long candle

Chapter 100 White

But when I was about to kill, Mu Yun shouted and shouted, "Nie Chuan! You really want to kill me! You have thought it over. My parents are very kind to you!"

His words hit my soft, and I hesitated for a moment.

And Mu Yun took this opportunity to raise his pistol and point it at my forehead.

I scolded myself as a fool, and my mind suddenly went blank. Did I just hang up like this?

Bang! A gunshot sounded on my face, and I suddenly felt dizzy in front of me.

Just when I thought my head was blown up by Mu Yun, Mu Yun in front of me fell down before me.

I looked back and saw that Nobita was sitting on the ground, with a slight white smoke in the barrel of the pistol.

Judging from his position and my position, his shot passed through my armpit and hit Mu Yun's eyebrows.

I suddenly felt cold under my armpits and broke out in a cold sweat.

"What are you doing? Come here quickly!" Nobita shouted.

I hurriedly stood up and stepped back.

At this time, Mu Yun also slowly stood up, covered his forehead, and looked at the silver fish in my hand with resentful eyes.

I saw that he had no other actions, so I gave Nobita a thumbs up and said, "Good marksmanship, and I owe you a life."

Nobita took a look at the pistol in his hand and said, "Damn it, it's crooked again. I was going to break the stem of the tree sac."

I looked at the stem and the position where I was standing just now, and I knew that Nobita was so outrageous... This boy is really unlucky.

I was speechless, but Mu Yun opposite sighed inappropriately and said to us, "You can lie here comfortably after eating two bullets. Maybe Professor Nie is in a good mood and will resurrect you as immortal, but you have to die, so there's nothing you can do."

He looked up at the particularly huge tree sac behind him and said to us, "It seems that it will take some time for them to wake up naturally, so I'll add some fertilizer for you."

He smiled evilly, then took out a syringe from his pocket, pointed it at the shiny blue tree bag, and then pushed half of the medicine in the syringe.

Then he turned around and smiled at us, thrust the syringe into his right arm and injected the other half of the medicine into his body.

Then, the blue light of the tree sac that he had injected with the drug became more and more frequent, and the outer wall of the tree sac began to squirm slowly.

And Mu Yun's own body has begun to undergo a huge mutation.

The skin of his right hand gradually darked, then darked, and finally turned dark green, and then slowly grew green barbs from the back of his hand.

Seeing such a mutation, Nobita and * looked at my right hand wrapped in a scarf.

Nobita said first, "Comrade Xiaochuan, when did you get an injection from him?"

I was also very surprised. I shook my head at Nobita and said, "He seems to be more powerful than me."

The reason for saying this is that Mu Yun's right hand not only has spikes, but also splits two small hands from the side of the forearm, which looks like a cactus, which is very strange.

And his green thorns also spread more than me. Soon all the clothes on his right body were broken by the green thorns, and even sharp barbs grew on his face.

Then, Mu Yun roared at the sky, hissed like a wild wolf, and rushed to us.

The pistol of me and * has less than ten bullets combined. As we shot, we retreated and quickly retreated to the door when we came in.

We were extremely anxious to see those bullets hit Mu Yun's body without hurting him at all.

At this time, * was very sharp-eyed and pointed to Mu Yun's back and said, "Be careful, something jumped!"

When we looked back, there was indeed a black shadow the size of a car flying in the air and rushing towards us.

Seeing that we couldn't hide, * pushed me and threw myself to the side.

At the same time, Nobita also rolled aside like a big ball.

We had just avoided it when the huge shadow in the sky fell.

I only heard two brushes. As the shadow fell to the ground, two sharp cuts of more than one meter were cut on the ground.

Our hearts were cold, because if we had not avoided it just now, it would have been cut in half.

When I rolled up from the ground twice, I looked back and saw a big mantis full of green thorns lying in the position where we had just stood.

Its triangular head is as big as a car steering wheel, and a pair of round compound eyes shine with a cold blue light.

His wings are as thin as plastic pieces of paper, buzzing, and the meridians on his wings also have a slight blue light.

The most terrible thing is the pair of front claws of this mantis, each two meters long, and the blade on the claws is serrated, which is extremely sharp.

Sooner or later, we just saw that it was a huge mantis, and it had soared again and flew towards Nobita.

I think it chose Nobita because of the nature of animals.

The mantis's favorite food is green worms, because green worms are obese and move slowly, which is the best hunting target.

So I shouted, "Daxiong, don't move. When the mantis eats you, I guess you will be full. You can sacrifice yourself and save more revolutionary soldiers!"

Nobita ran and scolded, "I bought a watch last year! I'm the elite of the revolutionary army. It's better to let it eat you and retain the elite combat effectiveness. You two are small soldiers. If you die, you will be a dedication.

He shouted and rushed into the door, hoping to avoid the fatal blow of the mantis.

But the mantis's flying speed is a few pieces, and its high front paws are enough to reach the back of Nobita's head.

I can only look around and feel anxious, saying some cold jokes to Da Xiong.

* He pulled the trigger twice and found that there were no bullets, so he stamped his feet and said, "Near Chuan, Nie Chuan, what a joke!" Hurry up and support!"

I suddenly realized and hurriedly followed * to Nobita's side.

But after we rushed for two steps, Nobita let out a cry, waved his hand to us and said, "Don't come, I'm hopeless today."

We were about to ask him what was going on when we saw that the two headless warriors before had rushed out of the door and sandwiched Daxiong in the middle with the mantis.

The blade of the samurai and the front claws of the mantis cut into Nobita almost at the same time, and Nobita could only wait to die at that time.

* and I are both pale, and our hearts say that this fat man is hopeless.

But at this moment, an incredible thing happened.

When the two warriors were about to hit Nobita, they suddenly jumped into the air, stepped on Nobita's shoulder, and cut the mantis in the air with a knife.

The next moment, I heard a crisp sound, and the two front paws of the mantis were cut off.

* and I were stunned on the spot, and Nobita also squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and looked at this scene incredulously.

"I arranged these two guards at the door just to prevent you from entering. Unexpectedly, you still went in..." A slightly green girl's voice came from the door.

As soon as the voice fell, the girl in white slowly came in through the door.

Don't think too much about it. This person is the savior of the girl in white we saw in the trap room before.

I thought the girl I saw at that time was just an illusion, but now she stood alive in front of me, which made me more convinced of her existence.

And looking at the girl's face at this moment, she does look too much like her cousin.

It's just that her cousin is more green and lively, and although this girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old, she is more calm and indifferent.

After the girl came out of the door, the huge toad also came out.

Looking at the toad walking squarely, it is very different from the ordinary bitterness, and there is a kind of calmness to look at.

What's more surprising is that since the appearance of the bitter king, the mantis that broke its front paws has hissing and slowly retreated, obviously looking very scared.

Nobita smiled next to him and said, "It seems that no matter how powerful the bugs are, they are afraid of toads."

Mu Yun followed the mantis before and was going to attack. When he saw the girl in white, he frowned deeply.

He and I asked almost at the same time, "Who are you?" Nie Qilan?"

The girl did not go to see Mu Yun, but came out of the door and kept looking at me and said, "I didn't want to care about your business, but if you want to hurt him, I will have to take action."

Although I looked at me, I knew that this was for Mu Yun.

As soon as Mu Yun heard this, he frowned deeply and relaxed. He smiled at the corners of his mouth and said, "I know who you are!"