long candle

Chapter 69 Bell

*'s expression is still full of doubts, but I know that people like him who have been in the wild for a long time must have salt, which is necessary for survival in the wild.

Sure enough, * no longer asked anything, and took out a metal bottle from a side bag of the backpack at a very fast speed, which was salt.

I snatched the salt from his hand without hesitation, and at the same time, a monster rushed to us.

At a moment, I pulled out the salt jar and sprinkled salt on the monster's face.

The monster was in mid-air and couldn't do much at all. As soon as his face came into contact with salt, he suddenly died after being electrocuted, squeaking and fell to the ground.

* was stunned for a moment, and I didn't expect ordinary salt to have such an effect.

When the monster fell to the ground, he covered his face and screamed, deterred other monsters.

Soon, when we could see, the monster's face quickly collapsed, like a dry balloon.

Then, the green algae peeled away from the monster like a tide and fled to one side.

After being completely peeled off, we saw that there was a corpse wrapped in which had begun to decay and could no longer recognize its appearance.

I wanted to sprinkle some more salt to eliminate the green tide, but those things ran too fast and disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

Then, the monsters behind them also became irritable and rushed to us one after another.

While sprinkling salt, I retreated several monsters, but because there were too many, this salt was not enough.

We retreated to the bottom of the cliff, and there was no way back.

But there were still more than a dozen monsters surrounding us. What's worse, I saw the green tide receding from the corpse, swam quickly on the ground, and then quickly found a fresh body and made a comeback.

* Seeing this, I was already sweating and asked me, "What should I do now?"

My collar was also wet, and a sense of despair rose in my heart and said to *, "Where's the glorious bullet? It seems that we still have to learn from the Five Heroes of Langya Mountain. I don't want to be turned into walking corpses by these things.

While speaking, the monster quickly narrowed the encirclement and was very close to us.

I shook the bottle in my hand, and there was no salt left.

* At this time, he took out the glorious bullet and opened the pull ring without hesitation.

"5, 4, 3..." I counted down the time of the explosion. Although I was unwilling, I didn't seem to have time to do anything more.

Just as we fell into despair, a crisp bell came from somewhere under the abyss.

The bell was crisp and far away. If it hadn't been very quiet in the field, it would not have been heard.

The ringing sounded rhythmically made people feel at ease, but it exuded a little charm.

This is not an ordinary ringtone, I thought.

Suddenly, he had an idea and grabbed the* in his hand and threw it in the direction of a monster.

Then I hurriedly pressed down on *'s shoulder, and then there was a loud noise. As soon as we squatted down, * exploded.

My ears buzzed, and the strong shock wave washed us to the ground.

At that moment, I saw several ugly monsters screaming and being blown out, followed by dust all over the sky.

After a while, we stood up, but at this time there was nothing in front of us, only endless darkness extending to the edge of the abyss.

After a burst of surprise, we walked back to the location of the explosion and shone everywhere with the light of the flashlight, and one of those monsters was really gone.

* looked around and said, "I don't have time to study any more. Get out of here quickly!"

We were silent, walked to the cliff and pulled the hanging rope. After confirming that it was still strong, we climbed up the hole on the rock wall along the rope. I followed it and slowly climbed up.

When I came to the mouth of the cave, I saw * hesitate.

He stared at me for a moment, pointed to the backpack behind him and said, "Now our equipment and food are enough for two or three days. This cave is a good refuge. If we continue to go deep, we may encounter greater danger."

I smiled bitterly and said to *, "I don't think this hole is safe. Instead of sitting here and waiting for death, it's better to go deeper and see what secrets are hidden here."

* nodded and said nothing more. He pulled the bolt, put the wolf-eye flashlight in his mouth, and walked deep into the cave with a gun.

As I walked forward, I looked at the structure of the cave.

I saw that the passage was covered with smooth rock walls, and the tentacles were cold, and they were all ordinary basalt.

There are some rotten wooden shelves and rotten shovels in the passage, which are rotten and almost integrated with the ground, emitting a pungent smell of mildew.

But fortunately, the passage was not too long. After walking for less than five minutes, we saw an iron door slanting against the wooden door frame.

* gestured to me and told me to wait where I was, and then he raised his gun forward and gently pushed the door.

I didn't expect that the door was rotten and separated from the door frame. With a slight touch, it made an extremely unpleasant sound and fell down and made a loud noise.

* and I were shocked and stunned there.

It linged in the dark, as if something had been shocked by us.

After waiting for a long time, the rustling sound gradually disappeared. * and I breathed a sigh of relief and carefully hit the flashlight and entered the underground stone house.

The first thing that comes to mind is a long European-style table placed in the center of the room, and there are several tall metal data cabinets near the wall.

* frowned and moved the light of the flashlight to the things on the table.

I saw a lot of data files on the table, but because of the age, the paper has rotted and blackened, and even the mold silk on it has withered.

* Pick up a pile of black paper with the saber in your hand, but as soon as the paper left the table, it immediately rotted into pieces.

Some black bugs turned around in panic under the paper and climbed down the table.

* looked back at me and shook his head, meaning that it was no longer recognizable.

I nodded and thought that even if a few of them were good, I couldn't know Russian.

* Continued to fiddle with the pile of things on the table, and I also ran to the big cabinets by the wall to investigate.

The cabinets on the left and opposite are almost empty, only a few pieces of waste paper in the drawer, some unknown things painted, and some empty wine bottles similar to vodka, which are already moldy.

Only the two doors under the big iron cabinet to the right of the room are tightly locked, as if something important is stored there.

I pulled out the mountaineering pick from my waist and took me a long time to pry open the iron cabinet. There were several cowhide data bags neatly folded inside.

I picked up one of the cowhide bags and saw that the number was marked with red letters on it, and the seal was sealed with wax, which seemed to be some important confidential documents.

I was a little excited. I cut the sealed wax with a knife and poured out a stack of files inside.

Unlike the documents describing plants found outside before, although this stack of documents is also recorded in Russian, most of the graphics inside are some architectural drawings.

These buildings are unique in shape, a bit like a small pyramid with only a circular entrance and exit. Around these houses are dense forests, and its lush Chengdu is not as good as the American Amazon rainforest.

I picked up a document, stood up, turned around and said to *, "It's strange that these Russian devils' documents actually describe a rainforest. Where will this rainforest be?"

* Well, I didn't look back.

I felt very surprised to see him groping for something somewhere in the corner, so I asked him what was wrong.

He said it was nothing, just to see if there were other exits to the house.

Listening to his words, I didn't think much about it, so I continued to look at the documents in the cabinet.

There are six file bags, and the contents recorded are similar. It may be a miracle of an ancient civilization found in the rainforest, and it is not a Mayan civilization.

I saw some strange mask patterns, as well as walking sticks for sacrifice, which are all in line with the characteristics of ancient civilization.

When I turned to the last file bag, suddenly a metal thing fell out of the bag and made a jingle sound.