long candle

Chapter 156 Stars

So I asked her again, " By the way, how did you get this piece of paper?"

Liang Qian said, "At that time, I rushed out of the secret room of King Wei. I went to the crystal secret room according to my previous experience. On the way, I met your grandfather. At that time, he was taking several inspectors to the ghost eye, and my genealogy recorded that if I entered the ghost eye, I would die. At that time, it was too late for me to go up to stop it, and only saved the well. The two people on the side, your grandfather also holds a grudge against me.

"The two people I saved are already unconscious, and I don't have time to talk to them and continue to the secret room. When I came to the secret room, I was surprised to find that the crystal coffin had been opened by Xie Yuting and was just bumped into by me. Xie Yuting and Daxiong smashed the crystal coffin with a hammer and carried out the transparent body, and the yellow paper pressed under the transparent body.

"At that time, Daxiong and Yuting both felt the activity of the geothermal heat, and the room was already very hot. At this time, the giant cod was stimulated by the geothermal heat and woke up from its deep sleep. Xie Yuting deceived Daxiong, saying that this yellow paper is a rune to suppress the giant cobra. If it is taken out of the bottom of the coffin, it will lead to the resurgence of the giant cobra. I hid at the door for a long time, heard their conversation, and stole the yellow paper while they were studying transparent corpses.

After listening, I nodded, because in this way, everything was connected.

No wonder when Daxiong saw me for the first time, he said that Liang Qian wanted to resurrect the giant dragonfly, and Xie Yuting fought with Liang Qian in order to grab the yellow paper. And grandpa wants that yellow paper, and he also wants to get the entrance of the next ghost eye.

Andre listened to our conversation and heard it inexplicably, so I told him the experience of the black bamboo ditch again, and then did Andre understand and sigh.

At this time, Andre also became interested and asked Liang Qian, "So, did you go to Lop Nur again? What did you find in Lop Nur?

Actually, I asked Liang Qian about this question before, but she didn't answer me at that time, so I also looked at Liang Qian at this moment.

Liang Qian looked at us and then said, "I can't tell you about this, especially Nie Chuan."

Andre seemed to understand something, nodded and said, "I know what you mean."

I sighed and said, "Well... It seems that you two have a common language."

In fact, I know very well that what they can't tell me is probably about the mural in the cemetery in the western suburbs of Chengdu, and the mural definitely contains information about me, which is related to another question, that is why I am so important. Why can a drop of my blood bring the fire back to life?

It seems that I have to find the answer to this question by myself, even if the answer is terrible.

We chatted in this old church for more than 20 minutes. Although I got answers to many questions, I was still not in a good mood at all.

The three of us walked out of the church gate together, and the sun was still shining.

And Nobita and the two of them also came from the crowd not far away, holding coriander and other ingredients in their hands.

The five of us came to a pub and sat down, began to talk about something irrelevant and enjoy a rare afternoon tea time.

Andre said that the grassland at the end of the village has more than 400 square kilometers, and the three snowy mountains in the distance are called Dora Peak, which means the daughter of ice and snow, which is more than 4,100 meters above sea level.

The fishing boat in the village can't drive far, and can only reach the relic island more than 900 nautical miles away at most, otherwise there will not be enough oil to come back.

So the village cannot rely on the connection with the outside world by boat, but mainly by a dirt road through the grassland and snowy mountains.

This dirt road passes through the snow-covered Dora Valley at an altitude of 3,000 meters. The road is full of cold firs and tall pine trees with thick water tanks. White wolves and Russian tigers are coiled on the mountainside. Villagers often want to cross the snowy mountains without returning.

So he plans to follow the convoy of merchants to visit the snowy mountains in the near future and go to Moscow to raise a batch of donations to build roads for the village, preferably to open a tunnel through Dora Mountain.

I said that this is really good news. If this can be done, it will definitely greatly promote the development of the village.

Andre nodded and said, "This will definitely work out, because BEY has made great achievements in defeating Ivan, the big poison worm this time, and the Russian government will definitely meet his requirements."

After saying that, we touched a glass of cider and wished Andre Ma success.

After sitting in the restaurant for a few hours, it was getting dark. We strolled around the square and bought some local handicrafts before returning to Rabilovich's home.

The wind on Shanghai is blowing gently, and the burning clouds on the other side of the sea are heartbreaking. The stars have begun to shine, and every family has raised curling smoke, reminding me of Van Gogh's paintings.

Liang Qian has always had an intoxicated expression and said, "It's so beautiful..."

I don't know why, when I saw her look, I was also happy and took a deep breath.

In fact, I was worried about Nobita's accommodation at the beginning, because it was reasonable for Mrs. Rabilovic not to let them live at home.

Unexpectedly, when she heard that the three of them were going to live, Mrs. Rabilović was very happy and cleaned the other room and let them stay.

Three people lived in my room. I, Daxiong and * squeezed a big bed. Liang Qian slept in a room by herself, while Mrs. Rabilovic and his wife lived in one room. Andre could only live with other friends in the village.

This makes me wonder again, why doesn't Mrs. Rabilović still open the dusty room?

But this belongs to other people's privacy, and I can't ask more.

It is worth mentioning that we didn't eat fresh cod in the evening, because BEY's father Rabilovic didn't come back until eight o'clock.

So after dinner, Mrs. Rabilovic began to worry.

I can't help it. The four of us were bored, so we accompanied her to the seaside port to wait.

The sea breeze at night is cooler than during the day, but it is not cold enough. More than a dozen fishing boats that have returned to the port have stopped at the port, and the moon is reflected on the sea, reflecting only a piece of white light.

The clouds in the sky are very light, setting off a bright half moon and shining stars all over the sky.

I found that the stars here are particularly bright and can have a panoramic view of the whole Milky Way, and the color of the stars is not as pale as that of big cities, including blue, yellow and red.

The four of us took off our shoes and walked on the soft beach, looking at the stars in the sky, not to mention how comfortable they were.