long candle

Chapter 63 Sandstorm

After saying that, she walked forward alone and looked for something along the round inner wall of the excavation site.

Nobita patted me and said with a smile, "Oh, I didn't expect this woman to be coquettish. Comrade Xiaochuan, seize the opportunity."

I pushed him away and scolded, "What a mess. I didn't care about you when I talked nonsense just now. Don't mess with me."

Liang Qian walked straight ahead, walking about 20 or 30 meters, then stopped and looked back at us. Without saying anything, she climbed up a ladder.

We saw that she had found a way out and followed her. Nobita was reluctant, but he seemed to be tired of this damn place and scolded.

Climbing up the ladder is a road paved with yellow sand. There are some collapsed huts on both sides of the road, and in front of us are countless towering Yadan boulders.

Daxiong clicked and said, "It turns out that his mother's hole was dug in the middle of the Yadan group. No wonder there are many tourists here, but no one has ever found it here."

Liang Qian didn't say anything and walked along the road.

I know that I can definitely go out along this road, because I saw some car wreckage scattered on the roadside. Obviously, it used to be open to traffic here, and cars could go out, not to mention people.

All the way, we walked straight along the road to the dawn. At first, there were some fallen boulders and some artificially built traces on the roadside. Later, it was just a wide gap in the middle of the Yadan group. Even if someone could come here, they would not find that there was a road here.

Liang Qian began to carve some marks on the boulder. First, she was afraid of getting lost in the completely natural Yadan group, and second, it could be used as a trace of guidance when she came back.

I walked along Yadan group for about two hours. When I almost thought I was lost, suddenly the stones in front of me disappeared, and the vast desert appeared in front of me, and the yellow sand of the heat wave was emitting a unique smell.

After discerning the direction, we were surprised to find that this Yadan group was the one we leaned on when we camped, and the location we came out was not far from the camp.

When I walked back to the camp, I was already sleepy, tired, thirsty and hungry. I felt that my legs were sore and weak, and my limbs were exhausted.

However, everyone in the camp just got up and walked around with towels and tooth jars. Far away, Boss Wu's people were making a fire there to make breakfast.

I don't know why, I always feel that Boss Wu's people don't seem to be professional upside down. They are all as virtuous as cooks. When it's time to cook, they usually have nothing extra words.

*Sitting with Boss Wu and still looking at the things on the notebook suddenly made me feel a little funny. These two people seem to be traveling. They have experienced a life and death like us.

* Looking up at us coming back from outside the camp, I suddenly felt a little strange and came up and asked where we had gone.

Daxiong and I told Boss Wu and * the general story, and both * and Boss Wu were shocked.

Then Boss Wu arranged for the doctors in the team to help me disinfect the wound, and then wrapped a bandage and asked me to have a good rest.

Boss Wu told me that these Singaporean scientists thought the weather was too hot and had to rest here for a day to study the structure and age of the Yadan group, and we could also take a day off. He sent someone to investigate the cave first. Maybe there was something about the ancient tomb we were looking for. Contact.

Hearing what he said, I also felt at ease, because I didn't feel how serious my injury was when I was in the research institute. Now when I relax, I feel that my arm hurts so much and my whole body is soft.

According to my current physical condition, I can't do such intense activities anymore. It's really a good thing to sleep for a day now.

After returning to the camp, Liang Qian has not said anything. I wanted to show her the bronze medal, but I thought it was not very suitable, so I ate something randomly and went back to the tent and fell asleep.

I slept very well, but it may be because I have been struggling with Grandpa's affairs. I don't know when I began to dream of living in a small yard when I was very young.

At that time, Grandpa was the pride of our family. As a research institute of the Academy of Sciences, it was known that there was a great scientist in our family.

The children across the street and I like to play under the big trees in the yard. Every time Grandpa rides a bicycle to get off work, he will buy some candy for the children in the yard, so all the children will call him Grandpa.

At that time, I was ignorant, so I was not allowed to call him grandpa, because that was my grandfather. For this reason, I often fought with those children, and then I would be beaten by my parents when I got home. At this time, Grandpa would come to coax me, let me ride on his shoulder, take me to buy delicious food, and tell me that he was alone. Grandpa.

When I dreamed of that kind face again, and the old man riding a bicycle at dusk, I unconsciously woke up from my dream with tears in my eyes.

"Grandpa, where are you now and what are you doing..." I sighed gently and wiped tears from the corners of my eyes.

At this time, I heard the sound of "wow...wow..." outside the tent, as if someone was crying.

I looked out curiously through the cracks in the tent and saw that it was still dark, and I didn't know how long I had slept.

I took out my mobile phone and saw that I slept all day and night. Now it's past 10 o'clock in the morning of the third day.

I said to myself, "No, it should be dawn now. Why is it still dark?"

I hurriedly put on my clothes, and suddenly a rustling sound came from behind the tent, as if someone was splashing water on my tent.

I was shocked and hurried out of the tent.

This time almost killed me. I saw the wind roaring outside the tent, rolling countless sand grains flying all over the sky, like a collapse of thousands of horses, mixed with gravel flying from time to time, with just a strange whining sound in my ears, and the overwhelming darkness shrouded around.

I was blown by the strong wind, ate sand with my mouth full of nostrils, hurriedly grabbed the iron pole that fixed the tent, turned my head, and struggled to drill back to the tent.

"What a big sandstorm..." I had a lingering heart, poofing a few mouthfuls of sand, and then flushed my eyes with the water in the kettle.

I know that this is not the worst time. The July sandstorm can blow a truck into the sky. After a while, the tent will be out of protection, so I hurriedly put on windshields, then wrapped my head and mouth with a scarf, put on leather gloves and a road tripper, carried a backpack, brought some water and food, and rushed out. Go.

As soon as I got out of the tent, I heard a series of strange sounds behind. I buried my head almost reflexively and saw several basketball-sized stones roaring past my head. Then I turned my head and saw that my tent had been crushed by stones. If I woke up a little late Son, it must be finished.

In shock, I walked through the camp with my waist and saw that many tents had collapsed. I don't know if there was anyone in it, but there was indeed no one around me.

I wonder where these people have gone, but no one can give me the answer, as if a lot of things happened on this day, making everyone disappear.

Out of my instinct for survival, I tried my best to move to Yadanqun, because the boulders can help me block the wind and sand.

The more it moves towards the Yadan group, the stronger a strange sound. I know that it is the sound blown by the wind, sometimes like the howling of old and young women displaced in the war, sometimes like the roar of wolves, tigers and leopards, and sometimes like the scolding of ghosts in hell to escort ghosts.

I finally know why some people say that the sounds made by the Devil City can frighten people's hearts. It turns out that these sounds are so wonderful that people can't imagine infinitely.

I moved with difficulty, but I was still overturned by the sandstorm from time to time. As long as I fell to the ground, I would roll out far away. Fortunately, I had a folding road detector in my hand, so that I could stabilize my body and then get up.