long candle

Chapter 42 Gold Bar

Hearing his words, I actually felt a little relieved. Only then did I find that after experiencing a life and death, I have regarded him as my brother, although Xie Yuting's * life is still a mystery.

When Xie Yuting closed the door, I was relieved and lay down again in **.

Countless pictures flashed in my mind, such as ancient sites, giant dragonfly and ghost eyes. When I woke up from the hospital, I once thought these were just a nightmare, but now, Xie Yuting pulled me back to reality.

I have a hunch that this is far from over.

Thinking of my grandfather's tragic death, I couldn't help but feel a colic and sighed.

"My parents will come in a couple of days. How can I explain to them?" I fell into infinite mourning and hesitation.

That night, when the doctor came to check the room, he saw that my eyes were dull and advised me not to worry too much, saying that I was just overworked, coupled with multiple soft tissue contusions, and I only needed two weeks to rest to get out of bed.

I asked him on the writing board how I got to the hospital. He said that on the day of the earthquake, a forest ranger's helicopter was checking the disaster over the black bamboo ditch and found that three people fainted by a river, which saved us. One of them was also bitten by a poisonous spider and came back to save us for a long time.

He also earnestly advised me not to take too much adventure. Those deep mountains and old forests are not suitable for us urban young people to adventure. Next time we are hungry and faint, we may not have such good luck.

I felt funny in my heart, but I was also grateful to the doctor, and then he asked me for the hospitalization fee...

On the first day, it was difficult for me to get out of bed. As long as I moved a little, my hands and feet hurt a lot, which was a manifestation of muscle strain all over my body.

On the fourth day, I can get out of bed, but due to excessive muscle strain, I can't walk big.

In fact, the most important thing is to go to the toilet. Every time you squat down, your legs will hurt and sweat all over your body.

My parents rushed to the hospital from Beijing that day. The doctor suggested that I could be discharged from the hospital for recuperation, so my mother went through the discharge procedures for me.

When I left, I went to the intensive care unit to see Nobita. I saw that his face was much better and his breathing was evenly. I didn't know what he was dreaming about, but he was actually giggling.

I paid all his hospitalization expenses in one lump sum, and then left the hospital with the help of my parents and returned to my home in Chengdu.

I was originally from Chengdu, but after my grandfather went to work in Beijing, he divided two houses there. When I was a child, my father went to Beijing to teach, so he lived in Beijing, and finally his household registration was transferred.

But the house in my hometown has never been sold, and all my childhood memories are engraved in this old yard in the western suburbs of Chengdu.

The old yard was later taken over by the second uncle. At that time, the second uncle was very poor and had no house. Now he has opened a restaurant, but he is still reluctant to give up the old yard. He has nothing to do every day and takes good care of the flowers and plants left by his grandfather.

When he saw us come back, the second uncle was very happy and took his cousin Nie Qilan out to greet us. Nie Qilan is the youngest of our brothers and sisters, because her second uncle is the latest to get married.

But she is also the most beautiful of my few. I heard that she has just received hundreds of love letters in the second year of junior high school.

When I was a child, there were still a lot of farmland in the western suburbs of Chengdu. She often relied on me to catch grasshoppers and come back to fry them. She was a pestering goblin.

But she hasn't seen me for seven or eight years, and now she has become a half-year-old girl, and she is a little embarrassed to look at me.

I still rudely went up and pinched her round face, and then the brother and sister entered the yard.

After entering the house, the second aunt has already cooked the meal. I heard that my father likes to drink Red Star Erguotou, so she specially bought a few bottles of cellar to serve us.

I think the dishes on the table are just ordinary Sichuan dishes such as twice-cooked pork and boiled beef, but what I cook is different from other places. For me, who hasn't eaten the flavor of my hometown for a long time, it smells like swallowing my tongue.

After a few drinks, my uncle and aunt and parents asked each other about their family and chatted happily.

At first, I was also very happy, but after eating a few mouthfuls of food, I began to struggle and began to suffer. Because I don't know whether I should tell them about Grandpa.

The second uncle has been loved by his grandfather since he was a child. I heard that there have been some heart problems in recent years, and I don't know if he can stand it.

My expression hung on my face and I couldn't hide it. My thoughtful cousin Nie Qilan quickly found my abnormalness and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

He asked this question, and the other four people immediately stopped talking and laughing, and their expressions were awe-inspiring.

I smiled and waved my hand and said, "It's okay. It's okay. I'm just worried."

At this time, my second uncle kept looking at me, but my father lowered his head and went to touch the cigarette.

I saw that my second uncle's eyes flashed and seemed to have something to say to me.

After looking at it for a long time, he sighed, raised his glass and said, "Nep, come on, clink a glass with your second uncle."

We each dried the white wine in the glass. Dad lit a cigarette and found a dark corner and sat down, while my mother began to wipe her tears, and my second aunt kept sighing.

At this time, the second uncle said, "We already know that the Academy of Sciences informed us that something had happened to us yesterday. We have been psychologically prepared. I know that you have entered the ruins with him. You can tell us what happened now."

I was relieved, sighed, recalled it carefully, and picked up the main points and told them what happened.

The plot involving ghost eyes and red lotus blood coffins is too strange, so everyone can't believe it and looks at each other.

Only my cousin was surprised and excited, and clamored to go with me on the next inspection.

I know that what I have described is beyond the cognitive scope of ordinary people. As an ordinary person, I will definitely feel scared.

Sure enough, after a while, my mother came to touch my face and said, "Xiaochuan, this is too dangerous. Don't go to the Academy of Sciences in the future. Ask your father to arrange a teaching job for you and marry a daughter-in-law."

To be honest, I used to listen to my mother the most, and I was very timid. I will definitely avoid this kind of thing.

But now I don't know why. Maybe after experiencing these things, I feel that I am different from ordinary people. I seem to feel that I can no longer be a mediocre ordinary person.

Although I thought so, I still agreed to my mother's request, because I didn't want her to worry.

The family sat silently on the chair, and no one was in the mood to eat again.

We can't handle the funeral for Grandpa, because in this case, it can only be considered missing, and we have to wait for the search results of the Academy of Sciences.

So we sat until very late before we went to bed separately.

Early the next morning, I went to clean up the personal belongings I took back from the hospital. These were all packed in a huge suitcase and put in the trunk of my father's SUV. I opened it and saw the hospital number and my name on it.

I moved the suitcase out and found that the weight was quite heavy.

At this time, my cousin ran over, looked at the box curiously, and smiled at me. I knew that she must be curious about my adventures and wanted to see the trophies brought from the ruins of Wei, so she rubbed her hair and said nothing.

However, to my surprise, as soon as the suitcase was opened, a sour and unpleasant smell gushed out. It almost smoked me one by one.

My cousin also covered her nose and stepped back two steps, frowned and asked me, "Brother, have you packed the dead mouse back?"

I covered my nose and touched the box and pulled out an old leather coat.

The old leather coat was covered with mud and various sundries, and there were holes everywhere, as if it had just been fished out of a pickled vegetable jar, emitting a fierce stench.

I threw my leather coat aside and was ashamed. I covered my mouth and said to my cousin, "Your brother took risks in this dress. At that time, I didn't feel it. Now I found it was so smelly, but it saved my life, otherwise I would have frozen to death, so I decided to leave it."

I felt that my cousin had become my fan. She nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, this is the real adventure suit."

I smiled and looked at the suitcase and felt stunned. Because I saw some golden things, I took them out and found that they were a few gold bars.