long candle

Chapter 71 Underground Forest

I pinched my shoulder and asked doubtfully, "This elevator can only go down. What kind of design is this?"

* There was no expression on his face and whispered, "This is normal. Some of the elevators in that era were separated from the top and bottom. Maybe the elevators up are on the other side of the channel."

I said oh, and I think it makes sense.

*Take the first two steps, pull back the open barbed wire door and say to me, "Let's close it. I'm afraid something will get in later..."

I was a little nervous when I heard him say that.

However, now that I have arrived here, there is no reason to retreat. I took a deep breath and pressed the red button.

The elevator made a heart-fing creak, and then suddenly trembled, and then slowly fell down.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this American product is strong and can still move after so many years.

With the descent of the elevator, the surroundings have fallen into complete darkness, but the underground world is not completely quiet.

I heard the whining wind from under the elevator, empty and empty, as if countless people were crying.

I asked*, "Why is there wind below?"

* shook his head. He had put Xiao Wang down and closed his eyes against the corner of the elevator.

I looked at my mobile phone a little boringly. It was past midnight, but now I am completely sleepy.

At this time, * opened his mouth and whispered, "Don't think too much. The four of us can only leave it to fate."

I sighed and shook my head without saying a word. But on second thought, there seems to be something wrong with what * said.

Suddenly, I was excited and said that it was wrong. * said "Four of us", but even Xiao Wang, there are only three of us in total!

Is there still someone following us all the time, but I can't see it? Is this person a human or a ghost?

Thinking of this, I saw a sweat on my forehead and asked tentatively*: "You just said...we four?"

* still closed his eyes, nodded, and then pointed to it.

I looked up in the direction of his finger and saw a vague figure lying on the top of the elevator made of barbed wire!

I was shocked and thought that my words had come true, but at this time * smiled and said, "I'm a dead man. I don't know how many years I've been working, but it's fate to meet. This brother wants to go with us."

I really didn't expect him to play a joke on me at this time. I was so nervous that I was almost scared to death by him.

So I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and I scolded unlucky.

* ignored me and asked after a while, "Do you have any cigarettes? I'm done."

I remembered the cigar I found in the matchbox before. Just as I was about to share it with *, the elevator shook violently.

I hurriedly held the wire fence beside me and fixed my body.

At this time, there was a crackling sound below us, and the speed of the elevator fell slowly.

* Holding the wire fence in one hand and using a flashlight to illuminate the situation under the elevator, I don't know when a cluster of vines grew in the narrow space in the elevator well. Those plants were hung by the elevator, then torn and splashed with green juice.

* and I looked at each other and felt a little puzzled. How could such lush plants grow in the depths of the earth?

The elevator shaft full of plant vines is only a dozen meters short. Soon, the elevator passed through this area and began to stabilize.

* Holding a flashlight and continuing to look around, I saw Hideyoshi, who was wrapped with rattan branches and leaves, appeared on the side of the elevator shaft.

There used to be a elevator slot next to the iron door, that is to say, the elevator could stop here before, but now it is broken.

When the elevator crossed the iron gate, the light of a flashlight shot out of the thick branches and leaves, and then passed by.

My heart jumped, and * had already shouted, "Is anyone there? Who is there!"

After a while of silence, no one answered, and the elevator gradually fell further.

"Strange, if there is someone, we should be able to hear our voices." I said to *.

* frowned and did not answer.

Then the two fell silent again.

* Seeing that I didn't look well, I squeezed out a reluctant smile and said to me, "Take it."

I reached out and took over what he handed over. It was an old-fashioned self-rolled tobacco, which was very dry. I took it to my nose and smelled it. The tobacco leaves had a special fragrance, which made people feel slightly relieved.

"Where did this smoke come from?" I can't help asking.

* took out a wooden box from his pocket with a dry tobacco leaves in it. Then he pointed to the top of our heads and said, "Do you remember the friend above? Just now, the elevator shook, and the smoke probably fell out of its pocket. I said that the four of us were really predestined.

I smiled helplessly and didn't know what to say.

The two of us smoked, and as the elevator continued to descend, we didn't know how long it took. After several door holes, we didn't stop.

The rare calmness made people drowsy. * and I didn't talk anymore. We leaned against the elevator and began to pause. Except for the faint wind around, Xiao Wang's occasional cough, everything seemed very calm.

I don't know how long I slept in a daze. Suddenly, the elevator vibrated violently, which made me jump.

* is more vigilant, grabbing the elevator wall with one hand, and the gun on the other side is already in hand.

The vibration this time was very violent, but it was very short. Our elevator stopped directly, and a black thing pierced the bottom of the elevator and abruptly inserted between the three of us.

*When I turned on the flashlight, I saw that what stretched in from the bottom turned out to be a branch of a tree, and the branches were full of dark cyan leaves, which were very dense.

I'm secretly glad that this tree didn't poke in from under my buttocks, otherwise...

* frowned and said, "Is there a tree under the ground?"

I also felt very strange, but I seemed to remember something. I took out the documents taken out of the reference room and showed them to *.

The material depicts a primitive forest similar to the Amazon River, which seems to be deep in the ground.

* Holding the information, the more I looked at it, the more incredible it became. I asked me, "You mean, this is the place described in this picture?"

I spread out my palm and said, "I'm afraid so. Go down and see."

* waved his hand and said, "We may just be stuck by the plants growing on the wall of the elevator well. Maybe there is still a high one below. Well, you are guarding the wounded here. I'll hang the rope down and have a look."

I nodded and said, "Okay, be careful."

I returned *'s backpack to him. He took out a bundle of nylon mountaineering rope from it, hung the barbed wire at the bottom of the elevator with a hook at one end, and hammered it down through the gap between the branches.

Then he took out the wire shears and cut the gap so that one person could pass through before climbing down the rope.

I used my flashlight to light him from above, but * soon disappeared into the dense leaves. The rope was still vertical and obviously still bearing weight.

Just a few minutes later, the rope suddenly loosened and shouted below, "Sure enough, damn it, there are really many trees here!"

I also felt curious and asked, "Is it safe down there?"

* replied, "It's safe at present. Come down."

I answered, carried Xiao Wang on my back, then took off my belt and tied him firmly on my body. I was about to climb down the rope. Suddenly, the trees began to tremble violently, and I heard * gasp.

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "What happened?"

At this time, the rope tightened again. Obviously, * was climbing up. As he climbed, he shouted, "Don't come down, go up! Go up!"

Before I could ask him again, * had poked his head out of the leaves. Seeing that he looked flustered, I pulled him up.