long candle

Chapter 99 Fetish

* and I were below. Seeing such a situation, we hurriedly dodged.

Then * took a long breath and said, "Well, this also saves two bullets."

At this time, Nobita stuck out his tongue on it like an unlucky child, then laughed three times and said, "Come and chase me!"

Then he twisted his big buttocks and entered the door.

I was so disgusting that I shook my head helplessly and followed it.

I rushed straight into the gate along the narrow dark steps and suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

In front of us is a wide platform. The ground is a wooden board composed of broken trees. With a light, you can distinguish a circle of rings. Each of these rings is one meter wide and a dense ring, extending to the center of the platform.

However, on the section of this tree, it is not obvious.

The dense new buds grow from the section. These buds are three or four meters high and grow strangely.

All of them rose straight to the sky, and then bent down at the highest point, like an inverted hook.

At the bottom of the hook, there is a green sac-like object, which looks like a bud waiting to bloom.

But the strange thing is that these things are not buds, but flashing blue light.

Not only that, the sac-like object does not flash a bright light, and the meridians of the trees on the sac wall are slender, and you can see a black object wriggling slightly inside the sac.

There are at least thousands of these upside-hanging green bags growing on the tree section, just like countless huge lanterns hanging upside down on our heads, shining with incomparable light.

From a distance, there is a strange beauty.

The three of us stood under the nearest tree capsule, all stunned and their chins were about to fall to the ground.

"Good boy, what is this..." Daxiong muttered to himself.

"These are the ancient demons that absorbed the essence of the cave meteorites..." A familiar voice came from a tree bag not far in front of us.

The three of us immediately looked over there and saw a thin and tall man with glasses slowly coming out behind a tree bag that almost hung to the ground.

I recognized this person at a glance. This person is Mu Yun, my childhood best friend.

Mu Yun was wearing a black cloak, black gloves in his hands, pointing a gun at us in one hand and in his pocket in the other, with a mysterious smile on his thin face.

I was not surprised to see him, because I had seen him in Grandpa's team before.

I didn't think much about it at that time. Now that I think about it, Mu Yun has been influenced by his grandfather since he was a child and has always been closer to his grandfather, so it is reasonable for him to become his grandfather's subordinate.

Before, I asked Mu Yun to analyze the specimens brought out of Heizhugou for me. I have also read his laboratory report, and there is no deception in it, that is to say, he is sincerely helping me.

But this also shows that Grandpa also knows all that information through Mu Yun.

So, Grandpa had all my information and knew that I was going to come to Lop Nur. He wanted to send someone to catch me, but in the end, he didn't succeed.

Mu Yun held his glasses, looked at us one by one, and then said contemptuously, "Nie Chuan, it's not wise for you to come here. The old man asked me to wait for you here. You'd better not take another step forward, otherwise the gun won't have eyes."

I really want to say that I haven't seen any demons and monsters, and I'm still afraid of your broken gun?

But this work was inserted by Daxiong. As soon as his neck turned red, he shouted, "What's going on! Yun thin man, how can you get your grandfather with a pistol! Get out of the way! Knowing the old man's things, do you still want to help him?

Mu Yun glanced at Nobita disdainfully, then laughed, pointed to the hanging tree sacs above his head, and said, "Look at that! How wonderful this scene is. Have you ever seen such a scene? When all these ancient demons are reborn, how spectacular will the picture be? How can I let you destroy such a beautiful scenery?

After saying this, he looked at me again and said, "Do you still remember the 0017 substance? Fortunately, you found that substance, so I had the opportunity to see its beauty with Professor Nie. It is simply a perfect substance created by God. Although you have also found it, I didn't expect that the ancients could use it perfectly. Look, this living giant tree is the perfect product of matter 0017. Next, you will see its demeanor.

Seeing Mu Yun's expression, I know that there is no difference between good and evil in this guy's heart. He has been obsessed with mysterious substances and unknown creatures since he was a child. Now when he sees these, he is just a simple love and has never thought of their destruction to human society.

This is like a fetish, and some things can really make people crazy.

At this time, Daxiong had had enough of Mu Yun's madness. He reached out and pulled out the gun at his waist and scolded, "You son of a bitch, if you are really still standing on the old man's side, I will be rude to you!"

At this time, a cold light flashed in Mu Yun's eyes and pulled the trigger before Nobita.

A sharp gunshot cut through the silent space and shot into Nobita's abdomen.

However, Daxiong deserves to be the most agile fat man in the world. He had a prediction in advance and rolled over.

When his body stabilized, he immediately fired back.

Nobita's shooting method was extremely accurate. Before Mu Yun could react, he directly shot the other party's eyebrows and came through.

I feel cold. After all, Mu Yun has been my best friend since I was a child. Although he is willing to fall now, Nobita was so fierce that he shot him to death.

Mu Yun's parents were so kind to me. When I was a child, I often ate at his house and slept in a bed. Now how should I explain to my uncles and aunts when I go back?

I admit that I thought a little too much at that moment. Seeing Mu Yun fall to the ground, I kicked Daxiong from behind and rushed to Mu Yun.

But at this time, something unexpected happened.

Mu Yun slowly got up from the ground while I rushed over.

He stood up slowly, still with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and the bullet hole on his forehead was gradually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing such a scene, I couldn't help thinking of Feng Ze before and said to himself, was Mu Yun also reborn after death?

Nobita and * were also stunned, especially Nobita scolded: "Damn it, what's going on, this...this..."

said that sooner or later, while we were still surprised, Mu Yun raised his hand and shot him.

* reacted very quickly and hurriedly threw Nobita to the ground.

However, although the movement is fast, the shoulder is still bruised by a bullet.

At this time, Mu Yun raised his gun and still wanted to shoot. I didn't show weakness. I took out my pistol and fired a shot first.

My shooting was not very good. This shot hit Mu Yun's right leg, which made him kneel down directly.

Then I gritted my teeth, pulled out the silverfish dagger on the belt, and rushed to Mu Yun.

Although Mu Yun was able to heal himself from the gunshot wound, after all, he was still in a cold sweat and did not recover for a while.

When he looked up at me again, I rushed to him and raised my dagger to cut his shoulder.

I can guarantee that with the sharpness of the silverfish, as long as I hit it, I can definitely split it in half.

And when Mu Yun saw the silverfish in my hand, the evil smile stiffened with a trace of fear.

I don't care so much. This crazy guy wants to kill Nobita and *. If I show mercy at this time, I can only harm everyone.