long candle

Chapter 157 Return to Hong Kong

However, looking at Mrs. Rabbilović's worried face, we were not in the mood to play.

Follow my wife to the wooden trestle by the sea. We looked into the distance and saw only a little silver reflected by the moon on the sea in the sea, and there was only a dark area around the rest.

The black sea is silent and vast, and occasionally the sound of waves beating Xisha comes from my ears, which makes people feel relaxed.

According to the principle, in such good weather, the fishing boat should have returned with a full load. It is impossible to encounter wind and waves or other dangers, but why hasn't Mr. Rabilović's boat returned for a long time?

This really makes me confused.

Obviously, several people around couldn't figure it out. They just stared at the distance at the end of the sea and thought about their own affairs.

After about ten minutes, the sea was still silent, but the sea breeze became colder.

Liang Qian stood for a long time and felt bored. She simply sat down on the trestle and looked at the stars in the sky.

I glanced at her and then looked at the stars in the sky.

Nobita also felt bored and asked me to borrow my mobile phone.

I asked him what he wanted to do. He said he wanted to play games. He didn't bring his mobile phone with him when he was kidnapped.

I shook my head helplessly and handed him my mobile phone.

Because the village is still energized, I don't worry that my mobile phone will run out of power. What's more, even if there is electricity, I can't make a phone call.

Nobita took my mobile phone, smiled and said, "The sea breeze here is too cold. I'm going there to play!" He pointed to the back of an old boat on the beach.

Before I could speak, he raised his foot and walked over.

At this time, * also said, "I look at the beach quite well. I'll walk alone. Don't follow me." After saying that, he also left.

At first, I felt puzzled, but after a while, I immediately realized that they wanted to leave me alone with Liang Qian.

Nobita went to the back of the old boat and sat down, and did not forget to stretch out his head and shout to me, "Xiaochuan, don't be stupid. If you are tired, sit down and rest for a while. Look how smart Xiaoliang is."

I scolded, "Go!" Then he ignored him.

Mrs. Rabilović stood at the front of the trestle, wearing a felt shawl, putting her hands on her chest and looking worriedly into the distance.

I think it's superfluous for me to comfort her now, so I can only stand next to Liang Qian.

Since Nobita and * have left, I look a little embarrassed, especially when others are sitting. When you stand, you will have a special awkward mood and feel particularly abrupt.

Actually, I want to sit down side by side with Liang Qian and shake my feet naively, but my only shortcoming is that I feel shy when I see a girl with feelings.

After standing at a loss for a while, Liang Qian looked up at me and said, "Don't you sit down?"

I was choked by her words and didn't know what to say for a moment. After a while, I stammered and said, "That... It's okay. I didn't mean to stand here in a daze. I think I should go to the beach. It's really good there."

Liang Qian looked at me seriously without any expression on her face. After listening to what I said, she said, "Oh, then you go..." Then she looked up at the stars again.

I really want to slap myself at this time and say what nonsense are you talking about!

Seeing that Liang Qian no longer looked at me, I hesitated and raised my feet several times to walk away, but I was a little reluctant.

Finally, I gritted my teeth and sat down next to Liang Qian.

Liang Qian was obviously a little surprised and asked me, "Aren't you going to walk on the beach?"

After thinking about it, his face was a little hot and said, "He... They said that their stomach will sagging after walking too much after dinner."

Liang Qian poofed, covered her mouth with the back of her hand and almost laughed.

I scratched my head, smiled and said, "Well, I think it's good to sit here to promote digestion."

Liang Qian nodded and said, "It's really good... I think it's a wonderful thing for us to sit here."

She suddenly said so, and my face suddenly turned red, and I didn't know what to say for a moment.

When Liang Qian saw me like this, she smiled gently and said, "I mean, in recent years, I haven't been so leisurely for a long time. I live every day with my head on my waist. This time, although I was tied up, I can finally be free for a while, so I feel good."

I smiled when I heard her say that.

Liang Qian continued, "Yes, you saved my life in the Robber cave last time. I haven't thanked you yet."

I shook my head and said, "It's nothing. Even if it's not you, I will save it. I can't do anything if I die."

After saying this, I wanted to slap myself again. I said to myself that Nie Chuan, Nie Chuan, will you talk or not? If you say so, Liang Qian will feel that she is not special in your heart!

I thought about smashing the pot, and then I looked at Liang Qian in a panic.

But Liang Qian still smiled, as if she saw all my inner thoughts.

At this time, I hurriedly explained, "No, I mean..."

"No need to explain..." Liang Qian shook her head and said with a smile, "I understand."

I closed my mouth depressedly, and then the two of them were silent again.

Liang Qian didn't know what to say. She looked down at the silver light reflection on the sea and looked very quiet.

Actually, I have a lot to say to her, but in this situation, I can't say a word, just look at her from time to time.

I think that if it goes on like this, the atmosphere will definitely become awkward, so I try my best to think about what to say.

For a moment, I even wanted to tell her directly that I had a crush on her, but finally I resisted it, because it was too abrupt.

In the end, Liang Qian opened her mouth first.

She looked down at the sea and said in a very low voice, "Nenixuan, if I want to live here for a lifetime, would you like to stay with me?"

When I heard her words, I was stunned and a little breathless.

But I know very well that if I don't answer in three seconds, this matter will be so yellow.

So I nodded desperately and said, "Yes... Of course I do. There are beautiful mountains and rivers here, and there is also a prairie. What a wonderful paradise."

Liang Qian smiled. She didn't know if she was shy and still looked at the sea.

My heart is beating suddenly, and even the sound of the waves can't drown out my ups and downs. I'm so excited that I can't control my breathing.

So I could only take a deep breath and try to calm myself down, but in the end, I didn't know what to do, because I really had no experience in this field.

I looked at Liang Qian again and saw that her hand was placed on the board of the trestle, very close to my hand.

I suddenly remembered that I had seen a similar plot on TV before, so I took a breath and slowly approached his hand.

And at this moment, my heart is about to beat to my throat.

My hands moved very slowly, so the time seemed to slow down, and Mrs. Rabilović seemed to be as motionless as a statue not far away, which made me completely forget her existence.

Just as soon as my hand touched Liang Qian's nail cover, suddenly there was a sound of a fishing boat whistle on the sea in the distance.

Liang Qian and I turned our heads at the same time and saw an old motor fishing boat with three headlights appearing from the other side of the sea.

At this time, Nobita also jumped out of the beach and shouted, "Look, is that village head's boat!"

When I saw Mrs. Rabilovic turn around and said a word to us with an excited expression, I knew that it must be the village head's boat.

I was very happy that Mr. Rabilowic could return safely, but I was also very sorry that I couldn't touch Liang Qian's hand.

I scolded in my heart, "Why is there such a stubble every time at this time!"

But I can't complain much. The fishing boat has entered the port and slowly leaned towards us.

* and Nobita came over and looked up at the black shadow more than three meters high and stopped in front of us.

After a series of actions, the fishing boat finally stopped, and then I saw Mr. Rabilovich shouting Russian at us on the deck, and his voice was very eager.

I asked Daxiong what he said, and Daxiong told me, "The village head said that something great happened when he called all the villagers over."