long candle

Chapter 199 Stone House

I carefully pressed Nobita to prevent him from moving, and I was afraid of touching his pain.

Nobita struggled twice, and his face became a little yellow. Obviously, he was in great pain, so he had to gasp and sit there honestly.

I was relieved to see that he didn't move. Then I looked back to find a room on the street where I could stay for a while.

Looking at these dilapidated rooms, I'm actually playing drums in my heart.

Even if there is a complete house that can shelter from the rain, after so many years, it must be precarious, and the smell inside must not be uncomfortable.

However, the current situation is that except for me, the other three people have basically lost the ability to act. If they don't find a place to avoid it, something big will definitely happen.

I shook the three people sitting on the ground. Long Jia was unconscious. Liang Qian opened her eyes, but her expression was dull and obviously not awake. Daxiong looked at me with bulging eyes. She looked very energetic, but her face was almost the same as that of a dead man.

The heavy rain is still falling. Raindrops hit the ancient streets, splashing blue water on the rough square slabs. Weeds are overgrown in the cracks between the slates. Under the sweeping of raindrops, weeds are shaking.

On both sides of the street are also two-story attic buildings piled up of black stones, some of which collapsed in half, some of which have lost their roofs, and few complete ones.

The thick fog shrouded these places where the materials were damaged, like thick smoke, stirred by the rain and permeated from the inside of the house.

The weeds growing in the gap of the turning head have almost integrated with the wall, dripping down the drops of water.

Full of sores and desolation, coupled with our current situation, suddenly made me have the impulse to cry.

However, I still gritted my teeth, wiped the rain-soaked bangs up, held the frame of my glasses, and walked to a complete room on the street.

There is no door in this room, only an arch cave with wooden doors.

I looked up and seemed to have a square white door sign embedded in the wall above the door.

At this moment, the house plate is full of moss, and I can't see what is written on it. Only a few big centipede shining by the rain occasionally climb over it.

I think this may have been a shop or something before, otherwise there would have been such a big house sign.

When I walked into the doorway, it didn't smell as bad as I thought.

Because food, wood, cloth and other things have been rotten hundreds of years ago, and the house is full of weeds, and there may be a hare or a larger grass mouse hidden somewhere.

So my nose is full of the smell of grass that can only be smelled in the virgin forest.

The room was dark, and the windows had already collapsed.

I took a few steps forward and found some debris such as gravel on the ground.

Afraid of being thrown down by a dog to eat shit if I walked further, I put my hand into my trouser pocket and wanted to take out a flashlight to take it.

But when my hand reached into my trousers pocket, I first squeezed out a bag of rain.

I couldn't laugh or cry. I took out my wet pants pocket for a long time before I found my portable wolf-eye flashlight.

This flashlight in my hand feels like a stick bone just pulled out of chicken soup, constantly dripping water.

Fortunately, the wolf-eye flashlights are waterproof.

I turned on the flashlight and lit it around.

As I expected, the room was full of weeds as deep as knees. They grew out of the cracks in the middle of the slate with tenacious vitality, showing a yellow-green color in late autumn.

There is no place for grass, and there are some rotten things left with black scum. I don't know if it's tables and chairs from thousands of years ago.

I also saw some fragments of pottery pots and rusty * spilled on the ground.

This may be that the owner of the house wanted to run away with money, but suddenly encountered a tsunami, so the money fell to the ground and no one picked it up.

Fortunately, this dead ghost was not drowned in the house, otherwise I would not want to sleep with the skeleton all night.

Except for one or two bugs occasionally drilled out of the weeds and a strange and cold fog in the room, I didn't find any other danger. It seems that I was lucky this time and found the right place.

I couldn't let Nobita and the others stay out in the rain, so I threw my backpack on the ground and went out.

In fact, my physical condition is not particularly good. Sometimes I feel dizzy and tinnitus is more common.

So it took me a lot of effort to move Liang Qian and Long Jia in, and finally went to see Daxiong.

The fat man, who weighed more than 200 pounds, sat on the ground and looked at me gasping and said he wanted to walk in by himself.

I refused to let him move anyway. I carried his two arms and dragged him into the room.

Nobita's buttocks were grinding on the slate. If it hadn't rained, it would have smoked long ago.

I thought he was going to shout pain, but this guy didn't say anything along the way.

When I tried my best to drag him into the house, I saw that this guy was so painful that he couldn't speak.

I looked at him and didn't say anything.

After settling down all three of them, I walked around the house to see if there was anything that could be burned.

Nobita has been seriously injured now. If there are no warm measures, it is estimated that he will become more and more serious.

I have to at least let him stand up until Longjia wakes up. After all, Longjia is the only person here who knows medical skills.

But after a long circle, I didn't find anything that could be burned.

Nobita looked very energetic. Seeing me walking around the room, he said, "Don't wander around. There is nothing to burn in the room. When I just came in, I saw an old tree on the opposite street. If I cut down that tree, it would burn."

Hearing what he said, I thought about it, but I didn't remember any trees outside the door.

Nobita interrupted my thoughts again and said, "Go quickly. I feel a little cold."

I looked at Daxiong's face. His face was pale and almost blue. I don't know whether it was cold or too seriously injured.

I saw some undried blood stains under his nose and looked at his hands.

But I don't know why his hand was kicked in his pocket.

"Don't look blindly, go quickly..." Nobita looked a little tired.

I nodded and said, "I'll be right back. Wait."

After taking two steps to the door, I turned around and said to him, "I think you are so energetic. Remember to help me look at the two ladies. There are many insects here. Don't let the centipedes bite."

Nobita nodded and said, "Don't worry."

I also nodded and took a deep look at Nobita. I always felt that he was strange.