long candle

Chapter 72 Green Thorn Monster

* As soon as he got on the elevator, he took two steps back and took out his gun.

At this time, the leaves **ed again, and an ugly green thorny face poked out.

My heart almost stopped, and I only heard a crackling sound in my ear. * shot, and shot the ugly head back.

Then we heard a bang, and the thing made a strange cry, which seemed to fall off the branch.

"What's the matter? This time it doesn't seem to be the kind of monster possessed by tree heat algae, but another one. Are there two monsters here?" I turned my head and asked*.

* shook his head and said, "I don't know, this green thorn monster looks more fierce. Let's be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rustling sound in the surrounding canopy. In the reflection of the flashlight, several pairs of blue fluorescent eyes appeared in the crown.

* pulled me back while preparing to shoot two more shots at the crack. Suddenly, a big hand with green thorns came in from outside the barbed wire and stuck *'s neck directly.

*It was painful, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground. He hurriedly pulled out the saber at his waist and plunged into the arm fiercely.

But the green thorn monster obviously didn't know the pain. The arm still stuck *'s throat fiercely, and his head kept squeezing into the barbed wire, and his black teeth kept biting and making a click sound.

Seeing the critical situation, I hurriedly bent down to pick up the pistol on the ground, but as soon as I squatted down, the pistol fell from the crack of the barbed wire on the ground.

I patted my thigh angrily and wanted to stand up, but a green thorn hand reached in through the gap and grabbed my ankle, making me unable to move.

At the same time, several ugly heads have poked out in the cracks of the branches.

"Fire...use fire..." At the moment of crisis, a weak voice sounded.

I turned my head and saw that Xiao Wang on his back was talking to me with his eyes half open.

"Fire?" I meditate and said to myself, "Where can I find the fire now?"

"Yes!" I had an idea and remembered the matchbox I found in the data cabinet before and hurriedly found it out.

I took out one of them and wiped it several times, and a faint flame burst out of the darkness.

I felt happy. I thought that if I lit a fire, those green thorn monsters would retreat like a tide, but in fact, those things not only did not retreat, but also howled at me angrily, with an extremely fierce expression.

My heart is bad. Maybe this is just Xiao Wang's dream. Now I'm Sun Monkey Fan Flame Mountain, and I'm going to set myself on fire!

I was thinking that several green thorn monsters in the gap squeezed into the elevator together, but soon, due to each other's obstruction, they got stuck together.

But the monster's strength is indeed not small. One of them twisted his body, squeezed the barbed wire next to it into shape, and suddenly jumped up and was about to pounce on the flame in my hand.

I protected the flame with one hand and gave way, while the others came up one by one.

There was a burst of despair in my heart. Looking at the weak flame in my hand, a sense of powerlessness had occupied my whole body.

"What should I do... What should I do..." The cold sweat on my forehead was like rain, and the situation was extremely critical.

Several green thorn monsters surrounded me in the middle, staring at the flame in my hand, roaring angrily in their mouths, ready to tear me apart.

The space in the elevator is small, and my legs are still caught dead. There is no room to deal with them at all. The situation is already nine dead.

At this moment, the trees under his feet suddenly trembled, and a strange sound sounded.

Those green thorn monsters suddenly calmed down and looked around vigilantly.

Then they retreated one after another and finally exited the crack at the bottom of the elevator and disappeared into the crown.

The * beside him also got rid of the entanglement of the green thorn monster, coughed twice and scolded, "Fuck, what the hell is this!"

Just before we could react, there was a fierce popping sound from the crown, like a rooster flashing its wings, mixed with a toad-like cooing sound.

At this time, the match in my hand had burned to the bottom, and I had to throw it away and start the flashlight again.

We all know that this cage-like elevator is not a place to wait for a long time after all. If those green thorn monsters do it again, they will definitely have to explain here.

So I tied Xiao Wang on my back more firmly and climbed down the rope.

With a person on my back, it was very difficult for me to climb, but fortunately, I only fell more than a meter, and my feet had already stepped on a thick branch.

After a break, I grabbed the rope and climbed down about ten meters on the layers of branches. Finally, I got out of the canopy. Then I let go of the rope and fell to the ground.

After two seconds, * also jumped down from below.

I glanced around with a flashlight and found that there was nothing different. In front of me was a dense group of tall trees, and there were dense vines like ros. This kind of vine was full of thorns, palm-sized fan blades, and slightly dark red fine lines on the stem, which I had never seen before.

The whole forest is surrounded by a layer of mist, full of mysterious and strange colors.

* also searched on the ground with a flashlight for a moment, then found the pistol that had just fallen from above, wiped it, and pinned it back to his waist.

Then he searched the crown with a flashlight, but he didn't seem to find anything after searching for a long time.

I asked him, "Would you like to go up and have a look?"

* waved his hand and said, "No, it can scare away those green thorn monsters. I guess they can't be good. Let's not ask for trouble."

I nodded, looked at the dense forest in front of me, and said to *, "This forest is too quiet. I feel a little uncomfortable."

Obviously, * felt the same way and said to me, "Be careful later."

* We randomly picked up a tree stick on the ground, and then used the tree stick to open the thorns in the way. If we couldn't open it, we cut it with a saber, so we walked very slowly, and soon our clothes were hung several times.

But fortunately, the trees here seem to be evergreens, and there are not many fallen leaves on the ground. They will not step on a deep pit like other primitive forests, so you don't have to worry about insects such as locusts.

After walking about dozens of meters, the surroundings are still terriblely quiet. There is no rustling of wind blowing leaves, no bird calls, or even weak worms. However, the trees are so lush and so strange, as if it is not a tree, but a twisted tomb in the underground world. Stele.

The light of our flashlight is very limited. Fortunately, it can shine seven or eight meters ahead in the empty cave. However, when it comes to this underground forest full of trees, the aperture is more aimed at rough bark or twisted vines. That depressing feeling is very uncomfortable.

But it's okay. Soon, we made new discoveries, because *'s flashlight accidentally saw some traces on the trees.

These are some scars left by the axe. Due to the age, those scars have turned black and rolled up. They should have been left by the Russians in those years.

* and I continued to move forward, and the trees and vines in front of us began to become sparse, and some wooden piles formed after being cut down appeared in the forest from time to time.

As we walked further, a dim light came out from between the cracks in the trees.

I was excited, because maybe Boss Wu's people were in front of us. We haven't seen a living person for a long time, and we can finally find a companion.

While shouting, we shuttled out of the woods and came to the source of the light.

The result was a dead tree with an old electric lamp hanging on it, and two military green tents made of canvas not far from the dead tree.

This area has obviously been cleaned up by predecessors. There are no trees and vines within about ten meters. It is a temporary residential camp.

Looking at the dilapidated appearance of the two tents, I'm sure there can't be anyone living in them, and the previous excitement gradually turned into disappointment.

* patted me on the shoulder and comforted him, "Let's go and see what clues there are."

* and I came to the tent nearby. He first took out the gun, then handed me the stick and asked me to open the tent door with a stick.