long candle

Chapter 126 Time Stealing

But I just heard my cousin's voice in Grandpa's room, which...

I suddenly had a terrible idea, that is, the girl in white who was in the cave at the beginning, went home with me?

The more I thought about it, the stranger I felt, so I didn't answer the cousin at the door, but knocked on my grandfather's door hard.

This time, there was no more reaction in Grandpa's room.

When my cousin saw my strange expression, she also ran over and asked me, "What's the matter?"

I replied to her, "I just heard you talking inside, but now you come in from the gate again. It must be strange."

The cousin looked surprised and stammered, "Brother, you... don't lie to me. Did you hear it wrong?"

I shook my head and was very sure.

My cousin was obviously surprised and knocked on Grandpa's door with me.

But we knocked for a long time, and there was still no reaction in it.

I bit my lip, asked my cousin to get out of the way, and then shouted in the door, "Grandpa, if you don't open the door, for your safety, I'm going to hit the door!"

I knew Grandpa would answer me, so I kicked the door lock.

The door slammed open, and a dark and strange figure rushed out of the room.

The figure is very fast, unlike the action that an old man can do. Obviously, it is not Grandpa.

Where has my cousin seen such a situation? He screamed loudly in horror and then hid back.

In order to protect my cousin's safety, I immediately turned around to protect my cousin.

However, the target of the shadow did not seem to be us, but rushed straight to the gate.

How can I tolerate this person running away from under our noses?

So I took three steps and two steps, chased after him and grabbed the man's sleeve.

At this time, I was even more surprised, because the clothes on this person were Grandpa's clothes.

That man was very powerful. Although he was pulled by me, his arm pulled his sleeve with a sudden force and ran to the gate.

At this time, I was also anxious. I jumped up and threw the man to the ground.

The hesitation is already dark. I can't see this man clearly. I just fight with him.

But strangely, this person's whole body is as hard as a stone, and his arms and body don't feel like muscles.

It has nothing similar to Grandpa except for its clothes.

But it can make the same voice as Grandpa.

only heard it shout, "Let go of me, Chuan Wazi, have you rebelled? Dare to beat Grandpa!"

As soon as I heard this, I was very angry. Who did you dare to pretend to be my grandfather?

So my hands became harder.

I don't know where my strange strength came from. When I fought with that person, his strength became smaller and smaller, and finally I grabbed my neck.

At this time, I saw this man's face with the help of a little bright sky.

At that time, I was almost scared to death.

This man's face looks like a bald, with no nose or eyes on it, but he can make a gasp.

I tried my best to hold my breath and looked at this person carefully, only to find that this was a grass man, the kind of moving grass man we met in the cave!

Looking at his clothes and voice, it seems that he is imitating my grandfather.

I said to myself that I finally understand that what I got from the cave was not a grandpa at all, but this grass man pretended to be!

But if Grandpa has always been a grass man, I have no reason not to see it.

So I asked my cousin to find the rope, trapped the fake grandpa first, and then returned to his room and continued to search.

Then we found a celadon box on Grandpa's desk. When we opened the lid, the box was full of brown powder.

When I smelled it, I found that these were all powders on the body of the sting. I will never forget this pungent smell.

I hurriedly closed the box and had a very bad guess.

said secretly in his heart, "Is it true that the powder of this moth really makes people hallucinate... Is everything that happens in Lop Nur just illusions?"

Thinking of this, I searched all the corners of the room, but nothing else was found, and the girl in white disappeared.

I can guarantee that the voice of the previous cousin was made by the girl in white, because no one could control these grassmen except her, but she obviously slipped quickly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I feel uncomfortable with this ghostly person.

I turned my head and saw that my cousin was still crying there, so I picked her up, patted her on the back, and said, "It's okay. I'll definitely find Grandpa back. Lanlan, go back to the room first."

The reason why I asked her to go back to her room is that this grass man is too scary for a child. Lan Lan is so young that she will definitely have a problem staying here.

I watched Lanlan climb upstairs, and then I went to see the fake grandpa in a blink of an eye.

"You two unfilial sons, let me go. You are so rebellious. This is really rebellious." That thing is still shouting.

I felt extremely angry in my heart. I walked over quickly, grabbed the collar of the grass man, and asked, "You are not even a beast. Who are you pretending to be here? Come on, when did you start to lie to us? How is my grandfather?

I naively thought that this thing had the same IQ as people, but it was just repeating: "Let me go, you rebellious and unfilial son, I'm your grandfather!"

It keeps repeating this sentence, and its body is very stiff and twisted, like a moving repeater.

I finally understand that it does not have an IQ. The words that answered us before were designed in advance by the person who made it. This is just a machine. The more I look at his face, the more strange I feel.

In order not to let myself collapse, I pushed away the branches and weeds on its chest and pulled out the copper plate at the heart.

Sure enough, this thing twisted a few times and then stopped moving.

Looking at the copper plate in my hand, I increasingly feel that all this is indeed a conspiracy, a long-designed and huge conspiracy.

The purpose is to trick me into dripping blood on that Kunlun fetus. As long as there is that drop of blood, all organs will start, not end.

Depressed, angry, uneasy, and all kinds of complicated emotions surged up together. I began to suspect that all of them, including *, Nobita, etc., acted in front of me.

But this scene is so realistic that I don't even know if I'm still in the environment.

I went back to the room, washed my face with cold water, looked at myself in the mirror, and suddenly felt that everything was too false.

In order to verify the authenticity of the space I live in, I cut my hand with a knife.

But the real pain, coupled with the feeling of warm blood flowing to the palm of your hand, everything is so real.

"What the hell is going on? What should I do?" I was a little confused and at a loss.

At this time, my phone rang.

I looked at the number displayed on my mobile phone, and it was *.

After a moment of hesitation, I still decided to answer the phone.

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little excited and said, "Hey, Xiaochuan, I have a new speculation that can explain the phenomenon of time regression."

I asked strangely, "What speculation?"

* replied, "After a complicated arrangement, I found that this is not a time jump, but a lack of time."

"Missing time? What does that mean?" I asked puzzledly.

* continued, "That is to say, something is stealing time."

"This explanation is more complicated. If you use the most appropriate example, it's like stealing electricity."

"Some people set up other lines to steal electricity from cables somewhere, but although the power is lost, it has no impact on the original electricity use."

"That is to say, although the electricity was stolen and consumed energy, the people who used electricity did not notice it at that time. They would not find that more electricity was used until they paid the electricity bill."

"If time is compared to a huge energy, then stealing time is more terrible than stealing electricity."

"Because stealing time does not have to pay electricity bills, and people who normally use time will have shorter, that is, everyone's life expectancy will be shortened, because they consume more energy and do fewer things."

"The reason for the previous phenomenon of time regression and time stagnation is that the person who steals time is not sure of the proportion. Originally, he wanted to steal time unconsciously, but he was too greedy and took away more, so in order to make up for the stolen part, he had to use the past. Time makes up for the phenomenon of time overlap and temporary regression.

What he said is actually quite complicated, but through this example, I still understand what he said. After thinking about it, this theory is indeed very reasonable.

In this way, the result of this phenomenon will be final.

That is to say, all people in the world will die faster, and their life expectancy will be shortened unconsciously.

But why doesn't this phenomenon occur in several of us?

Do we do anything special in the cave?

I asked * why this phenomenon has no impact on us.

* was silent for a moment and said, "I suspect that this phenomenon is caused by us, because I found that I can control this loss, just like a superpower."