long candle

Chapter 177 Disappear

We all felt a little strange when we saw Lauren's abnormal reaction and looked back at the statue.

As a result, we found that a stream of blood flowed out of the small hole in the forehead of the statue.

The blood flowed out of the small hole, then flowed down the weathered nose on the statue's face to the chin, and then down the neck.

We all think this blood is very strange, probably because it is a very strange thing to see a stone statue bleed.

After being surprised, we went back with curiosity and carefully checked the blood.

Nobita squatted on the ground and touched some with his fingers, smelled it in front of his nose, and then there was a "I'm Shit".

We asked him what was going on, and he wiped his fingers on the ground and said, "This is not fucking blood at all, but sludge, smelling to death."

Hearing what he said, we all got confused and came over one after another.

After careful inspection, we all smelled that it was indeed mud, not blood.

So why does the sludge flow out of the forehead of the statue? This is even more difficult to explain.

So we tried to climb up the statue again, check the small hole in the forehead, and even try to push the statue together, but there was no progress at all.

At this time, Andre looked at the sky and said, "We have wasted too much time here. I think the most likely is that this kind of stone statue is all part of the sewage system, so this phenomenon occurs."

Obviously, Andre's statement is not true. It is also very disgusting to discharge sewage from such a high place to the street, not to mention splash on pedestrians.

But there is nothing we can do, because we can no longer waste time investigating some irrelevant information here.

So we had to follow the footsteps of * to see where * finally went.

However, when we came out of the dead end, Lauren still barked at the rear.

I don't know what Lauren wants to say, but it must not be a good thing.

Following the footprints of *, we returned to the previous place.

Then follow the footprints to look forward. * Later, the direction is the same as ours, and it is also moving in the direction of the lighthouse, and the footprints are hidden in the cracks between the houses.

So we didn't stay any longer and walked along the crack.

Laren walked in front of us. Although the mist has not completely dissipated and the dog may get lost at any time, I don't mean to bind it.

Because Lauren's purpose is different from ours, it just needs to find its own owner.

While I was thinking about it, Lauren suddenly shouted in front of us again.

We hurried up, but Lauren disappeared.

After looking around, I said to myself, "Is it such a coincidence? As soon as I thought that Lauren might be lost, it was lost!"

I called Lauren's name a few times, but there was no response around me.

Lauren's disappearance, like the appearance of *footprints, happened at such a sudden moment.

I'm a little anxious and worried that something will happen to Lauren.

At this time, Nobita pointed to the ground and said, "Look, there seems to be new footprints here. It should have been left not long ago. The mud is still wet!"

I squatted down and looked at the place Nobita pointed to. Sure enough, there were a few fresh footprints there.

The mud on the footprint is not only wet, but also sticky. At first glance, it is just left.

Obviously, the appearance of this series of footprints must have something to do with Lauren's disappearance.

Is it that * quietly took Lauren away?

The moment this idea appeared, I had another terrible idea, that is, the owner of the footprint may not be * at all.

There's nothing we can do. It's useless to keep it here to guess, so we all raised our voices and shouted.

Some shouted the name of *, and some shouted Lauren.

But as soon as we shouted a few times, Andre jumped out from behind and gave us a forbidden gesture one by one.

Then he whispered, "Look at the houses in front of you, and they haven't been damaged much. What did I say at the beginning? You can't speak loudly in the underground tunnel and next to the well-preserved houses!"

Seeing that Andrea was so nervous, I also whispered, "What should I do? It's impossible to let Lauren disappear like this, can it?"

As soon as I finished asking this sentence, Liang Qian next to me patted me and said in a very low voice, "Look over there! There seems to be something."

I turned my head and looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a house in our right alley. The door was slowly opened by something, and a thick fog flowed from it, and there seemed to be a dark shadow squeezing out in the fog.

I was stunned and said what is this? Is it true that, as Andrea said, there are ghosts or sea girls living in these well-preserved houses?

I stared at the door slowly opening, and curiosity arose.

At this time, Nobita next to him said what I wanted to say most: "That ugly sea girl is coming out, right? It just so happens that I haven't seen anyone alive yet. Let me go and have a look!"

After saying that, Nobita borrowed Andre's hand* and walked towards the door.

At this time, the woman in black behind scolded an unknown guy and pulled Nobita's sleeve from behind.

Nobita turned his head and looked at it. It turned out to be her and asked rudely, "What's wrong? Don't block your grandfather."

The woman in black said, "You can't deal with this thing. If Lauren is really captured by these things, it doesn't make sense for you to save it."

Nobita shook his hand, threw away the little hand of the girl in black, strode to the house, and said, "What I don't believe most is *."

After saying these words, Nobita has strode to the door of the room.

And the door is almost half open.

Daxiong held the handle in one hand and pulled it hard to pull down the whole rotten door.

We all squeezed a cold sweat for Daxiong, but Daxiong just threw the door in his hand to the ground, then laughed at the door, pointed to the ground and turned around and said, "Is this what you said I can't afford to provoke?"

I knew that as long as Daxiong smiled, nothing would happen, so I was relieved.

At this time, Daxiong said, "Yo?" Two voices, he quickly flashed two steps back and scolded, "You little guy still rebelled, didn't you?"

At this time, we all saw that the thing in the door turned out to be a big black crab.

The crab's body is estimated to be half a meter long, and the two crab pliers are expected to reach Nobita's knee. At this moment, they are raising their heads to attack Nobita.

I know this kind of crab. It is a very common fiddler crab at the seaside, but this fiddler crab is relatively large.

But because it grows big, it looks extremely delicious.

But at this time, I didn't have time to catch it and eat it, but said to Nobita, "Since I have nothing to do, let's go. It's getting late now."

Actually, I said this to the woman in black and Andrea, because they believed in legends too much and were afraid of everything.

I wanted to say a few words to them, but when I turned my head, there was only Liang Qian behind. Andre and the woman in black disappeared at the same time.

I panicked and hurriedly asked Liang Qian, "What's the matter? What about the two people behind you?"

Liang Qian was also looking at Daxiong. At this time, she looked back and her expression was also very surprised. After a long time, she said, "Just... I was still here just now!"

In the face of the strange things in front of us, we were a little panicked, hurried back to look for it, and shouted everywhere. As a result, like Lauren, the two people had completely lost no message.

Nobita came back from the house, grabbed the big crab in his hand and asked, "What's going on? Where are Andrea and the others?

I turned around to explain to him, but as soon as I turned around, I saw an extremely ferocious face appear in Daxiong's abdomen.

It was a ghost face with tusks, with a pale face, large eyes, and a long mouth that seemed to be chewing something, especially the hair of this strange face, with four braids on the left and right, twisting vigorously like a snake.

I was shocked, hurried back two steps and said to Nobita, "How can you have a face on your stomach!"

Nobita looked at his stomach inexplicably, and then let go of the huge crab run away.

At this time, I realized that the face we just saw was just the belly of the fiddler crab.

But this crab's stomach can grow into a strange face, which is really a strange thing, and I no longer have an appetite.

Seeing that the crab quickly got into the ruins next to it, I was relieved and told Nobita about the sudden disappearance of Andre and the others just now.

Nobita was also very surprised and followed us back to find someone.

But at this time, I found that the fog around me was getting thicker and thicker, and I didn't know if it was the reason for the night.

The lower visibility greatly hinders us from finding clues, but despite this, we still find that there seem to be several mud footprints on the ground.

This strange mud footprint did not come from a fixed direction this time and leave from a fixed direction, but spread in all directions.

At this time, our team has reached an impasse and can only stand still and shout around, hoping that Andre and others can suddenly emerge.

But the result is disappointing. Andre and they are indeed missing.

"Look there!" While we were at a loss, Liang Qian screamed.

We turned our heads to ask her what was wrong, and then we saw a spectacle.

Because we saw a huge * crossing the street we had just walked in the thickening fog.

Due to the fog, we only saw a huge black back more than ten meters long.