long candle

Chapter 139 Longevity Peninsula

When I heard this sound, I thought there were other people in the carriage, but when I looked back, it turned out that Andrea was staring at us.

"Can you... speak Chinese?" Xiao Feiyang asked inconceivably.

Andre nodded and said, "A little bit."

I was angry and said that you could speak Chinese. What kind of translation do you need? I almost hurt my old classmates.

"Are you strange? Why can I speak Chinese, but I still need to translate? Andre seemed to ask knowingly.

"Because I didn't know Chinese, but since I asked for a translator, I have learned Chinese." Andrea explained himself without waiting for us to answer.

What does it mean? What do you mean you don't know Chinese, but after asking for a translator, you can do it? Xiao Feiyang is obviously more curious than me.

Andre smiled brightly and said, "To tell you the truth, it took me half a month to speak Chinese to this level."

"I know, you are the legendary prodigy!" Xiao Feiyang said hurriedly.

Andre laughed again and said, "Have you ever seen a 125-year-old prodigy?"

125 years old! I was shocked when I heard this.

Because the Russian in front of us looks less than 60 years old at most and is in good spirits.

"Don't you believe it? This is my ID card." After saying that, Andrea took out his ID card from his wallet.

Since Andre has taken out his ID card, I don't need to doubt what he said.

But Xiao Feiyang is different from me. He can't restrain his curiosity. He took over Andre's ID card and exclaimed: "Sure enough!"

Seeing that he was so surprised, I couldn't help glancing at him.

Although I can't understand the Russian on the ID card, it clearly says the numbers 1886, 10,21. Obviously, Andre did not lie to us.

Even if a person of his age is not sick**, it should be inconvenient to walk and his face is wrinkled.

But Andre not only looks very energetic and speaks without ambiguity, but also has no problems in walking, hearing, vision and other aspects.

The most important thing is that it is a miracle that you can learn to speak Chinese in half a month at such an age.

How's it going? I know you should all be surprised, right?" Andre laughed proudly.

I saw his proud expression and thought that Andre was still quite like an old man, because as the saying goes, the older people are, the more they become, the more like children, and the most proficient children are to show off.

At this time, Xiao Feiyang rubbed his hands and asked with some envy, "So this foreign grandfather, do you have any secret for living so long?"

Andre smiled and said, "Yes, in fact, I'm not very old. In my hometown Chukchi Peninsula, there are many people over 150 years old. As for the secret of longevity, firstly, it is because of the quality of air quality and the purity of water, and secondly, because we all feed on whale meat, and whales are the sea. The longevity elves, the house ridge or fishing boat mast made of whale bones, can remain unchanged for hundreds of years.

"Really, I heard that whaling is a very interesting thing. If there is a chance, I would like to experience it." Xiao Feiyang said enviously.

Thinking of the ice fishing in the Chukochi Peninsula and the winter whale hunting seen in the documentary on TV, in fact, I am also quite looking forward to it.

When Andre heard Xiao Feiyang say this, he smiled proudly and said, "It's not only interesting. Whale hunting is a very technical activity. The clans work together to defeat the waves and the giant whale. The scene is spectacular and very sacred."

Looking at Andre's longing expression, Xiao Feiyang and I have already flown to the sea blocked by glaciers. In the cold hunting wind, we held a huge harpoon in our hands and fought with the vast ocean.

"You are very lucky. This time, you are likely to go back to your hometown with me..." Andre said with a smile.

Xiao Feiyang and I looked at each other and were surprised.

Xiao Feiyang asked first, "What do you say?"

Andre pointed to the brown bear skin hanging on the side of the carriage and said, "This is a giant brown bear unique to the Chukchi Peninsula. Unlike other brown bears, it has a longer nose and a pinch of white hair near its armpits. It is said that this brown bear occasionally crosses polar bears, so it is a mark."

At this moment, the light on both sides of the carriage was relatively bright. I turned my head and looked at it. Sure enough, as Andrea said, there was a pinch of gray hair in the armpit, but it was not very obvious. If you don't look carefully, you can't notice it.

Andre continued: "At first, I was familiar with the head named Ivan. Now I'm sure that he is the villain who sells fake porcelain in Moscow. Maybe only I know his details. This guy is an authentic Chukchi Peninsular. His parents are whale hunters, but he is idle. , I don't want to be a fisherman. First, I steal everywhere and drink alcohol every day. Later, I was chased out of the village because I accidentally injured my life. I came to Moscow and hooked up with a group of Chinese people, * fake porcelain.

Andre paused and said, "Allow me to say something that you Chinese don't like to hear. Our Russian brown bear is the real national treasure, which is much better than the lazy pandas you are raised by hand all day. The reason why giant pandas became extinct is that they are too delicate, from carnivores at the beginning to vegetarians with single food. In addition, without natural enemies, they are increasingly losing the ability to survive in the wild. As Darwin said, the survival of the fittest is a natural choice. Panda is a species that should have been eliminated by nature, but you Chinese think it is rare and protect it as an ornament. And our brown bear in the Russian cold zone, whether it is muscles and bones, fur or even internal organs, is really tough. It can resist the low temperature of minus 40 degrees and dominate the world's vastest forest, which is the real king. It is the saddest thing in the world to exchange the fur of these kings for these fake porcelains in your country.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Feiyang and I were very upset, but after thinking about it, we had no reason to refute him.

After a while, I asked, "Mr. Andre, do you mean that because Ivan is from the Chukochi Peninsula, we will also be taken to the Chukochi Peninsula this time? How do you know that we are not going to Moscow?

Andre smiled and said, "Do you think the car can pass through Moscow's customs with so many contraband?"

I was silent by his question, because what he said made sense. Ivan's brown bear skins have almost been replaced with goods. The one in the car is estimated to be sold as the rest, so Ivan's next move should be to replenish the supply of goods. As for porcelain, it must only be slowly smuggled to Moscow one by one, otherwise Selling antiques is like wholesale, who would be rare?

This time, I really want to go to Siberia, and it really fulfilled my previous feeling.

However, even if you go to the Chukochi Peninsula, it may not be as good as Andre said, because even if you go there, it is impossible to hunt whales or live like ordinary people.

Because he was taken to an uninhabited wasteland by a group of bandits, he is the most likely to become a slave.

The three of us talked and gradually forgot the heat in the carriage.

After about four or five hours, we obviously felt that the temperature seemed to be less high, the sky became gloomy, and the wind in the vents on both sides became louder.

Moreover, we obviously felt that the car began to bump, and from time to time there was a feeling of uphill and sharp turns.

Obviously, we have come from the plains to the mountains.

Andre looked at his watch and said, "It's already one o'clock at noon. It should be almost time for them to deliver food. You'd better be honest now."

Hearing what he said, we all felt reasonable, so we cleaned up the places around us and sat back in place.

As soon as this was finished, the car stopped, and then we heard the sound of the container lock chain opening.