long candle

Chapter 62 Cave

Liang Qian reached out and pushed the door, and the iron door made an extremely unpleasant creak and opened the hole inside.

She shined the mine lamp inside, and Nobita and I took a cold breath at the same time.

Inside the door is a rectangular layout, and the space is not large. There are various pipes and wires on both sides of the room, and more than a dozen dead mummified corpses lie down between these wires and pipes.

These mummified corpses are strangely shaped, but they are all wearing yellow white coats, full of holes, and some mottled blood stains, which are dark because the years are too long.

It seems that the recorder is well recorded. There was indeed a bloody killing here, and I can even smell the blood of those years.

If I'm not trapped here, I really want to go out early so as not to go crazy like these people.

Looking at the strange bodies, we walked through this narrow room and went deep.

When passing by, Daxiong casually picked up a rotten axe on the road and turned over some mummified corpses poured on the pipe. Their expressions were distorted, some lacked arms and legs, and the broken limbs were everywhere, which made people chilling.

However, Daxiong is bold, and he is not afraid of the dead.

But I didn't like looking at it, so I asked, "What the mother of you doing? Do you have your relatives here?" Do you want to turn it all over and have a look?

Daxiong stared at me and scolded, "Your relatives are zongzi. I'm just a little strange. These guys' bodies seem to be a little abnormal."

I stopped, looked at the mummified corpses and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nobita grabbed the back of his head, pointed to the arm of a mummified corpse, and said, "Look, the weather here is so dry that the body has been dried by the wind, but where did the moss on his arm come from?"

Hearing him strangely, when I borrowed Liang Qian's mining lamp, I hissed. I saw a layer of fluffy green hair on the arm of the mummed corpse, but it was not the green hair that the corpse turned into the green hair, but really similar to a moss plant. At the top of each hair, there was a very small yellow ball.

Looking at other mummified corpses, they all grow these things to varying degrees. Some of them have them on their faces, which look extremely horrible, and the Buddha reminds me of something.

Liang Qian was well-informed and urged us, "What's the beauty? Go quickly. These things are very unlucky."

As soon as he finished saying this, there was a "jingle" sound above our heads, which scared us to shrink.

I held up the mine lamp and saw an old-fashioned ventilation pipe above our head. The pipe was made of aluminum and not too rusty, but there were already many loopholes.

The sound just now came from the pipe, and there was obviously some living thing in it.

After stopping for about three or four seconds, the sound sounded again. We heard the sound of many claws rubbing metal, moving very fast, crossing over our heads and going deeper into the room in an instant.

Nobita wiped his face and scolded, "Daes, what is this? Is it the kind of giant lizard just now?"

I nodded and just wanted to say that it was very possible. Suddenly, at the end of the mine light in front of me, a face hung upside down and leaned out of the aluminum pipe.

Seeing that face, I instantly gave up the idea that the guy was a lizard, because it was obviously a human face full of green hair, and his upper lip was rotten, revealing a terrible tooth.

Nobita scolded beside me and was about to shoot, but she was stopped by Liang Qian. She shouted coquettishly, "Don't waste bullets. You can't kill me. Run away!"

I didn't know why Liang Qian wanted to say that this thing could not be killed, but after a closer look, her scalp exploded.

It turned out that the green-haired monster was full of large and small bullet holes, with five or six on its face alone, and its spiritual cover was also cut off, revealing the dark muscle tissue inside. Maybe the people in the research institute had fought with it before, but the result can be imagined.

Nobita obviously saw it and scolded, "Damn, what kind of monster. With so many gunholes, even Zongzi can hang up."

While talking, the strange thing has twisted its body and squeezed out desperately, and its face looks extremely ferocious. However, the hole is relatively small, and it is temporarily stuck there and can only come out of one shoulder.

"What should I do now? Should I rush over or retreat!" I asked Liang Qian next to me in sweat.

Liang Qian bit her lower lip and said, "Now this thing can't come out. Let's take the opportunity to rush over."

After saying that, she took the lead and rushed out, followed by Nobita and me.

This rectangular room is only more than 10 meters long. We passed under the monster with our waist. It stretched out a hand with its teeth and claws to pull us, almost scratching my back.

The door at the end of the room is a insulated cement door with a steering wheel-like iron plate, which looks a little like the waterproof door in a large warship.

Daxiong and I rushed up and turned the iron plate on it vigorously. With little effort, we heard the sound of the card and the door opened.

We don't care what's inside. We opened the door and went in, and then Nobita closed the door again.

Before we had time to breathe, we were restrained by the scene in front of us. There was a brightly lit excavation site in front of us. More than a dozen large spotlights shot from all sides of us, illuminating the huge excavation site clearly.

I saw many old-fashioned excavators parked nearby, as well as various excavators and ramming machines. These old machines are all full of rust and silent in the dead silence, but I can still imagine the busy scene here in those years.

The Soviet Union's heavy industry and mechanical technology have long been very mature, but I can't imagine how they transported so many large machines to this desert, especially the old-fashioned giant wheel excavator, each of which is five or six meters high and weighs hundreds of tons.

However, the most noteworthy thing is that there is a huge hole with a diameter of 50 or 60 meters around the machine, which is dark and can't be seen to the bottom, but the wind echoes in the hole.

And we found that the excavation site was not closed underground, but open. We can see the starry sky overhead. At this moment, the sky has turned white and it looks like it is about to dawn.

Nobita couldn't hide his surprise and scolded, "Damn it, there's really a hole in the ground. Shit, what did the Russian devils do here?

I frowned and looked around. In the rectangular room we came out, there were many cables and pipes extending from our feet, leading to the direction of the cave, and around the cave, there were many such cables and pipes connected.

On the outside of the circular area of the excavation site, there are many doors in all directions. I can imagine that this should be a radiant complex in the shape of the sun. There should be no more than hundreds of people who worked here in those years.

Liang Qian pointed to the wires on the ground and said to us, "These sources of electricity obviously come from the cave. This is not geothermal or wind power generation. There must be some great secrets in the cave."

I nodded and said, "The situation here is a little complicated. Now that we have found the way back to the ground, I think it's better to go back and call more people, especially the green-haired monster. I don't think the three of us can deal with it, and I don't know how much is now."

After listening to this, Daxiong quit and shouted, "Oh, Comrade Xiaochuan, how can you do this? Now you haven't touched any Mingqi, just a broken bronze card and a bad recorder. When everyone comes, the good things will be touched by Boss Wu's people!"

At this time, Liang Qian frowned and asked, "What bronze medal? Are there any bronze cultural relics here?"

I stared at Nobita. Nobita knew that he had said something wrong, so he laughed and said, "This... Yes, there will be any bronze cultural relics here. I'm talking about an Olympic medal. Maybe there was an Olympic athlete here."

I touched my forehead, sweated wildly, smiled awkwardly, and said to Liang Qian, "I'll show you the bronze medal when I go back, which may be helpful for your investigation."

Liang Qian was a little unhappy and frowned and said to me, "I tell you everything. Do you still don't believe me?"

I saw her expression sincere, and there was even a little grievance in her eyes. She completely lost her previous capable posture. Suddenly, I felt that she was also a weak woman. Her face turned red, coughed twice, and she didn't look at her.

Liang Qian said to herself, "Well, it doesn't matter anyway. From the beginning of Heizhugou, you don't believe me. Let's do your own thing."