long candle

Chapter 43 Calm

The gold bars are covered with soil, but the luster is still so eye-catching.

"Wow! Brother, you sent it... invite me to dinner." My cousin jumped up next to her.

I curled my lips and said, "Don't mess around. This is a cultural relic that needs to be donated to the country." I took out the tissue from my pocket and wiped off the soil on a piece of gold bar. I saw the words Zhenguan Tongbao at the bottom. It seemed that my guess was right. The money was indeed given to King Wei by Li Shimin.

I think that Yuting's ability is indeed not small. This thing will definitely be detained when the hospital is examined. I don't know how Mr. Ting hid it.

There is also a tattered note in the suitcase, which I found in the bitter nest. I didn't have time to read it when I was in the hole. Later, when I escaped, I fell into the water many times. Now I can't recognize the handwriting on it, and it rotten into scum with a gentle turn.

All that's left is the projector and the muscle specimens obtained from the monster.

I took out the projector first and saw that the metal shell was covered with scratches and dents, as if the scene of the landslide was still vivid. I couldn't help taking a deep breath and calm down.

But when I touched the side of the projector, my heart was cold, because I didn't know who pulled out the storage card.

I remember that the storage card was there when I got the projector, and no one moved the projector along the way. Is it after I fainted?

I thought about it carefully and thought it was probably done by a mustache.

Because the moustache was not in a hospital with us, and according to the doctor's description, there were only three people when the rescue team found us, obviously excluding the moustache. Who the hell is this little beard? When Daxiong wakes up, I must ask him.

The projector without a storage card is a piece of waste. I sighed and put the suitcase away and put it in the room.

The last thing left is the muscle specimen of the monster. After a long time, it has begun to stink in plastic bags, but there is no equipment to study at home.

So I could only call a good friend of the research institute and ask him to take it to help me with the test.

Since the detailed test took at least 3 months, I then fell into a state of doing nothing.

The parents and second uncle didn't say much when they learned about the situation, only their cousins were disappointed.

One night, I called Xie Yuting to ask him if he knew about the moustache, but the other end of the phone was a woman, as if the whole earth owed her money, saying that she was a consultant of a real estate company.

I thought I pressed the wrong number and called twice, but it turned out to be that woman. Finally, she scolded her and said that she would call the police if she harassed her again.

I'm very depressed. I don't know if Master Ting wrote wrong or deliberately tricked me, so I had to stop.

The next time, my uncle and father have been contacting the Academy of Sciences. When the Academy of Sciences learned that Grandpa was still alive, they promised to try their best to search for clues, but there should be no result in the short term.

Although we live in anxiety every day, no one can go on so endlessly, so a week later, my parents decided to go back to Beijing to continue to work, and my second uncle began to be busy with his own affairs.

After my cousin went to class, I was left alone in the small yard every day.

I'm also rarely idle. After my grandfather disappeared, the Academy of Sciences didn't come to me again. It was originally a voluntary job without salary. If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, no one cares about you.

While recovering, I took care of my grandfather's flowers and plants, and I felt that my life was quite good.

Later, I even felt that what I experienced in the ruins of Wei was a dream. But whenever I come to the hospital to visit Nobita, I can really feel that everything is true.

One Thursday night, the hospital called me and said that Daxiong had woken up from a coma. As soon as I heard it, I was so happy that I hurriedly cleaned up, called at the door and rushed straight to the hospital.

When I came to the hospital ward, I was surprised to find that Nobita's bed was empty. When I asked, I knew that a group of people had picked up Nobita.

While scolding the hospital for letting people go without waiting for me to come, I called Daxiong for fear of any danger, but the phone has always been turned off. Only then did I remember that our phone had long been lost in the ruins of Weiguo. My number came back to protect the number, and Daxiong's number did not help him handle the number. Continuation.

I asked those nurses who took Nobita away. A young nurse told me that there were several men, two of whom were wearing old military uniforms, and Nobita seemed to be willing to leave them, not like kidnapping.

I felt a little relieved and guessed that it must have been the little beard who took Nobita away. I don't know for what purpose.

I thought that Daxiong would definitely call me after he was discharged from the hospital, but in the next month, this guy had no news. So far, the group of people who ventured with me to Heizhugou seemed to have evaporated from the world and disappeared.

Daxiong and I have always been very good friends. I didn't expect him to do this to me. I said, don't let me meet this fat man again, or I will be beaten first.

After struggling for a few days, I felt very helpless. I was also a normal person and had my own life, so I found a group of high school classmates to drink and sing all day long, and gradually forgot those things.

Life seems to return to calm. As I am about to graduate with a doctorate, I have nothing to do. Instead, I begin to miss that exciting and adventurous life.

On this day, I was bored. I rode my bicycle to Longquan Lake in the east of Chengdu. In late summer, Longquan Lake was full of green trees, and the distant mountains were as green as beautiful women. The breeze blew slowly, which was quieter and cooler than the city.

I stood in the weeds by the lake in the evening glow and watched several old people fishing leisurely on the other side of the lake. Everything was so harmonious.

Taking a deep breath, I was ready to turn around and leave, but the moment I turned around, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the reflection in the water and found that three people in black on the slope not far behind me seemed to be looking at me from behind.

I was a little surprised and hurriedly turned around and looked up the slope, but the three people were gone.

The slope is the highway when I came. Those three people must have retreated to the road and should not have gone far.

I was full of suspicion and accelerated my pace to walk up the slope. When I came to the road, I found that there were no pedestrians, only a black SUV parked not far away.

I picked up the mountain bike parked on the roadside, then rode it up and walked in the opposite direction of the SUV.

However, as expected, the car started as I didn't go far, and the speed was so slow that it followed me desperately.

I have never been followed, and I was so nervous that I broke out in a cold sweat on my forehead.

Because I remembered that the news just reported that organ dealers kidnapped young and strong college students and dragged them into the dark room to get kidneys.

But after all, I was also a person who had seen the world, and I was still relatively calm, so I deliberately adjusted the transmission of the bicycle repeatedly, so that the chain of the mountain bike soon fell off, so that I could take this opportunity to repair the car.

I thought to myself that if the car didn't want me to find that they were following me, it would not obviously stop behind my back.

Sure enough, the SUV saw that I stopped and did not stop, but drove slowly from my side. I deliberately took out the phone and called a friend who was a policeman, saying that if those people wanted to come down and kidnap me, I could call for help immediately.

The people in the car really ate my suit and slowly drove past me. A man in black kept looking at me from the rear window, but never stopped.

The car passed me and drove far away. I was talking nonsense with my friends on the phone. It was not until the car turned a corner and disappeared behind a hill that I hurriedly got on the bike and rode in the opposite direction at a high speed.

I rode very fast all the way. When I got home, I was exhausted. I hurried to take a shower. When I came out, my second aunt had already prepared the food.

I didn't tell the two elders what happened today, but strangely, the three of them didn't talk at dinner today, but looked at me with a hesitant look every moment.

In the end, I couldn't help asking my second uncle if he had anything to do and if he had found Grandpa's body.

The second uncle hesitated a little, exchanged his eyes with his second aunt, and then said, "Big nephew, it's not your grandfather's business, but you. Tell your second uncle honestly, have you provoked anyone recently?"