long candle

Chapter 149 Strange Sound

Because we were extremely hungry, we ate all the fairy shellfish at a very fast speed while drinking wine, then burped contentedly and lay comfortably on the ground to rest.

Lying on the ground for a while, Xiao Feiyang suddenly sat up and said, "No, we have to get something to block the door, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

I frowned and sat up. I looked at the dark outside the door and said, "Don't be naive. Where can I find something to block the door now? We can only take turns to watch the night.

"Okay! I'll be on duty first!" Xiao Feiyang raised his hand and said.

I didn't expect him to become so diligent. Just as he wanted to praise him, he yawned and said, "So I'm going to bed first."

I scolded in my heart, "Go to sleep, you're going to sleep."

Andre sat opposite the fire, still drinking wine and saying nothing.

I know that he must also be uneasy, that's why he is so silent.

After thinking about it, I feel that I can't sleep at night, so I can only take advantage of the day to sleep a little longer.

So while the wine was strong, I lay down and closed my eyes.

I soon fell asleep, but I didn't sleep soundly, because I felt very cold.

I don't know how long I slept. A cold wind blew in from the small hole in the wall of the warehouse, making me tremble and slowly wake up from my dream.

The rain outside the warehouse seems to be heavier, swirling, and people are anxious.

I sat up and saw that the sky was not completely dark, and there was a trace of white fish belly.

At this time, Andrea came over from the side, held my clothes in his hand and said, "You wake up and the wind has changed. It will be very cold at night. The clothes have been dried. You'd better put them on first."

I nodded, took over the clothes in Andre's hand and found that the clothes had been roasted by the fire, which was very comfortable.

It seems that while I was asleep, Andrea took off his clothes and roasted them for us.

I looked at Andrea gratefully and said thank you.

Then I put on my clothes and it was really warmer.

After getting dressed, Xiao Feiyang next to him was not awakened by our movement, but still snored.

I walked over and shook his shoulder, but it didn't work at all. Xiao Feiyang just snored a little lower.

I had no choice but to cover his clothes so that he wouldn't catch a cold.

After doing this, I went to the door and looked outside the house.

The heavy rain hit the ground, and every drop of rain can splash out a crystal splash. It seems that the rain is very heavy.

And I don't know why, as the heavy rain fell, the fog was much thicker than before.

Above the thick fog, there is occasionally a flash of lightning, illuminating the hazy earth.

Looking at such a strange scene, I don't know why I feel a little worried.

After looking for a while, I walked back to the room and saw that Andrea found a book out of nowhere and read it, and there were a lot of firewood next to him, which was enough for a night.

Seeing me coming back, he yawned and said, "It's useless to worry. The rain can't stop in three or five days."

I sighed and said, "What I'm worried about is not the rain, but the fog. Strangely, the fog is really abnormal. Generally speaking, heavy rain should not be foggy."

Andre was silent for a moment and said, "There is no way. The weather here has been like this since ancient times. No one knows why."

Under boredom, I sat down by the fire again, waiting for the night to fall.

When it was completely dark, I became more and more uneasy.

Moreover, things also seem to be developing in a bad direction.

Because it was just dark, the fog outside the door gradually invaded the room.

I looked at Andre. Obviously, he didn't expect this and frowned deeply.

Thick white fog poured in from the door, and even the surrounding small holes flowed into it like water. Soon the interior of the warehouse became confused. Only near the fire, there was a trace of clarity.

Andre and I subconsciously get closer to the fire so that we can't even see each other.

Our eyes were a little frightened and uneasy, and only Xiao Feiyang slept like a pig.

I reached out and pushed Xiao Feiyang, but he had no intention of waking up at all.

At this time, I felt strange in my heart, saying whether the fog has a hypnotic effect or something?

I was about to pour the water from the kettle on Xiao Feiyang's face, but a strange sound outside the door caught my attention.

That sound made my heart cold, because it was the rustling sound made when people walked.

"Those sea girls are coming..." I whispered to Andrea.

Andre also stood up nervously, took out his pistol and looked around.


At this time, another strange sound sounded next to us, closer than the sound outside the door, as if it were in our ears, which sounded a little like radio interference.

I heard it strangely, but when I looked around, I didn't find anything wrong.

It was not until the flame in the middle of the room gradually darkened that I found that it was the sound of raindrops in the fog when they were burned by the fire.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would hardly believe that there was such a thing in the world. The concentration of fog could put out the fire.

"Wine! Pour wine on the fire!" I said to Andrea.

Andre looked for his body, but didn't find the wine bottle, and then turned back to look for it.

In this gap, the light of the flame dimmed a lot in an instant, and I saw that there was only a bean-sized green flame left under my feet.

A colleague who became dim in the flame, a thin shadow came in from the door at a very fast speed.

The dark shadow stirred up the fog when moving, causing a wavy trajectory. Judging from this trajectory, it rushed straight to Xiao Feiyang.

I was so anxious that I picked up a dry firewood stick from the ground and threw it in the direction of the shadow.

With only a bang, the firewood was not light and hit the dark shadow firmly.

I seemed to see the shadow shrink back and then rushed out of the door.

At this time, Andrea also found the wine and poured it on the small flame.

With a bang, the flames rushed up again in an instant, illuminating the whole room.

Then we heard the footsteps outside the door go a little farther, but they were still wandering.

I relieved my breath and said to Andre, "It's so dangerous. It seems that these sea girls are really afraid of fire."

Andre nodded and said, "Look at Xiao Feiyang."

When he said this, I felt a thump in my heart.

Because I don't know when Xiao Feiyang's purring disappeared.

I silently prayed in my heart that he was just awakened, and then touched the place where he slept.

But when I touched the place, my heart sank to the bottom.

Because Xiao Feiyang is gone!

Andre asked, "How's it going?"

I hurriedly said, "It's gone! It should have been dragged away by that thing just now.

Andre stamped his foot and scolded, "This drag thing, go and look for it, or he will be in danger!"

I nodded, took out a burning wood in the firewood, used it as a torch, and walked out of the house first.

Andre followed me out, and the gun in his hand had been put on.

I also took out the silverfish dagger to guard against the sudden danger.

As soon as the light of the torch entered the fog, coupled with the erosion of rain, it immediately darkened.

Andre poured the rest of the wine into it and managed to last for a while.

Because of the fog and the rustling sound of people walking everywhere, I didn't know where to go for a moment, so I had to shout, "Please let my friends go!" We didn't mean any harm. We just stayed here for one night. Why can't you get along with us?"

In the thick fog and heavy rain, no one answered me, only the rustling sound as usual.

"Bang!" Andre shot the sky behind me and said, "They don't understand people's words!" Let's kill him directly and take Xiao Feiyang back!"

As we were talking, a whistle of a ship suddenly sounded not far away.

"What's going on? How can a ship come with such a big fog?" Andre asked.