long candle

Chapter 158 The Body of the Sea Girl

I nodded and said, "What are you still doing? Go quickly."

Daxiong pointed to himself and asked, "Me? Why me?"

I sighed and said, "Is there anyone else here who can speak Russian besides you?"

Nobita was speechless for a while, scratched his head, and had to turn around and run back. After a few steps, he turned around and shouted, "What happens, you must tell me later!"

I ignored him, but followed Mrs. Rabilović on the fishing boat.

As soon as he got on the boat, the village head said a few words in the eager Mrs. Genlabilović in Russian.

We didn't understand, but looking at Mrs. Rabilović's expression, we knew that it must not be a good thing.

Then the village head greeted us and took us into the cabin.

The light in the cabin is dim, and a group of elderly fishermen are talking about something under the light.

The village head shouted, and the fishermen got out of the way one after another, and then we came over.

There is a fishing net on the ground. There are no fish in the fishing net, only a few humanoid-like things.

At first, I thought it was dead, but when I took a closer look, these people actually had scales.

I suddenly understood and said to myself, "Is this... Hainu?"

When the village head saw that I seemed to know what was in the fishing net, he asked me in Russian.

I didn't know how to answer him, so I pointed to the sea and drew a woman's curve with my hand.

The village head shook his head, saying that he couldn't understand.

I pointed to the things in the fishing net and said, "Can you open the fishing net for me?"

The village head seemed to understand my words, waved his hand, shook his head, and spoke a lot of Russian, as if he was particularly nervous.

I think he must have had some taboos about this thing, so he gave up the idea of opening the fishing net.

At this time, Liang Qian next to her moved her nose and said to me, "There seems to be some strange smell here."

I also sniffed and said, "What's the smell? Is it a fishy smell?"

Liang Qian shook her head and said, "Smell it carefully."

When he said this, I got closer to those sea girls, and then smelled a pungent smell like pepper in addition to the fishy smell.

"This is..." I think the taste is very familiar. In retrospect, this is the smell of powder on the wings of the moth!

So I hurriedly let the people around me exit the cabin, so as not to be confused by the moth powder.

As soon as we exited the cabin, there was a lot of noise behind us. It turned out that the villagers were called by Nobita, including Andre, of course.

As soon as Andrea got on the boat, he shouted, "What happened?"

The village head pointed to Andrea in the cabin, and Andrea was going to take a few people in.

At this time, I stopped him and said, "If you have a mask, you'd better wear a mask."

Andre looked at me, understood what I meant, and then nodded.

There is no mask on the ship, but there is a simple helmet for diving.

Andre and I took one and went in.

Andre looked at the things in the fishing net on the ground, and then immediately understood that it was the body of the sea girl.

He looked at me, then walked over, took off a pair of scissors to cut fish on the wall and cut the net open.

Then three ugly sea girl bodies appeared in front of us.

The sea girl's face is triangular, thin like a skeleton, without upper lips, two rows of fangs are exposed, her nose is very flat, basically only two holes, and her ears are like fish fins.

We checked these three sea girls, who have been dead for a long time. Looking at the winding seaweed on their bodies, it should be that the village chiefs accidentally salvaged them from the bottom of the sea.

And when they were picked up, these things had been dead for a long time.

Their fatal wounds are all in the abdomen, where there is a round hole the size of a bowl mouth that runs through the whole body.

I'm more familiar with this wound. It's caused by the mouthpart of the moth.

Andre heard me say something underground about Lop Nur, and obviously saw that it was done by a moth.

"These are the things that attacked us on the relic island?" I asked Andre.

Andre frowned and did not answer me.

The reason why I asked him is that although I didn't see the specific appearance of the things that attacked us on the ruins island, it definitely didn't grow like this.

First of all, although the sea girl looks like a human, it may be because she has lived in the sea for too long, her arms and legs are particularly thin, and there are frog-like crays on the palms and soles of her feet, so she looks more deformed. She is particularly powerful when she walks, a little like the turtle prime minister in Journey to the West.

The dark shadow we see on the ruins island can walk and move as fast as normal people, which makes a big difference.

We checked the three bodies inside and outside, and we found nothing else before we walked out of the cabin.

Then Andrea asked the village head where the bodies were found.

As expected, the village head's answer was near the ruins island.

Andre asked him again if there was any special phenomenon on the ruins island.

The village head shook his head and said that the ruins island was still covered by a vast white fog.

Andre and I became surprised, because why the sea girl died at the hands of the moth, which is simply an unexplained thing. The moth is an ancient monster raised by the Lingyu Temple, and the Zhongxing Kingdom of Durban on the ruins island was destroyed by the tsunami for a while, and it was impossible for the Lingyu Temple to reach there.

After thinking about it, I said to Andre, "Mr. Andre, do we have to wait until the ice and snow are sealed before we go to the ruins island? I think if I don't go now, I may miss very important clues.

Andre looked at me, then shook his head and said, "You can't go anyway. Haven't you seen the intensity of the fog? Not to mention any poisonous insects and beasts when you go in, even the extremely thick fog can destroy your lungs."

Hearing what he said, I was silent and stopped talking.

After a while, Andrea and I went out, and then Andrea exchanged a few words with the village head.

I don't know what they said, but soon, several young people brought several large cages and water tanks from the village.

They first fed water in the sea with a water tank, washed the three bodies, and then locked them up with a cage.

If it's changed, others may find it funny. Why are you locked up now that you are dead?

But after listening to the story told by Andrea, I understood the fear and awe of the villagers for this kind of thing.

When the three cages were carried off the boat, the villagers saw the things in the cage and talked about them one after another, showing some horror.

Because for so long, Hainu is just a legend.

But when they really saw this kind of monster that had been with their ancestors, they were as shocked as the Chinese who saw the dragon's body.

I asked Andrea how he planned to deal with the three bodies, and he said he didn't know and needed to discuss with the villagers before making a decision.

Then, surrounded by hundreds of villagers, we returned to the village.

Three cages were placed in the circular square in the center of the village. In order to avoid similar tragedies thousands of years ago, the village head sent more than a dozen people to guard the cage, and the most powerful hounds in the village were also arranged around.

Then the village head invited the elders in the village who were more able to speak and began to have a meeting to discuss strategies.

I, Daxiong, * and Liang Qian are outsiders and are not even qualified to listen, so I went back to the village head's house first.

As soon as he opened the door, Daxiong complained, "Hey, Xiaochuan, what the hell happened? When I ran over later, I couldn't squeeze in. What was in the cage?"

Several other people obviously have the same questions as me and look at me.

I thought about it and said, "It doesn't matter what's in the cage, but I suspect that there is a trace of Lingyu Temple on the ruins island I've been to before. I think we should find an opportunity to get a boat and go up and see by ourselves. If it comes to the freezing season, the yellow cauliflower will be cold."