long candle

Chapter 20 Shadow

Xie Yuting smiled and said, "I'm the little owner of an antique shop in Hangzhou. When I was a child, I learned some boxing and leg embroidery skills in the troupe with my cousin."

Halfway through, he stopped, as if he remembered something in the past and sighed. Then he said, "Don't mention this. The stone pillar we just passed by is the sacrificial platform of the ancient Yi people. According to my grandfather's notes, after the sacrificial platform, it is not far from the underground temple, where there is something we are looking for."

Nobita sighed and said, "Finally, the dawn of the liberation of the country is not far away..."

I asked doubtfully, "What is the reason why this native built the sacrificial platform in the water?"

Xie Yuting said, "Actually, I don't know. I just saw a mural about the Wei people in an ancient tomb. I am very familiar with the ancient mask on their faces. Only by wearing that mask, the poisonous insects raised by the Wei people will not attack you, and the mural says that the Wei people can live for thousands of years... I don't know if it's true or not.

I was terrmented that if there were such strange people in the world, would they still be earthlings?

At this time, Nobita became energetic and said with a smile, "Damn, if I catch one and take it to the zoo for exhibition, I will hold a stool to collect tickets every day, and I will be more rich than Bill Gates in two years!"

Nobita can always step in when others talk about serious things. I said to him, "Maybe he also wants to catch you to their country for exhibition!"

Xie Yuting saw that we were arguing again and said, "Two young masters, don't talk nonsense and do business!"

We picked up the broken shovel and tree stick in our hands and walked on the calmer river. The light of the torch was no longer flickering and could illuminate the distance of seven or eight meters around us.

But I feel that the surroundings are getting darker and darker. If you look carefully, it turns out that the river is getting wider and wider, and gradually tends to become a big lake.

Sure enough, we drew dozens of meters forward. I can't see the cave walls on both sides. In front of me is an endless lake. A trace of cold fog spread over the lake, and I can't see it at a glance.

Our boat is like sailing on a still black sea. The light of the torch is so small that there is no sound of water around it. Everything is extremely silent, and we can only hear each other's breathing.

I don't know how long it took. I saw a thin white line on the horizontal plane in front of me, and I seemed to see a light burning in the thin fog.

Xie Yuting obviously saw the lamp and said to Nobita, "Come on, put out the torch!"

Nobita knew what he meant and didn't say anything. He threw the torch into the water.

I held my hand with the broken shovel a little tighter, and I knew very well that if the people in front of me were those cruel international thieves, we would be in danger.

After the torch went out, my eyes gradually adapted to the darkness. At this time, I found that the lake in the hole was not completely dark. Some unknown glowing fish were swimming in the lake, and the faint blue cold light sank to the bottom of the lake like sparse stars.

I thought it might be a light in front of a ship, but when our boat drove closer, we found that the white line we saw before turned out to be frozen ice on the lake.

And above this ice layer are actually some dense small houses. Those houses are about three meters high and are made of stone. The roof is thatched. Each small house has two oval holes, which should be windows.

These houses curled up in the dark, stacked on top of each other. At first glance, it looks like a group of strange creatures looking at us coldly.

Our boat is only more than ten meters away from the ice, and the light is even more real, as if it were one of the dense houses.

I looked around and found that there were no ships around us, which made me feel strange. Xie Yuting gave us a wink and motioned us to go ashore.

The ice was about half a meter high from the ground. I and Yuting climbed up along the edges and corners of the ice. Nobita was pulled up by us with Liang Qian on his back, and then we pulled the boat to the shore together.

"Damn, it's fucking cold here. I can't figure it out. Even if it's an underground cave, it can't be so cold. It's the end of spring and the beginning of summer now!" Nobita rubbed his hands and said.

Xie Yuting pressed his mouth and said, "Be quiet..."

He pointed to the nearest cabin and said, "Let's find a room to settle down first, and then see what the lighted room is."

When I came to this hut, I first looked through the oval hole and saw that the room was dark and gloomy.

Wei appeared in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The earliest compilation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas was in the early Warring States Period, that is, more than 24,000 years ago. In this way, these houses in front of us are likely to have been built more than 2,000 years ago, and we don't know how the mysterious Wei people lived in this ground at that time.

But according to the architectural skills, I still admire this Chinese, because after so many years, most of the houses here are still standing. I think it may be caused by the fact that there are few disasters in the ground.

There is no door in the hut, or the door has been rotten. We saw some black fragments on the ground, which may be the wood used to make us in those years.

Xie Yuting was the first to enter the room and lit the lighter. Daxiong and I followed in. The layout of the house was very simple. There was a round stone pier near the window, which seemed to be a table, and the inner place was covered with some black objects, which should be rotten fur and other things. Now it is rotten. It's done.

The most noticeable thing is the several decorations hanging on the wall. Before I could praise them, Daxiong shouted out first: "Damn it, baby!"

There are several coral-like decorations hanging on the walls of this dilapidated house. The branches are made of pure gold, and the branches are also inlaid with many red gems, shining with strange golden light under the light of the lighter.

There is a gold leaf mask next to the golden coral. The shape of the whole face is very similar to the mask I once wore, but there is a black gem inlaid on it at the forehead.

When Xie Yuting saw these two things, his eyes lit up, went over and took them down, observed them for a while, and said with great joy, "These should be works of art of the Chinese people. I didn't expect them to have such exquisite skills. This is priceless treasure..."

It's not strange to see that he can't put it down and know that this is his nature as a tomb robber.

And Nobita rubbed his hands beside him, smashed his mouth and asked, "How much is this thing worth?"

Xie Yuting carefully played with these two things and said, "This thing is not for sale. It is of great significance to the study of ancient demise civilization. I have an uncle who is very interested in this. I will take it back and show it to him."

I was about to ask who my uncle was when I suddenly glanced at the door as if there was a figure. I almost jumped up, pointed to the door, and said in a trembling voice, "That... over there..."

Xie Yuting was very alert and threw the baby to Nobita. In an instant, the evil knife had been pulled out and grabbed the door in two or three steps.

However, just as Xie Yuting rushed over, the figure turned around and ran out, very agile.