which Huangfu Yuran left.

Following the old man, a group of practitioners chased Huangfu Yuran's breath and set out to the sea of Canglan, and the turbulence of the world of cultivation was about to begin.