long candle

Chapter 181 Gladiator

So I tightened my speed and dug down and found that although it was deeper and deeper, the black round metal body seemed to be bigger than I thought.

While I looked at what I dug out doubtfully, I seemed to hear someone talking for a moment.

I was stunned and began to look around to see where the voice came from.

After listening carefully, I found that the voice was not a person, but many people talking and laughing.

There is even the tinkling sound when the iron cage is opened, and the sound of pulling the chain.

These sounds came from all directions. Although they were noisy, they were relatively low, as if they were from far away, but they clearly echoed in the empty Colosseum.

My scalp is a little numb when I listen to these sounds, which is really weird.

But I know that this may not mean that there are many people around, which is very likely a natural phenomenon.

This natural phenomenon has been mentioned before, that is, the phenomenon of nature's phonometre.

is what happened here before. Because of some special weather or magnetic field, the sound or images at that time were recorded by the magnetic material in the wall.

For example, after liberation, many people said that they saw court ladies walking around the Forbidden City in Beijing, which was mostly the result of this natural phenomenon.

And the more inaccessible the place, the more likely it is for such strange things to happen.

It is not so rare to record the sound of the previous Colosseum.

Thinking of this, I calmed down slightly, forcibly suppressed my rapid heartbeat, and continued to dig things in the yellow sand pile.

But I didn't dig for a long time, and I felt that someone seemed to be shaking in the stand above my head.

I know that this is likely to be a phantom caused by the phenomenon just now, but I still can't help lighting up the flashlight to shine over there.

The wolf smoke flashlight in my hand can adjust the light-gathering effect and irradiation distance.

But once the spotlight effect is raised, the light emitted by the flashlight will be concentrated in a small piece.

The white light of the flashlight in my hand passed through the fog and hit the stand opposite me, and then a dark shadow flashed through the light spot in an instant.

When I moved the flashlight in my hand, the shadow disappeared without a trace.

But at this time, those voices seemed to be getting louder and louder, and I felt that something seemed to be restless in the fog.


Just as I looked around nervously, I seemed to see the door under the opposite stands slowly rising up, and something slowly came out of the door.

"Isn't this too fake?" I said to myself, "Do I want to experience a beast-fighting competition thousands of years ago?"

In the fog in the distance, the dark shadow with half a man gradually approached me.

I'm a little nervous and said that if there are really any monsters living until now, I guess I will have something to do.

I pulled out the silverfish short sword at my waist and took two steps back. I thought that the beast was so huge that if it rushed over later, even if the silverfish short sword was sharp, I guess I would suffer a big loss. It would be better for me to find something else to defend myself.

I looked around and found an iron shield on the ground, which was almost rotten, but the surrounding fine steel circle was still very strong.

So I picked up the shield and held the shield in my left hand and a short sword in my right hand facing the huge shadow.

Gradually, taking something showed its real appearance in the fog. It was a huge Russian brown bear!

The brown bear has a strong physique. Although it crawls over with its limbs, its body is as high as my chest. If a person stands up, I estimate it will be more than two meters high.

The brown bear exhaled white breath, grinned, and saliva was constantly dripping on its chin.

The hair on its back stood up, its limbs were as thick as a tree trunk, and it walked slowly towards me at a steady pace.

But the strange thing is that the brown bear does not have particularly sharp eyes. Judging from the mist, the two eyes are only two black holes.

What's more special is that this brown bear wears a waist-length silver armor with many glazed beads on the silver armor, which looks very exquisite and brave.

I know this is not an ordinary bear. You can tell by its walking posture that this bear is trained.

I have been a little depressed for so long, and its armor can still shine, just like new.

But at this time, I didn't have time to think too much, because the brown bear came not far in front of me, let out a heavy roar, and people stood up!

It stretched out its arms and kept roaring dullly, covering my whole body under its shadow like a big tree.

Seeing its blade-like sharp teeth and claws, my cold sweat flowed down my forehead in an instant.

The brown bear did not hesitate, and the huge paws like a fan patted my brain with a sound.

I'm almost going to pee my pants, and my heart said that it's okay to pat my head this time? I guess my brain flowers are flying out like watermelon.

So I hurriedly shrank down, and the bear's paw crossed over my head.

I rolled to the edge and said to myself that I was agile enough, which was too dangerous.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt something was wrong, because when I slapped my bear's palm just now, I didn't feel any wind pressure.

I was thinking about it when I saw something round and rolled over my feet.

At first, I didn't see what it was, but when the thing stopped, I broke out in a cold sweat.

Because it's a bloody head!

The man's head was completely different, his whole face collapsed from his nose, and there were several deep bone scratches on his face. Obviously, his palm was photographed by the brown bear just now.

My heart sank down and said to myself, "Is it... I didn't dodge just now?"

I hurriedly touched the head on my neck and found that it was still there. Then I was relieved.

After thinking about it, I probably understood what was going on.

But before thinking about it, the brown bear roared again and rushed to me with four feet.

It was almost a conditioned reflex. When I saw such a thing rushing towards me, I retreated.

But I didn't take a few steps back, and I felt that someone behind me rushed to me.

Before I could turn around, the man had already hit the back of my head.

Then a magical scene happened, and the man actually passed through my body.

This is a magical feeling, I swear, this is the first time someone has passed through my body.

I looked at the man's back with some dullness, and then looked at my body and found that it was no different.

At this time, I looked up again and saw the man fighting with the huge brown bear.

Although I only saw the back, I instantly found that the man's muscles were raised, holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, tall and powerful. The first word that came to my mind was "Warrior".

The brown bear's huge paw patted its spiritual cover like thunder, and the sound was very scary.

But the warrior caught the thunderous blow with the shield in his hand. At this time, I could see from the pattern on the edge of the shield that it was the one in my hand

However, the brown bear was not a vegetarian, and the other bear paw greeted the warrior's arm.

The warrior was very agile and rolled on the spot to avoid the attack of the brown bear, and then the spear in his hand stabbed the back of the brown bear.

I thought that the brown bear was going to suffer, but the sharp spearhead stabbed its silver armor, but it only drew a string of sparks and did not pierce it at all.

The brown bear roared and turned around and rushed to the warrior again.

At this time, the warrior's flaw was so open that he could only block it with the spear in his hand, but this time he was bitten by the spear pole by the brown bear. With a crack, its sharp teeth instantly bit the spear to pieces.

Then the brown bear pressed its whole body down on the warrior in an unsly posture.

The warrior protected his head with a shield, but he could no longer hide, and his whole body was crushed to climb down.

I said in my heart that it was over, and there was also a sigh from the stands.

Then there was silence.

A second of time passed, and the bodies of the brown bear and the warrior below had not moved.

Just when I thought that the warrior had been crushed to death by hundreds of pounds of brown bears, he suddenly stood up from the ground little by little against the bear's body.

When I saw him holding the brown bear's abdomen with one hand and the brown bear's neck with the other, I knew that in the fight just now, the warrior actually strangled such a big brown bear directly with his bare hands.

How much strength does it take? I was stunned at once.

Next, the warrior lifted the whole brown bear's body with both hands, and there were cheers from the whole audience, and countless figures surged in the stands.

Seeing such a scene, I was not only not afraid, but also a little excited.

This warrior should be the hero that people worshipped at that time, right? I guessed and walked slowly to the front of the warrior to see what he looked like.

As a result, when I saw his face, I was shocked and couldn't speak for a long time.

After a while, I took a deep breath and stammered, "Isn't this... me? Oh, my God."

I was so surprised because the warrior in front of me looked almost exactly like me.

What is the relationship between this person and me? I was a little surprised.

At this time, the warrior put down the body of the brown bear in his hand, because the iron gate around him slowly opened.

I saw a strong beast walking towards the center of the square in the mist, about fifteen or six, each of which was no worse than the brown bear just now.

The warrior was a little excited to see so many beasts. He looked up to the sky and rushed to a beast closest to him.

At this time, I saw that the warrior still had an ankle chain with a thick arm on his feet.