long candle

Chapter 113 Truth

When I heard his surprised voice, I asked him, "What's wrong? Have you arrived at the place?"

Nobita looked back at me and said, "Come and have a look. Are you familiar with this scene?"

I hurried over and took a look. Sure enough, there was a dark wall in front of us, and a small wooden door opened on the wall.

In the gap exposed by the age of the wooden door, a little yellow light penetrated from it.

When Nobita and I fell off the research institute for the first time, I saw a wooden door, which was very similar to here.

But the door was destroyed by me and Daxiong. Now the door in front of me is intact, otherwise I really thought I would have returned to the original place.

At that time, when Nobita and I were in the secret room, we made a hole under the door for fear of waking up the sleeping giant lizard.

Now we have no scruples, put on our pistols, nestled in our hands, and let Nobita kick the door open.

Nobita's kicking door was still so fierce. He regarded the broken wooden door as a steel door and kicked it up. He only heard a loud sound, and sawdust flew all over the sky.

* and I scolded at the same time: "Dog! Can you be gentle! It's really not the door of your own house!"

Nobita ignored us, put the pistol on his shoulder, swaggered inside, and said carelessly, "You know nothing, this is called momentum..."

* and I watched him drag his buttocks around, and at the same time stretched out one foot, kicked him on his buttocks, and stackered him forward.

Nobita touched his buttocks, snored his mouth and turned his head to stare at us.

And we looked around as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had been done.

It is said to look around, but there is one thing that attracts our attention at the same time.

With the dim light of the old-fashioned light bulb in the cabin, we saw a ship-shaped thing in the center of the house.

The ship looks very strange, like a large cigar made of wood. The hull is completely closed, and there are only two round windows on the left and right.

"Isn't this the legendary boat used by the Chinese to dive?" I said to myself.

* also heard me talk about strange things, so I also knew this degeneity, so I nodded and said, "I guess so... I didn't expect to really see the real thing."

"What kind of Laba porridge? I'm hungry." Nobita asked next to him.

I don't have time to pay attention to him. At this moment, what I am most concerned about is what power do the Chinese use to promote diving equipment?

So * and I turned to the back to observe the tail of the boat.

But strangely, we turned to the back and saw the same situation as before.

Obviously, this thing is different from the ship we use now, and the power equipment is not in the tail.

So, it's inside the boat.

So we turned to the side of the boat, and then * said strangely, "Look, this window is empty and there is no glass. Isn't the diving water going to be drowned?"

I said to myself that the window may have been smashed after being pulled up by the Russians, otherwise the Russians would not be able to enter.

So I turned on the flashlight and poked my head into the cabin of the waveboat.

Then I was surprised to find that in the whole empty cabin, there were two side-by-side wood-carved benches, and there was a semi-shaped protuberance on the ground in front of the two benches, with a bicycle pedal-like mechanism on both sides of the protrusion.

In those years, Wei people sat in the cabin and waited with their feet to drive the submarine on the couch.

No wonder there is no glass on the window of the boat, because if there is glass and there is no sinking equipment used now, it can only float on the water.

If you want this thing to sink, you must fill it with water.

But after filling it with water, people will drown in it.

So the final conclusion is that the Wei people are supermen who can breathe in the water, or the Wei people have created many undead people as their slaves!

This is really a huge discovery. It turns out that the resurrection of the dead by the firewood is not an accident, nor is it a conspiracy of the Lingyu Temple, but a masterpiece of the Chinese people.

So, I understand everything.

After the Lingyu Temple occupied the temple in the tree, they thought they had won, but the Chinese people activated the mechanism to resurrect the corpses before they died, and resurrect them overnight, which in turn killed these people of the Lingyu Temple.

No wonder the people in the Lingyu Temple we see will commit suicide. Anyone who sees such a scene will commit suicide.

The people of Wei planted this tree on meteorites not solely to save these small countries in the Western Regions, because fire and trees can only grow on meteorites. The people of Wei made this strange tree that can make them immortal, but in fact, they want to build their permanent base in the Western Regions.

I told * these ideas, and * nodded and said, "The only thing I don't agree with is the word permanent base, because this base is not permanent, but has a time limit. Every resurrected person, although he has an immortal body, will eventually be assimilated into plants by this huge power of fire and wood. While assimilation of others, fire and wood are also achieving the process of changing from plants to animals.

Look, there are so many trees in the underground forest, and each of them used to be a living person. And ghosts are just a process in the middle of turning people into trees.

When I heard him say this, I suddenly realized, because I finally knew why Feng Ze was so scared after his resurrection.

This kind of fate is not affordable for ordinary people.

If I live in that dark underground world for one or two years, I can't even kill myself, and finally become a tree, I will also be scared to pee. That kind of boredom is unbearable.

I thought so and inadvertently looked at us with a stunned expression that ignored my grandfather.

But when I turned around, Grandpa looked to one side again.

It seems that the analysis is really correct, otherwise Grandpa would not have had such a reaction.

But I don't know why Grandpa cares about this problem.

After analyzing these, we turned over the things around us.

There are many things that Russians found from the ruins of giant trees, most of which are some stone statues, lamps, stone bowls and stone spoons, and some pearls and emeralds of the Chinese. Few things about Lingyu Temple are seen.

This further confirms that the Lingyu Temple did not occupy the Weiguo Palace as its base, but was destroyed the next day.

Some people of the destroyed Lingyu Temple are likely to be resurrected by Wei as slaves of Wei people.

Later, Wei lied that the country was destroyed, and all the people who changed their identities to Lingyu Temple lived in the underground ruins for hundreds of years.

At this time, some people with poor resistance began to turn into ghosts, and the Chinese had to give up this base and let the people who became ghosts stay, and the rest of them mixed into the ranks of ordinary people in the Central Plains.

After hundreds of years of development, this remnant party has established a new country in Heizhugou, Sichuan.

However, after hundreds of years, the Chinese people have long forgotten the hatred of extermination and lived a peaceful life.

And the imperial mechanism of Lingyu Temple existed until the Tang Dynasty. In the end, the 18th generation of Wei also joined the Lingyu Temple and became one of them to fight for Li Shimin?