long candle

Chapter 178 Single

What surprised me most was that such a huge body moved without even a sound.

* and I looked at each other, hurriedly climbed up from a collapsed house nearby, and then looked at *.

But due to the thick fog, when we climbed to the roof of the house, that * had disappeared into the thick fog.

Liang Qian asked us below, "How's it going? Did you see it?"

I bowed my head and shook my head at Liang Qian and said, "It seems that we have to walk over and have a look!"

At this time, Nobita pulled me and said, "No, we can't go there now."

"Why?" I looked at Nobita with some doubt.

Nobita pointed to the fog around him and said, "Think about it, now the fog is getting thicker again. The terrain there is so complicated that we will definitely get lost in the past. If we lose another one of the three, it will be really troublesome!"

"But don't we care about Andre and them?" I asked entangledly.

Nobita patted me on the shoulder and said, "Which eye did you see that took them away? Will we not feel such a big thing from the top of our heads?

After thinking about it, what Daxiong said did make sense. Maybe Andre's sudden disappearance caused my head to be a little confused.

After thinking for a moment, I said to Nobita, "We'd better find a place where we can take care of each other now and see if they can come back."

Nobita nodded and said, "Yes, this is the only way now, and the place we stay can't be too difficult to find."

When he finished speaking, I stood up and said, "Let's go."

Nobita still squatted there and asked me, "Go? Where are you going?"

I looked back at him with some doubt and said, "Aren't you looking for a place?"

Daxiong pointed to the place where he squatted and said, "I think it's good here. The fog on the roof is thin and we can see each other, and whether they observe the distance or they find here, it's easy to find us."

I looked around and found that we were not on the roof, but on the roof of a two-story stone watchtower.

This two-story stone watchtower is a bit like a two-story building in a modern city, but there are no stairs in it, and each floor is connected by wooden ladders.

The bottom floor is residential, the upper floor is white debris, and the top floor is the roof, which is used to grow plants.

Such architectural structures are very common in ancient Western architecture, so I also know something about it.

We are now squatting in the roof garden, surrounded by some dilapidated crock pots and bottles, which should have been used by the owner of this family to grow flowers.

Although the two-story watchtower has collapsed in half, it is indeed a good place to rest anyway.

So I shouted to Liang Qian below, "Come up!" We are here to wait for Andre and others for a while. Maybe they just lost their way for a while and will find us when they come back.

I heard my voice echoing among the abandoned buildings, but I never got a response from Liang Qian.

My heart sank, and my heart said that it would not be so short for a few seconds that even Liang Qian disappeared, right?

So I turned on the flashlight and searched around in the fog downstairs, but as I expected, Liang Qian also disappeared.

And I also found the bronze stove she lost there on the ground, and there was white smoke on the top of the stove.

This thing is generally Liang Qian's inseparable treasure, but now Wu is standing there, and there is an indescribable strangeness.

Nobita and I looked at each other with a slightly annoyed expression.

At this time, I stood up and wanted to go downstairs to put away the incense burner and find someone by the way.

And Daxiong grabbed me again and said, "This thing is so fucking evil. Now we are not going anywhere. If you grab my hand, I don't believe that one of us will disappear."

I nodded and agreed with Daxiong. After all, it's useless for me to go down now.

So the two of us pulled each other's sleeves and sat silently on the ground.

I looked around. Although the fog was not as big as when we first came to the ruins island, the visibility was also very low.

The fog has spread to the waist of the two floors, and we seem to be on an island in the clouds.

Seeing such a scene, I don't know why, a sense of panic suddenly came to my heart.

I can't imagine where I should go alone in this thick fog if Nobita disappears.

This is not fear, but human nature. When you face the unknown, people can always shout an inexplicable fear.

So my hand pulled Nobita's sleeve tighter.

Nobita felt my movement, looked around for a while and said, "What's wrong? Are you scared?

I heard that his voice was obviously weak. I knew that he was not much calmer than me, so I didn't promise him, but looked around to see if there was any danger approaching.

I was looking around, and suddenly I felt something slippery on my back slipping past my neck.

I thought it was a snake, so I hurriedly reached out to grab it and accidentally let go of Nobita's sleeve.

When I touched my back and found that there was indeed nothing behind me, my heart suddenly sank down and said, "It's over, the plan to get the tiger away from the mountain!"

Then I hurriedly reached out to grab the Nobita next to him. As expected, Nobita had disappeared at this moment.

I scratched my hair hard and scolded, "Damn it, what's going on!"

It was said that the weirdness was indeed very strange, but now Nobita is a living person and disappears without saying a word. Isn't it necessarily too evil?

With Nobita's skills and courage, I really can't imagine anything that can make him be taken away without making any sound.

I grabbed a few more in the fog around me, but there was no sign of Nobita at all.

So I took my hair and said to myself, "What should I do now? What should I do..."

When I was helpless, a dog bark suddenly came not far away.

"Wow!" This light bark was so clear in the silent ruins.

I was excited, looked over there, and asked in the air, "It's Lauren, Lauren is over there!"

I couldn't care so much anymore and shouted over there: "Laren! Come here!"

As a result, there was no other reaction there, only a thick fog floating.

I shouted a few more unwillingly, but the result was still the same.

Looking at the thick fog around, suddenly, I became angry and desperately slipped down from the collapsed roof, then picked up the bronze stove left by Liang Qian on the ground and walked in the direction of the dog barking.

I looked around with a flashlight as I walked.

The light of the flashlight can shine through the fog to the outline of the surrounding buildings. In the hazy, it seems that these buildings have not been dilapidated. Those complete walls, windows, and even gates seem to come out at any time, looking like ordinary houses.

I tried my best not to think so and walked forward with my head buried.

At this time, I accidentally found those strange mud footprints on the ground.

After looking around with a flashlight, I found that I had come to the place where I found *footprints so quickly.

Identifying the direction again, I found that the place where the dog barked just now was the place where the footprints began, that is, where the strange statue was located.

So I said to myself, "Is it possible that Lauren didn't disappear, but sneaked back to check the statue again?"

Thinking of this, I stepped up and walked over there.

Within a few minutes, I found the alley we found before.

I turned in without hesitation and took a few steps in, and then I was stunned.

Because I had to flash through the thick fog, I found that the originally tall statue is now gone.

And at the ground, a square underpass entrance appears.

I hurried up and lit the entrance with a flashlight. As a result, I found that the entrance had been sealed by rubble. It seemed that it had been blown up not long ago.

I carefully took a photo of the gravel with a flashlight, and I found that something seemed to move in the gap between the gravel.

At this moment, I don't care about the image. I lie on the ground and try to look at the gravel pile.

Soon, a pair of fluorescent eyes slowly twisted towards me.

"That's a person!" I was shocked, but when I looked carefully, I felt something was wrong, because people's eyes were not so round.

"Wow!" At this time, there was such a sound under those eyes.

I immediately realized that this is not a human, but a dog.

But this dog is not Lauren, because I see that the hair around its eyes is white.

"Strange... How can there be a living dog here?" I'm a little surprised.

The second phase looked at the dog's eyes, with a little melancholy and depth, and his expression was somewhat similar to that of human beings, so I thought it was a human being waiting for rescue.

"Wow!" The dog barked again, very low and weak.

"Wait! I'll get you out right away!" I shouted at the dog and drilled into the underground entrance.

But as soon as my foot stretched out, I felt a person suddenly appear behind me, because I saw the shadow on the ground.

The man came over without saying a word, directly lifted my collar and pulled me back.

I was both happy and strange. I was happy to see a living person, and strangely, this person's behavior was too strange.

So I asked, "Who is it?"

The man didn't answer, but his hand was so strong that he suddenly dragged my body out of the entrance.

However, the man seemed to just drag me out and didn't intend to help me and put me to the ground at once.

I got up with some chagrin and put the flashlight in my hand to the man's face to see who this guy was.