long candle

Chapter 140 The Former God

With the sound of the chain sliding down, the door of the container opened a small crack, and the dazzling sunlight shot down from the gap.

We are all a little uncomfortable and block our eyes with the back of our hands.

At this time, the man at the door said in unskilled Mandarin, "Isn't he dead? I came down to eat without dying.

When we heard that we could go down to get some air, we didn't dare to hesitate. We immediately stood up and walked like the door of the carriage.

When we jumped out of the carriage, two Russians in white vests stood in front of us.

The two Russians are more than 1.9 meters tall, muscular, and can faintly see the curly chest hair at the neckline, full of wildness.

At this time, I have to remind me of the brown bear Andrea mentioned before. I think these two Russians are very similar to the brown bear.

The two big men pressed their baseball caps very low. When they saw us get out of the car, they stretched out two giant bear-like arms and stopped the three of us.

One of the young people with a beard said, "If you don't want to die, don't talk nonsense. No... Don't say anything, let's go..."

The three of us followed the two Russians forward.

This is halfway up a low hill. The big truck we took is parked on the roadside on the mountainside, and opposite us, near the mountain, there are several small cement bungalows connected together.

Although these bungalows are very simple, there are two restaurants, one is a Sichuan cuisine stir-fry restaurant, the other is sliced noodles, next to the sliced noodle restaurant, and there is a small supermarket.

When the two people in front of me didn't pay attention to me, I took a look at the name of the supermarket, which is Xiaofang Supermarket in Guangyuan XX Town.

So I'm sure that we haven't left Sichuan yet, but in the mountains of Guangyuan, Sichuan. I think the next step is to go to Shaanxi.

We were taken to a Sichuan restaurant by two Russians. Except for five of us, all the other Russians entered the noodle restaurant, and some of them didn't even eat, but bought some snacks in the supermarket and went back to the car.

Russians ordered dishes in unskilled Chinese, including Mapo tofu, twice-cooked pork and green bamboo shoots.

We ate silently without saying a word, and then were brought out again.

Before returning to the car, I looked at the convoy. We have a total of four cars, one of which is the black off-road driven by Xie Yuting, and the other three are heavy trailers pulling containers.

These four cars are all taken by Beijing, but everyone knows that sometimes taking photos in Beijing is equivalent to not having a license plate.

After we returned to the car, a big Russian said before locking the door, "This is the last time you have a decent meal. Take care of yourself."

We didn't know what he meant, so we didn't answer him.

The Russians did not hesitate to lock the door decisively, and then we fell into darkness again.

Because of our last experience, we didn't talk until the car started.

After about half an hour of waiting for the car to drive out, Xiao Feiyang said, "Mr. Andre, what do you mean by the Russian just now? How on earth are we going to get to Russia?

Andre thought for a moment and said, "Actually, I expected their route at the beginning. It was impossible for the large trailer we were riding to climb too steep mountains, so it was impossible to travel from Mongolia through Outer Mongolia to Siberia. We are likely to be First drive to the northeast region, and then transfer the ship to Siberia.

I nodded, and then he said, "But if you go to the northeast, you will definitely pass through Xi'an, Zhengzhou and other places. The gates in these places are very strict, so the route we want to take must be to avoid the mountain roads of big cities."

Andre said, "Yes, it's true. We should go from Longnan to near Baoji, and finally go to sea from the eastern part of Yanbian through Linfen and Zhangjiakou, take a boat through Japanese waters and arrive at Chukochi. Most of this section is dominated by barren mountains, and there are no people at all."

Hearing this, I asked jokingly, "Mr. Andre, it seems that you have not only learned Chinese, but also very proficient in Chinese geography."

Andre laughed and said, "I can remember such a complicated Chinese pronunciation. I can still write down a map of China in just a few seconds."

I smiled helplessly and said to myself that this old guy was really a strange person.

One day, Andre and I were much familiar with before, so we were silent for a while, and I asked, "Mr. Andrey, in fact... When I was in the grave, I heard all the dialogues between you and Yuting, among which you mentioned that your leader interfered in Chinese affairs. How did you reply? What does the Ayaku have to do with the Han people?

Andre didn't expect that I would suddenly ask this question. He looked at me, looked at Xiao Feiyang, thought for a moment, and said, "Oh, yes, there is not only a connection, but also a very deep connection."

I became interested and asked, "What kind of connection is it?" Listening to your dialogue, it seems that the Yayaku people are much more powerful than the Han civilization and once had the ability to make the Han people submit.

Andre rubbed the beard on his chin and turned his eyes around. He didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he said, "I think we'd better change the topic, for example, let's talk about whale hunting and the skills of catching seals in the ice."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Feiyang became energetic and nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay, okay! I love to hear this."

I kicked him next to him and said, "Don't change the topic. It's very important to me."

When Xiao Feiyang saw that I looked serious, he stopped talking.

At this time, I turned my head and asked Andrea and said, "Sir, just tell me that there are so many doubts in front of me that I feel like I'm going crazy."

Andre rubbed his beard again and seemed to be very hesitant. After a while, he finally sighed and said, "In that case, I'll tell you, but I can't tell you all, I can only say the part I can say."

I nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay! Please say it."

Andre raised his broad palm, put it on my shoulder and said, "Actually, before the Stone Age, there were many branches of our Yaku people, and some of them moved to today's China. And that Yayaku people are still active in China, that is your Nie family.

While I was surprised, he said, "Actually, this is not particularly appropriate. It should be said that your Nie family and our Yayaku clan have the same ancestors and very long-lived ancestors."

I didn't say anything, just looking at Andre with an expression of continuing to listen.

When Andrea saw me like this, he shook his head and smiled, "Well, there's nothing I can do about you. I'll tell you more. In fact, the Nie family was not the only one that is as small as you are now. Your people are even more than the Yayaku people now. Our civilization is different from the Hemdu civilization or the cave civilization. We have higher craftsmanship, agriculture, and even science and technology.

"Technology?" I was a little surprised, because the word technology should not have appeared in civilization tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Andre nodded and said, "Yes, it's really technology. It was precisely because our technology was leading at that time, and the so-called Chinese people were still a group of uncivilized fools that we were able to control this race, so in the early days of human civilization, we Yayaku people were the highest leader in the world, that is, the gods referred to in many civilizations.

"God?" Xiao Feiyang and I heard this word, which was extremely incredible.

I pointed to my nose and asked Andre, "You mean that our ancestors are the gods of all human civilization?"

Andrea nodded and said, "Yes, I couldn't believe it at first, but through my investigation for more than a hundred years, it is true. However, our glory did not last long. Since the establishment of the feudal dynasty by ordinary human beings, we have gradually faded out of the curtain of history. However, it seems that those feudal kings do not want to forget us..."