long candle

Chapter 19 Yayu

I went on a supernatural push before signing the contract. Xiaojuan is really a little embarrassed here. Today, I have discussed the signing of the contract with the editor. After signing the contract, I will change the title of the book. I hope everyone can collect it quickly, otherwise I can't find Xiaojuan. Thank you for your support these days. Xiaojuan wishes you all my dear readers a happy New Year. I wish you all Happy birthday.


"Damn it! Don't fight, don't fight! Master, I finally found a boat and broke it. How can we cross the Yalu River!" Nobita's head came out of the edge of the shadow, holding a big fish in one hand and wiping his face with the other hand, and roared at me.

"Fuck! You're not dead. Come up!" Xie Yuting picked up a tree stick from the side and handed it to Nobita.

Nobita pushed it with one hand and turned the black thing over. It was indeed a small broken boat.

He struggled to throw the big fish into the boat, then pulled the boat with a stick in one hand and swam to the shore.

When I took his hand, I found that he was frozen and weak, and his body sank like a dead pig. We took the strength to pull him up, and then pulled the boat to the shore together.

Then I scolded: "You know what the capital of the revolution is?"

Nobita wiped his face and said while wearing clothes, "It's gunfire and ammunition, the spirit that can't be defeated, and the call of the red flag!"

I scolded: "Fuck you, the capital of the revolution is the life of the warrior. You are not even dead. No matter how powerful the gunfire and ammunition are, it's useless!"

Nobita put on his clothes, squatted by the fire and made a fire. He said to me, "This is a difficult and dangerous warrior who can't be defeated as strong as steel."

Xie Yuting couldn't stand our nonsense, interrupted us and asked Daxiong what was going on.

Nobita trembling and said, "The fish is so strong. I held it down and was taken into the deep water by him. I was anxious to punch it and faint. I was about to go up to the shore when I suddenly touched a board at the bottom of the river and turned out to be a boat. The boat broke a big hole and was pressed down by the stones washed by the current. I took a lot of effort to move the stone out, and the boat floated up.

I took out the big fish that was stunned by him from the boat. At a glance, it turned out to be an elegant fish, so I laughed and said, "Today we have a blessing. I thought this fish Ya'an only had, but I didn't expect to catch such a big fish here."

Ya fish is a unique fish in Ya'an, Sichuan. Its scientific name is Qikou split belly fish. Although this kind of fish can be eaten in restaurants everywhere in Ya'an, I know that it is a national second-class protected animal, which is very rare. I have eaten it once in Bifengxia, and it costs hundreds of fish. As a paleontologist, I know that this fish is a cold-water fish that eats algae and small insects, so don't worry that he grew up eating dead human flesh.

We got a boat and found food. The future was bright. The three of them were in a good mood. They took the fish out of their internal organs and roasted it on the fire.

Although there is no salt, the fish is tender and slightly sweet, and tastes great.

The half-meter-long fish weighed about ten catties. The three big men devoured it all and finally found that there was nothing left for Liang Qian. Fortunately, she had been in a coma, otherwise she would have been dizzy again.

Then we copied some broken pieces of wood on the shore and made nails with a few hard fish bones to temporarily fill the hole in the ship.

In fact, that boat can only be regarded as a boat, which is often seen in fishing in the lake. It is very fragile. Fortunately, it has not been soaked for a long time, and it is not rotten, and its buoyancy is still very strong.

We also stayed long enough on the river bank full of corpses. We couldn't wait to lift Liang Qian into the boat, pressed the board of the boat with her buttocks, and then set off.

Daxiong held a torch and stood at the front end of the ship for lighting. I took the broken shovel from the dead as an oar. Xie Yuting took a long strong branch in his hand. If the boat was about to hit the reef, he had to support the river bed and let the boat avoid it.

We three stinky cobblers are Zhuge Liang, and they are also a team rowing dragon boats and singing dramas, and they drive into the dark river.

Our boat floated and sank in the rapid river and drifted downstream with a rapid flow of water. There was a swuffing wind in our ears. If it hadn't been for the dark area around it, there would have been a smell of a canoe having passed thousands of mountains.

The torch in Nobita's hand was blown by the wind, leaving only a fist-sized blue fire, which had no lighting effect at all. We are like moving forward in the Styx in ancient Egyptian legends. Maybe the giant snake transformed by Osiris is waiting for us in front of us.

Along the way, I heard Nobita constantly complaining: "It's fucking cold here. Shit, fortunately, I'm full of fat!"

At first, he was still arrogant, but later he really couldn't do it. He said to me, "Chuanzi, take a broken shovel as an oar in your hand. Let me ask you, the current is so fast, do you need to row? Come and replace the hero. I'm in a hurry to pee!"

At this time, Xie Yuting smiled and said, "Didn't you still show off just now? Your flame can't be illuminated at all. If I hadn't often gone down to practice a pair of night eyes, your boy would have hit the reef and fallen on a bear.

Nobita scolded: "Damn, I didn't say it earlier!" You two think I'm quite suitable for the windshield, don't you?

After saying that, he shrank back, sat down in the boat, handed me the torch, and rubbed his hands hard.

I was about to laugh at him when Xie Yuting said in a low voice, "Pay attention, there is a big reef in front of you. Be prepared to drink cold water."

I looked up and saw that there was a shadow of a huge stone not far ahead, about 15 or 16 meters wide, and the shape of the stone was very strange. It turned out to be a cylindrical shape, much like some kind of man-made facility. When the water came to the front of the huge reef, it was divided into two strands. Both streams of water just allow our boats to pass through, and the terrain was very steep.

At our current speed, as long as there is a slight mistake, the canoe will be smashed.

So I tried my best to paddle with the broken shovel in my hand and tried to lean towards the river on the right.

Xie Yuting also kept poking the river bed with a tree stick more than one meter long in his hand, making our boat keep deviating to the right.

I almost fought for my life. My hands with a broken shovel felt numb, and my whole body sweated like rain.

However, our initial position was in the center of the river. At such a short distance, there was no way to get the boat to the riverbed on the right. Seeing that we were about to hit the huge stone, my heart was cold and I was ready to pull Nobita to jump into the river.

At this time, Xie Yuting jumped up from the ship, stepped on the boulder with his feet, and then turned around. He poked the tree stick in his hand, pushed the bow more than a meter to the right, and then jumped up to the boulder with the help of the reverse thrust of the ship. Noodles.

All this happened between the lightning and the flint. Nobita and I were stunned. Before we could cheer, our boat had rushed into the torrent on the right side of the boulder.

The water behind began to go down. We were impacted by the slope of the riverbed and the violent water flow. We rushed out like arrows from the string. The boat began to bump violently, so that we almost fell off the boat. I hurried back and held down the unconscious Liang Qian so that she would not fall into the water.

The rumble of water sounded in our ears, as if to pierce my eardrums.

The bumps and loud noise in our ears lasted for about ten minutes, the water gradually became flat, the boat stabilized, and the loud noise gradually moved away from us.

My hearing has not fully recovered, and I shouted to Daxiong, "What should I do? Xie Yuting must be trapped on that big stone!"

Due to the toss just now, the torch in Nobita's hand has been extinguished. I only heard him shout at me, "Then let's go back and save him now."

At this time, another person also shouted, "I jumped back to the boat a long time ago."

I was overjoyed and thought that Xie Yuting was really not an ordinary person. The skills just now were simply something that could only be seen in martial arts novels.

Daxiong lit the torch again. I saw that Yuting really sat on the boat and was relieved. I couldn't help but change his words: "Master Ting, who the hell are you?"