long candle

Chapter 41 Escape

I didn't think he was joking, so he squatted down to touch the ice. Sure enough, a warmth came from the ice.

I felt a little puzzled, but before we figured out what was going on, the cracking sound of the ice sounded from all directions.

Countless water vapor burst out of the cracks in the ice, and we found that the surrounding ice began to fall.

I tried to stabilize my body and seemed to remember something. In fact, I had found that the structure of this relic was too much like a volcano. The mountain that first came in was an extinct volcano, and now it is located in another crater.

It's just that I didn't expect this kind of dead volcano to erupt again. Maybe it's because the giant codge in the ground awakening destroyed the aura in the veins. This is the explanation of feng shui.

King Wei was a master of feng shui in the Tang Dynasty, so he is likely to use feng shui to set traps.

Thinking of this, I shouted to Nobita, "Damn, I said that no matter how big the body is, it has no power to cause an earthquake. It's going to explode!" We are on the crater now!"

King Wei's helmet is so small that Nobita's big head can't be buckled, so he can only wear it. Now it looks very funny.

He held the helmet and said, "Huh? Isn't that right? Let it spray us out.

I scolded, "When it sprays you out, you will become a roast pig."

I thought about it and said, "But this may be a good thing. The water temperature here is so low that the high heat before the volcanic eruption will heat up the water, and the volume of the water will expand a lot. In addition, a large amount of gas will pour into the bottom of the lake. The underground river in front will definitely pour back and flush us out of the estuary."

Daxiong was stunned again, smashed his mouth and said, "Oh! You college student are really a little knowledgeable. Damn it, when I go out, I have to pay to study at Peking University. What should we do now?

As I walked forward, I said, "The water temperature is about to reach the boiling point. At that time, we will be burned to death without drowning. Let's go to the river to find the boat."

After saying this, we ran for a while, but the ice surface had become thinner and broke as soon as we stepped on it. We fell into the water several times, and then climbed up the ice with difficulty and continued to run forward.

Fortunately, the current water temperature has melted ice to neutralise the temperature, otherwise we would have become dumplings.

But even so, I still feel like an ant on a hot pot.

Soon, we encountered another problem, that is, the centipede spider in the ruins.

Seeing us rush into the ruins, the centipede spiders at the top of the cave hiss and fell to the ground one after another, but soon broke the ice and fell into the water.

What I didn't expect was that these guys could swim and move very quickly in the water.

Thanks to Nobita's brute force, he probably also fought. He held a huge ice cube like a bear and waved it like a sledgehammer. The rushing centipede spider was smashed away by it and flew far away, flying green juice.

We continued to run forward. The surrounding ancient houses were too heavy for the ice to bear, making a click sound, piercing the ice surface and sinking to the bottom of the lake. I feel that the whole world is sinking, and there is a feeling of doomsday.

It's not easy to run on the ice. We almost slip after two steps. We are already covered with injuries, but now our knees and elbows are bloodshot. The scene is too tragic.

Nobita will protect his face every time he falls, so as not to fall off his lower front teeth. Fortunately, he wore King Wei's silver helmet and didn't fall too seriously.

In this way, while fighting with the centipede spider, we avoided the landslide stone house, and stumbled all the way to the place where the ship was stopped in the danger of falling under the ice.

For good, the ship is still there and has been launched. Xie Yuting is sitting on the boat and waving to us.

I shouted, "My relatives!" He jumped and jumped on the boat first.

Nobita held his mustache in the back and then pushed him over.

Then he stood on the shore and hesitated.

I asked him loudly, "What are you thinking about?" Come on up!"

Nobita touched his head and said, "Damn, I lost my helmet and painting. Wait for me to go back and pick it up!"

I scolded, "What the mother, when is it, still..."

Before I finished speaking, a huge centipede spider at the top of the cave suddenly fell down and fell on Daxiong's back. It opened a huge citing and bit on Daxiong's shoulder, and blood gushed out.

Nobita was in pain, and he grabbed one leg of the centipede spider with his backhand and threw it far away.

My face turned white, because this thing must be very poisonous.

Daxiong touched the wound and scolded, "Damn it, I said, no!"

After saying that, he jumped down hard, and the boat sank down and almost turned over. I hurriedly pressed him and looked at his wound, only to see that the wound had blackened.

I sweated on my head and tore his rotten cotton-padded jacket. Scholars sucked out the blood with my mouth.

After taking a few breaths, Nobita laughed, pushed me away and said, "Don't suck, it's so itchy!"

He just smiled a few times, just like an asthma patient. He covered his neck and began to breathe, and his face suddenly turned green, which was obviously a sign of difficulty breathing.

Xie Yuting was anxious, pushed me away and said, "This poison is too powerful. Rinse your mouth quickly and let me do it!"

As I held a handful of hot water from the pool and rinsed my mouth, I watched Xie Yuting take out a disposable needle from his pocket and give Daxiong an injection.

Just as I wanted to ask what kind of medicine it was, I found that my tongue was frozen, and my mouth was like eating half a catty of pepper, and I didn't listen at all.

Then my head began to be stunned, and I felt that my whole cheek was not my own.

I looked at Xie Yuting's sweaty head, put Daxiong flat on the boat, began to press his chest, and gave him artificial respiration, and a sense of despair rose in my heart.

But the poison is really powerful, and I feel that every scene around me has begun to turn. Listening to the tsunami-like sound of the surrounding mountains, I felt that the water was rising at a high speed, and then the boat began to move and drifted towards the dark river in the distance.

My consciousness gradually blurred, and I felt that my cheeks were full of tears. The last wish was: Nobita, don't die...


The day before yesterday, a magnitude 5.0 earthquake occurred in Ebian County, Sichuan Province. The epicenter was the Heizhugou Scenic Area. There were some landslides in the scenic area, but there were no casualties. The Seismological Bureau said that the earthquake was the aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake. Although the earthquake in Chengdu is relatively obvious, experts expect that there will be no strong aftershocks again in the near future.

I held a remote control board in my hand and lay down by the window**. Looking out of the window, I looked at the sunshine and a few playful birds on the lawn. Listening to the news broadcast in my ear, I couldn't help laughing: "The earthquake bureau is really unreliable."

At this time, the door of the ward opened, and Xie Yuting came in wearing a pink shirt, a black slim suit, with his hands in his pockets.

The first sentence he came in was: "Well, our mummy is watching TV. How do you feel?"

I have to wear bandages all over my body for two days, and now I do look like a mummy.

And now my tongue is still numb. Although I can barely speak, I speak like a fool and drool involuntarily.

So in the face of Xie Yuting's flirtation, I tried to maintain my demeanor, smiled slightly, and felt like a big daughter.

Xie Yuting also wrapped a bandage in his right hand and a Band-Aid on his face.

He sat down next to me, sighed and said, "It's almost done here. It's time for me to go back to Hangzhou. There's a little mess in the hall. The fat man Daxiong's condition is now under control, but he is still in shock. He may have to rest for a month. Don't worry and take good care of his injury."

Then he took out a note and a pile of money from his pocket and put it on the table and said to me, "There are many mysteries about the ghost eye. I will take back what I found from the ruins and study it. If there is anything I find, I will call you. This note is my address and phone number in Hangzhou. If necessary You can also come to me. Your family already knows that you are in the hospital, but it will take some time to come. You can spend this money as hospital expenses first.

I looked at the pile of money at least 100,000 yuan and said to myself, where did Daxiong spend so much money? Does he regard me as a partner and ask me to fight next time?

After saying this, Xie Yuting stood up and walked to the door.

As he walked, he waved his back to me and said, "Don't worry, we still have a chance to meet."