long candle

Chapter 179 Unexpected Discovery

(I've been out recently, so I can only update it once, and it is expected to recover in a week)

When my flashlight shone backwards, I was surprised to find that there was no one behind me.

Cold sweat suddenly flowed down my forehead, because if there was no one behind me, what pulled me up just now?

At the speed at which I turn around, no matter how fast a person is, he can't be without a trace immediately.

I looked around in surprise, hurriedly patted the dust on my body and stood up, a little shocked.

Hesitating for a moment, I turned on the flashlight again and shone into the cave, only to see that the white dog had disappeared.

I looked around again, but I found nothing else.

"Strange...who on earth pulled me up, and why did he pull me up?" As I talked to myself, I walked out of the alley.

At this time, I saw a string of fresh footprints on the ground.

This row of footprints and the row of footprints previously thought to be * footprints almost go forward in parallel, but the slightly moist surface shows that it has just left.

That is to say, someone really pulled me up just now.

So this time I don't care so much anymore. Follow these two strings of footprints to see where it leads.

Soon I passed through the two-story building where I had been hiding before and walked deeper into the residential buildings in Durban.

At this time, the houses on both sides are becoming more and more dense, and the gaps between the houses are becoming narrower and narrower.

When I almost passed a path sideways, the road began to go down.

I looked at the footprints on the ground and knew that the man just now must have entered the underground tunnel.

I walked forward with a flashlight in the thick fog, and soon I found the entrance to the underground tunnel.

It was under the foundation of a dilapidated house, and it was dark and foggy, which looked mysterious and strange.

The footprints do extend straight into the hole, so if I want to continue to follow, I can only enter the cave.

So I looked around, hesitated for a minute, gritted my teeth, and bowed into the entrance of the low tunnel.

Fortunately, this tunnel is only relatively low at the entrance, and you can still walk straight after entering.

I took a look around with a flashlight and found that the tunnel was curved and surrounded by bricks.

And on both sides of the wall, there are some stone utensils in the shape of lamps, which are about half a person high.

Most of the braziers on the lampstand are dilapidated, and the black fire oil inside looks a little disgusting. When you get closer, there is a smell of seawater, which obviously can no longer be lit.

After entering the tunnel with muddy footprints, the color became much lighter, but I could barely see it with the light of the flashlight.

So I still followed the footprints.

Fortunately, when such a tunnel descends to a certain height, it will not extend downwards, but parallel to the ground.

From time to time, you can also see a ventilation hole leading to the ground on the top of the tunnel, so the tunnel is not very dark.

I see some square door holes on the wall piled up with stone bricks from time to time, and there are some debris piled up in the doorway.

Although these debris has no shape, I can still recognize the shelves for the goods and the cashier counter. Obviously, these rooms used to be stores.

I think this should be the earliest underground mall in the world, right?

The reason for the emergence of this kind of underground mall should be similar to that of modern cities. It is all because the population is too dense, resulting in a shortage of shopping supply, so the underground has also been developed. It can be imagined how prosperous it used to be.

But at this moment, I don't have time to stay and remember the past, but continue to follow the footprints.

I think this person's walking speed is really fast, because if he hesitates a little on the road, he will definitely be caught up by me. After all, my speed is not slow.

I guessed that the purpose of this person walking so fast soon came to a fork in the road.

It is a fork in the road, rather than a crossroads composed of two underground tunnels.

At the top of the intersection, a skylight shot down from the ground above.

But this is not a vent, because a wooden ladder hangs down from the hole.

I walked to the bottom of the hole and looked up on the Internet. I saw a pale area above, and I couldn't see anything.

And the footprints on the ground also disappeared from here.

Obviously, the man finally climbed up the wooden ladder.

I didn't hesitate to climb up with the wooden ladder in my hand.

Up from the ladder, it is about seven or eight meters away.

The touch in my hand is the feeling of old wood that can be broken at any time.

And there is the squeaky and unstable sound under my feet.

But fortunately, when my head protruded from the ground, the wooden ladder did not collapse.

But when I stretched out, I smelled a strange smell.

I can't tell what it tastes like, with the fishy smell of seawater, dryness, and even an animal's urine*.

I looked around and saw that the space I was about to climb up was like a cell.

One side is a black brick wall, and the other three sides are metal iron fences.

I see some hay around me that have been rotten for a long time, as well as some huge animal bones.

At this time, I understood that I had unconsciously come to the Colosseum in Durban.

The house I'm about to climb should be a cage for the beasts at that time.

For good, there is a door hole in one of the fence of this cage, otherwise it will be difficult for me to find a way out after I go up.

Without much hesitation, I completely climbed up the wooden ladder.

Then I looked at the ground, but the footprint disappeared.

"Damn!" I scolded and felt that I had been fooled.

Then I looked around and found that there were many such prisons on both sides.

The skylight shot from a metal fence in the cell, which was obviously the passage where animals were released before.

And the small door opened in the cell also happened to be on that fence.

Since there are no clues I want around, I can only go out of this small door to see if I can find the footprints just now.

When I walked into the small door, I found a very short passage in front of me. There were some tables on both sides of the passage, and there were some rotten whips, shackles and other things on the table, all of which were used to be used to be used for animals.

I even saw a weathered human skeleton lying next to a table, which should be the trainer of that year.

Imagining the great momentum that caused the whole audience to cheer when the beast appeared, I couldn't help but think about it.

If I were those warriors who fought against the beasts, would I feel generous and heroic when walking on this channel at this moment?

Thinking about this, I came out of the small door at the end of the passage.

As a result, I didn't see the whole audience cheering and the beasts eager to try. After thousands of years, there was only a quiet Colosseum sand, a circle of stands, and empty chairs.

Although the surrounding fog is shrouded, I can still see clearly that the form of this Colosseum and the Roman Colosseum are relatively similar. They are all round, half the size of a football field, surrounded by high-strength barriers, and many arched doors for beasts and warriors.

There are iron fences locked on the door, and some are holes.

The door I just walked out of is just one of them.

Looking around, I was shocked by the magnificent Colosseum.

After sighing for a few seconds, I began to get down to business to see if there were any of the previous mud footprints.

As a result, I really found a string of fresh footprints, which extended along the door I came out to the center of the Colosseum.

At this moment, my heart tightened and aimed the light of the flashlight at the center of the square.

As a result, I found that in the blurred fog, there seemed to be a person squatting in the center of the square.

I took out the silverfish sword in my backpack and walked to the center of the square step by step.

As I approached step by step, my heartbeat became faster and faster, and my breathing became rapid.

The ghost that had been sneaky before is finally about to appear in front of me.

Maybe everyone's disappearance has a great relationship with this guy.

However, this guy's posture is indeed a little strange, squatting there motionless, just like a stone.

I have many conjectures in my mind, and I think the most likely thing is that this guy is not a human, but something like Zongzi.

Otherwise, it will not carry so much soil on its feet all the time.

If it's really a zongzi, I have to be more vigilant, so my pace is slower.

But when I got close, I was a little disappointed.

Because in front of me is not a squatting person, but a small pile of yellow sand.

This yellow sand pile is hemispherical, like a small grave, which makes people feel a little unlucky.

The strange footprints also disappeared before the yellow sand pile. I even saw some mud fingerprints on the yellow sand pile.

That is to say, this sand pile was piled up by the owner of the footprints, and not long ago.

So why did he pile up a pile of yellow sand here? Is it possible that this yellow sand pile is the old nest of Zongzi?

I didn't have time to think about it, so I took a step over.

Then I squatted down and looked at the yellow sand pile.

The sand pile comes from the yellow sand in the Colosseum, and there are some impurities on it, which are estimated to be mud and stones brought by the sea breeze for so many years.

I clearly saw that there were traces of hand pressing on the yellow sand pile, and there was sludge in some places.

So I can't wait to know what is buried in this yellow sand pile.

I picked up the silverfish dagger in my hand and began to dig the yellow sand pile, carefully pulling the sand aside.

Soon, the things in the yellow sand pile slowly appeared.

is a black thing with a metallic luster.

I reached out and touched it. It was a little cold and smooth, but I couldn't see what it was.

So I continued to dig down and wanted to dig out the whole thing.

I can't update more. I hope you can forgive me, but the small volume will not be interrupted. I will reply to two chapters in about a week)