long candle

Chapter 114 Blue Sky and Yellow Sand

Thinking of this, I feel a little wrong.

It seems too coincidental that they are also the people of Lingyu Temple and Wei. From the bitter hatred at the beginning to the harmonious construction of a new society later, and finally the extermination of Wei.

I don't think the people of Wei are so stupid, and the purpose of the 18th king of Wei entering the Lingyu Temple will certainly not be so simple to help Li Shimin fight the country.

The only possibility here is that Wei Wang's silk book is fake and has been stolen!

And I suspect that the hairless Liang Yebari lying in King Wei's coffin is definitely not King Wei, but a Central Plains man.

So, who did you want to cheat when you made such a fake coffin and a fake king silk book?

Is it to lie to me?

This is too big a small problem, and why did the other party lie to me? Is my opinion so important?

The more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes, so I just don't think about it.

At this time, when Nobita saw the pearls and gold and silver, the saliva flowed down and shouted, "Oh! Don't fight with me this time. Your grandfather and I are more tired than anyone else. I should be a double undercover agent for you. It's time to get some compensation!"

After saying that, he shook out all the things in his backpack and began to hold the treasures in the corner.

He took it a few times and said to me with a smile, "Xiaochuan, this is enough for us to eat Haidilao for more than half a year. From now on, we will eat lobster and drink 1982 red wine as water."

When I saw him like this, I shook my head with a wry smile and regretted that I suspected that Nobita had betrayed me.

In fact, Nobita is not without scheming, but he is also very simple. He has nothing to say to his friends. Even if everyone is pregnant with ghosts, Nobita is single-minded with me, so I secretly decided to believe him in the future.

After installing the treasures, we turned over the house again and found an iron door open on the opposite wall of the house.

This iron door is finally different from the previous door. Although the rust is about to fall off, the door is half open.

So we no longer have nostalgia. I picked up Liang Qian, Daxi picked up Grandpa, and entered the iron gate.

After entering the iron gate, there is a staircase more than two meters wide and 45 degrees up.

We quickly climbed up the 50 or 60th level and felt that the temperature around us was getting higher and higher.

After that, the stairs passed a switchroom and turned a right angle to continue up.

We knew that we were getting closer and closer to the ground, so we climbed up without listening for a moment.

climbed up another hundred steps, and the surrounding temperature was already high, which made us sweat constantly. I felt that the stairs under my feet were as hot as the lid of boiling water.

But each of us has a smile on the corners of our mouths, because a real sunshine has come out in the middle of a closed wooden door in front of us.

Nobita rushed to the front and shouted excitedly, "Comrades, I saw the dawn of victory and rushed to the new China!"

Then he kicked the wooden door open.

At that time, I felt a sparkle in front of my eyes, like a flash bomb exploding in front of my face.

The dazzling sunlight mixed with rolling heat waves rushed down from the doorway, and the rolling yellow sand also poured down.

The yellow sand is really heavy, like a big wave rushing down to us.

Nobita shouted in front of him: "Stabilize!"

I feel the hot sand under my feet keep flowing through my ankles.

I had to steady my horse, close my eyes and wait for the baptism of Huangsha.

The yellow sand climbed up my knees from my ankle, and the huge impact made my legs tremble.

My heart was cold, and my heart said that it was not easy to get to the ground. If I was buried alive here, it would be a real injustice!

As soon as I finished thinking about it, the sand slowly retreated from my knee to my ankle, and finally slowed down to imperceptible.

I was so excited that I could finally open my eyes.

Nobita is faster than me. He has rushed out of the door first and shouted at us, "Come on! We came out, and we finally got to the ground!"

I released a general howl, and then followed and rushed out of the threshold.

The blue sky, golden sand grains and a breeze with a rolling hot wind blew towards me, which made me feel refreshed.

I narrowed my eyes and adapted to the brightness of the sun, and then I looked around.

It turned out that we were in front of a circle of houses at the entrance of the cave, which was originally below the average ground, but the sand that day buried the house so much that we came out almost as high as the average ground.

Many of the large machines used to dig holes are buried by yellow sand, and only a few can reveal a roof.

Fortunately, there is a large excavator blocking it in front of the door of the room we live in. Otherwise, if all the sand flows down, we will really be buried alive.

Due to the elevation of the ground, the surrounding Yadan pillars are also much shorter and no longer look so majestic.

But this is also good, and it is less likely that we will get lost.

Of course, the yellow sand did not cover the entrance of the huge hole. More than ten meters ahead of us is the hole where the sand keeps flowing down.

I looked at the behavior that devoured countless lives and said in my heart that it would be better not to find it again.

At this time, the last one came out of the door, patted the yellow sand on his body, and also showed a happy and excited expression, taking a deep breath of hot air.

With sufficient light, I specially paid attention to his shoulder, and there was no wound there.

I frowned and tried not to think nonsense.

At this time, Nobita probably breathed enough fresh air, so he frowned and said to us, "I said Xiaochuan, it's too early for us to be happy. Our previous cars and tents have been buried. Now are we going to Ruoqiang? Then even my grandfather will dry his son!"

I nodded and said, "I can't help it. It's good to come out. I remember Lao Ni said that he would wait for us for a few days at the entrance of the cave. If only I could meet him."

Nobita nodded, and at a temperature of more than 50 degrees, his lips began to dry.

* looked at the mobile phone and said to us, "It's been seven days since we entered the cave. I don't know if Lao Ni is still there. Our water and food are limited. Hurry up and move forward."

So we no longer said anything and walked in the direction of the previous camp. If Lao Ni was still waiting for us, there was the greatest possibility.

Walking forward in the hot sun, we will drink a sip of water after walking for almost 20 meters.

From time to time, I looked at Liang Qian, who was unconscious on her back, and saw that her face was also very ugly and her breathing was very weak.

I think if we can't meet Lao Ni, the first ones who can't stand it will be her and grandpa.

While worrying about them, I accelerated my pace.

The journey of less than 3,000 meters is longer than the 25,000-mile Great Wall.

One is that we have almost exhausted our physical strength in the cave, and the other is that each of us bears a lot of weight.

*Although we don't carry people on our backs, our backpacks are all given to him, especially Daxiong's treasures, which are all dead things.

I really want * to throw away those treasures and go to the front to explore the way for us, but Nobita refused, saying that if he threw the treasure to him, it would not sit still.

I don't bother to scold him so that I can save some energy.

After our difficult trek, we can finally experience the suffering of Peng Jiamu and Yu Chunshun when they trekked here, which was just like walking in a hot iron plate pot.

And the surrounding scenery is full of unchanged yellow sand and Yadan rocks. Looking up, there is a blue sky without even a bird. The blue makes people's eyes sting.

It took nearly 40 minutes to finally reach the end of the Yadan group, where we set up our tent before.

But from afar, we can see that there is only yellow sand, nothing, tents and cars have long been buried by yellow sand.

So we all stopped and found a relatively high Yadan pillar to hide.

This is our last way. We can only hide for a while, and maybe we can feel better at night.

Put down the injured, and the faces of the three of us are not very good-looking.

After a while, Nobita scolded, "I said that old ni is unreliable! Fortunately, you still believe him so much."

I said annoidly, "Why don't you try it for a week in this hot sun, and there is a threat of storm at any time."

* Seeing that I was angry, he patted me, sighed and asked me, "You have a good chat with that old Ni. Do you know when there will be a wave of tour groups here?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Lao Ni said that no one will come here in July and August. Even if it gets cooler, there will be one or two every month."

After hearing this, Nobita and *'s faces turned green and were speechless for a moment.

After a while, * sighed, "What should I do? The stairs we came out of have been blocked by yellow sand. Do we have to be sunburned here?"

At this time, Daxiong snorted and said, "Even if it's not blocked, I don't want to go to any place related to the cave. If I want to live, I have one last way!"