long candle

Chapter 40 Ice is hot

At first, I took four steps forward and then retreated.

Nobita asked me what I was doing. I lost the money. I ignored him and opened the stone door to see if it was still the previous room, and hurriedly retreated out again.

Then he muttered to himself, "It's not four steps, what does that mean?"

Nobita interrupted: "Have you lost 40 yuan? No, it's important to run for your life now.

. I gave him a white look and said, "Can you mother stop me!"

I thought about it, picked up the flashlight and found it on the wall.

When I came in before, I felt that the stone wall of the corridor was bare and there was nothing. Now after careful examination, I found that there were actually some prominent candlesticks on it, but the candlesticks were very high and built more than three meters from the ground. In addition, the color is the same as the stone, which is difficult to find.

I shouted excitedly, "Yes!" Then he pulled Nobita forward and swept the candlestick on the wall with a flashlight.

Nobita didn't know why, and he kept asking questions, and I was really not in the mood to pay attention to him.

At the bottom of the fourth candlestick, we have run out for about four or five hundred meters.

At this time, I firmly believe that these are not as simple as candlesticks, because no one will build candlesticks so sparsely that they can't achieve the effect of lighting.

After the fourth candlestick, I led Nobita to turn his head and walk back.

Nobita quit, dragged my wrist and said, "Wow! Comrade Xiaochuan, you really can't put down the 40 yuan. OK, I'll give it to you!"

I didn't want to talk to him. I broke away from his hand and walked back a few steps. Sure enough, I saw the stone door and hurriedly pulled the door in.

I was stunned as soon as I entered the door. Nobita came in behind me and stayed there.

And the beard eyes behind him suddenly lit up, as if he had forgotten his illness and sighed, "Good baby..."

In front of us is a small stone room. The stone room is full of gold bars and porcelain. There are several scrolls of ancient paintings leaning against the wall. Next to the ancient painting is an open ebony treasure chest. In the box, there is a seal wrapped in red cloth, a pair of silver armor and a sword. The scabbard is made of ivory and inlaid with it. Seven gems of different colors are like a seven-star sword.

I remembered the description of returning to my hometown in King Wei's silk book. I guessed that the money must have been given by Li Shimin, and the armor and seal were worn by the King Wei when he was an official in the Tang Dynasty, but a pair of silver armor is estimated to be priceless.

The beard jumped off Nobita's back and said to us, "I'm too sorry for this!"

Daxiong scolded, "Damn, *, you are half cured when you see the Mingqi. I think you are a dog that can't change eating shit. Are you fighting? These gold and silver are so heavy, how can you escape?"

Then he looked at me, coughed and said, "But in order to protect the cultural relics, the sword and calligraphy and painting can be taken out and donated to the museum!"

Inverted fighting is a nickname for tomb robbery. I know this. I didn't know the origin of Daxiong before. Now it seems that he and this tomb robber are called brothers and brother, and they probably know what Daxiong used to do.

I'm not an archaeologist yet. Even if I'm an archaeologist, I'm still very clear about these internal departments. As long as scholars meet it, they have the right to deal with it by themselves, so I'm not disgusted with it.

Seeing that my grandson, an old researcher, didn't say anything, Daxiong ran up to get a scroll of calligraphy and painting and the sword, while * chose a porcelain bottle and stuffed a few jade pendants into it.

Before leaving, Daxiong put the silver armor helmet on his head and didn't forget to grab a few gold ingots and put them in his trouser pocket. He said sadly, "It's a pity. If it weren't for the time constraints, I would have asked a truck to take them away, all... donate them to the museum?"

He said in a tone with doubts at the end, and it was obvious that even he didn't believe it.

I heard it funny and said, "Let's go quickly after taking it. It's still a question whether to take these things out or not.

"Daxiong nodded and said, "Comrade Nie, you don't take it. You are white and honest. These gold and silver can only stain your noble hands. When your buddy goes out, there will be no lack of your benefits."

I was very sad to hear this, as if I was scolding me. I kicked him on the buttocks and said, "Let your mother's fart and run away quickly!"

According to the numbers prompted by my grandfather, I returned to the stone gate at the tenth candlestick and came to a stone house full of weapons. Unfortunately, these iron weapons were almost rotten.

Out of this room, we returned to the stone gate at the fifth candlestick and unexpectedly came to the previous tomb of the king. It seems that this is also a very important room in this maze.

At this time, Nobita was happy and said to me, "Wh! Unexpectedly, Comrade Xiaochuan, there is a way!"

I was also broad-minded and smiled at him, "Yes, I'm about to find the 40 yuan."

According to Grandpa's last hint, we came to the last stone door. The stone door in front of us is still the stone door engraved with a conch pattern. The cracks on the door naturally cracks show that this door is no different from the previous one.

I put my hand on the stone door, and a chill moistened my whole palm. I took a deep breath and opened the stone door with Nobita.

A cold fresh air rushed from outside the stone gate, which was much better than the smell of corruption in the corridor.

Daxiong and I cheered and saw the ancient ruins of Wei Guo appear in front of us.

The bright moonlight sprinkled from the huge hole overhead, illuminating the circular square covered with ice paintings in front of us. It is not far away and is an ancient architectural complex of Weiguo.

The three of us came to the center of the square and looked up at the stone walls around us. After observing for a long time, as before, we couldn't get out of the huge hole overhead.

Because the space we are in now is like an upside-down bowl, and the huge hole is a straw inserted in the bottom of the bowl, so we want to enter the hole unless we have eight legs.

Nobita observed for a while, sighed and said, "Freedom is in front of us, but it's a pity that the dawn is out of reach."

After a pause, he said, "Why don't we learn island drifting and draw an SOS on the ground to see if anyone can save us."

I said to him, "It's useless for you to draw an IOS. Not to mention whether the plane can fly over the hole, even if someone is on it, what you see is dark."

Nobita said again, "Well, let's put an SOS with a candle!"

I laughed and said, "Why don't you court the omnipotent Sister Feng? Let's see if he can come down and accept you. If you talk nonsense, I'll order you first."

Daxiong stared at me and said, "Comrade Nie, are you deliberately making fault with me today?"

I said, "What's the matter! If the master is not here, will Bajie bully the eldest brother? Believe it or not, I have received you, a black bear spirit.

The beard on Daxi's back almost rolled his eyes when he heard us talk so well.

We saw that he couldn't stand it anymore, so we stopped talking and walked to the ruins of Weiguo at the end of the square.

When I walked to the edge of the ruins, I felt a burst of despair. I saw those centipede spiders lying densely on the top of the cave, raising their tentacles to inquire about the smell in the air, and began to feel restless.

At this time, the cave shook violently again, and many centipede spiders fell from the top of the cave and roared at us.

Nobita fired two shots at the centipede spiders trying to approach us, pulled me back and returned to the middle of the square.

Those centipede spiders are always afraid of the moonlight and can only roar at us from afar.

Nobita put his mustache on the ground and sat down himself.

I stood next to them, a little helpless and silent.

After a while, I said to him, "Well, I think it's quite reliable to set up an SOS with a candle."

As soon as Nobita heard me say this, his eyes widened and suddenly bounced up from the ground, and his movements were very exaggerated.

I hummed and smiled and said, "Oka, the acting is too fake. Is it necessary to react so much?"

Nobita pointed his fingers and said for a long time, "How can this...the ice surface be hot?"