long candle

Chapter 150 Late Fishing Boat

Anyway, we were very excited to hear the sound of the fishing boat.

Because maybe the savior has arrived.

So we followed the sound and ran to the coast.

While running, the torch in my hand was also extinguished by the rain.

I couldn't care so much. I threw away the torch and ran fast.

At the same time, I heard the rustling footsteps around us.

Fortunately, Andrea still has a flashlight in his backpack.

The light of the flashlight is not penetrating in the thick fog, but as long as the flashlight shoots, the rustling sound will suddenly stop.

With the flashlight to open the road, we will not be surrounded.

At this time, I found that under the light of the flashlight, there was a pool of red blood on the ground.

Seeing that the blood stains were gradually washed away by the rain, I knew that it was left not long ago.

Is it possible that Xiao Feiyang has...

I shook my head, tried not to let myself think about it, and continued to run forward.

Within a few steps, I saw a black thing lying on the ground not far away, and the blood came from Tang Chu under that thing.

My heart thumped and I couldn't bear to see it.

But at this time, Andre shouted behind, "Keep running forward. It's not Xiao Feiyang, it's a sea cow."

Sure enough, when I ran near that thing, I found that it was indeed the body of a cow.

Next, more bodies of the buffalo appeared in front of me. The group of roe I saw before seemed to have died here.

And they died so badly that their stomachs were all hollowed out.

Although I feel sorry, I'm glad I didn't see Xiao Feiyang.

"Wow..." The whistle of the fishing boat sounded again, and we saw several bright spotlights drawing a few rays of light in the fog on the sea not far away.

We ran along the light, and the rustling behind us also stopped.

When we ran to the seaside, we saw a medium-sized fishing boat docked on the coast.

The spotlights on the ship were all on, and more than a dozen people stood on the deck.

As soon as they saw us appear under the spotlight, the people on the boat immediately waved to us. Many people jumped up and looked very happy.

I looked back and still didn't see Xiao Feiyang's shadow. After thinking about it, now I can only find more people on the boat.

So Andrea and I both followed the telescopic ladder and boarded the boat.

As soon as he got on the boat, a middle-aged man in a fur vest and a scum-faced man came to Andre, saying a string of Russian.

Andre laughed happily, stretched out his hands, hugged the middle-aged man, and said something excitedly that I didn't understand.

The two talked happily.

At this time, BEY came over and said to me and Andre, "For good, I guessed correctly. You have come to the ruins island. After I returned to the village, I told my father that I met Mr. Andre and that you were in danger at sea. My father immediately sent a boat out to look for you, but he arrived here just after dark.

I nodded and said anxiously to BEY, "Now is not the time to say that. We have another person who was captured by the sea girl on the island. We must go back to find him now!"

"There is another person? Do you mean him?" BEY turned around and waved.

Then two young Russians in leather vests came out in a depressed man.

I looked at it. It was Xiao Feiyang.

Seeing Xiao Feiyang's dull eyes and not at all, I asked, "What's going on?"

BEY said, "As soon as our ship arrived here, we saw this man running alone on the shore, as if he was avoiding something. I recognized him as Mr. Andrey's partner, so I hurriedly got off the boat and stopped him. As a result, he shouted and fell down, but he was not in a coma, but his eyes became dull, and he didn't respond to him.

When I heard him say this, I felt a little strange and went up to pull up Xiao Feiyang's eyelids.

I saw that his eyes were full of red blood and his pupils were shrunk, which was a sign of excessive shock.

Is it because he saw the real face of those sea girls that he was scared like this?

I thought about it, and this is the only explanation.

I tried to say a few words to Xiao Feiyang, but he didn't respond, so I could only ask BEY to help him into the cabin to rest.

Looking back at the island covered by thick fog, I breathed down slightly and said that I could say goodbye to here as soon as possible, otherwise it would really be a terrible nightmare.

Thinking about this, the Russians next to me suddenly began to talk loudly and pointed to somewhere on the island and made an amazing sound.

I was surprised. Looking in the direction pointed by these people, I saw a trace of light slowly lit up on the tattered lighthouse in the middle of the island.

Then with the lighthouse as the center, in the thick fog on the island, a little light slowly lit up.

This scene is like when the lights of thousands of houses gradually turn on at night in a big city.

However, the night in the city is accompanied by noise, and the island is empty and there is no sound. This scene looks particularly strange.

"Is it the ancestors who appeared? STILL..." BEY looked at this scene in surprise and was speechless.

"No!" I interrupted BEY and said, "It's those sea girls. Look at the lighthouse."

The reason why I said this is that I saw several black shadows with teeth and claws walking at the top of the landslide lighthouse, which definitely does not look like a human posture.

"Dip the boat! Let's get out of this damn place..." Obviously, Andre also saw such a scene and shouted in Chinese.

Seeing that the people around him couldn't understand, Andre shouted again in Russian.

At this time, BEY's father ordered these people to take their positions and start the ship.

Our ship gradually sailed away from the coast, and the foggy island was getting farther and farther away from us, but I still can't forget the thrilling scene that happened not long ago. Although I was caught in the rain, I still kept looking at the island fading away.

Andre also stood on the deck with me and looked at the island.

After a long time, he asked, "We still have to come back here. Are you afraid?"

I didn't answer him, because I can't give him an answer now, but I guess there must be many secrets hidden on this island.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Andrea stopped talking.

Our ship was getting farther and farther away from the island. Until it was only the size of a finger, I slowly turned around and walked into the cabin.

At this time, the lights on the island have all turned on, looking like a ghost city on the sea at night.

Our boat, which drove for about four hours, finally arrived at Andre's long-awaited hometown, the Chukchi Peninsula.

Chukechi people are generally divided into two types, one is a deer raiser and the other is a fisherman.

Andre's village is close to the sea, so it belongs to the category of fishermen, but fishermen also raise reindeer, so they are slightly richer than the Chukchi people who specialize in breeding reindeer.

I thought that their village would be a place without electric lights, but after getting off the boat, I found that although they lived in a thatched hut, there were simple electric poles. In the village, many rooms were lit with dim yellow lights.

I stood on the port and looked into the distance and found that there were about 100 families in the village, and almost all of them came to the port to greet us, and they all looked very enthusiastic.

It's just that I can't understand what they said. Although they have been asking us enthusiastic questions, I can't answer any of them, so I can only giggle.

Andre is full of red light, hugging these people one by one, talking and laughing.

Later, we were taken to BEY's home.

His home is more luxurious than the ordinary house. It has its own yard in front of the house, and the house is much larger. There is a living room and four or five rooms.

I even saw an old-fashioned radio on the table in the living room.

BEY led us to sit down at the table in the living room, and then a kind-looking woman came over with hot broth.