long candle

Chapter 200 Dead Fat

I didn't think too much, so I went out against the heavy rain.

After going out, at first glance, I took a clear look at the surrounding streets. Where is the tree mentioned by Daxiong?

After thinking about it, maybe I saw it on the road just now when I came all the way?

So I walked along the street in the direction of the time.

After walking about two or three hundred meters, I still didn't see any trees, only weeds and broken walls growing everywhere, as well as thick fog everywhere.

It's strange... I touched my chin with some puzzlement and thought that there was no need for Daxiong to lie to me, and he would never lie to me.

The more I think about it, the more incredible it is, but it is a bad feeling.

I suddenly remembered the possibility that Daxiong lied to me, and a cold sweat flowed down my forehead.

I can't control any trees and firewood anymore, and I ran back in the heavy rain.

Soon, I came to the door of the previous stone house and rushed in without saying a word.

When I turned on the flashlight, I found that Daxiong, who was originally leaning against the corner, was missing.

My heart suddenly got cold, because I saw a pool of coagulated blood sitting in Nobita just now.

I saw Daxiong hide his hand before. It should be that he wiped his nosebleed with his hand, because his nosebleed could no longer be stopped.

With the help of a weak flashlight, I searched around and shouted almost with a crying voice: "Nobita... Nobita, where are you? Don't die!"

Soon, I saw a fat man lying motionless on the ground not far in front of Liang Qian and Long Jia.

Strangely, Nobita didn't wear a coat.

I rushed over and laboriously turned Nobita over.

Then I saw that his mouth was full of blood that had begun to solidify.

He held a broken dagger in his hand, which he carried with him.

The two women not far away were covered with a jacket on Nobita's body, which was full of blood.

I turned over Nobita's eyelids and saw that his pupils had been completely enlarged.

Touched the pulse on his neck again and stopped beating.


I had a hum in my head, and my whole body collapsed to the ground and couldn't face such a fact.

Tears flowed down from my cheeks like a dyke. I felt like a pair of scissors piercing me hard. A severe colic controlled my breathing, and I was a little out of breath.

Nobita is dead. This time he is really dead.

He did not die under the claws of the black bamboo ditch zongzi, nor did he die in the hands of hundreds of ghosts in Lop Nur, but died inexplicably under the deadly sound waves just now.

There was neither a vigorous battle nor enough to eat and drink, and died at the wine table.

I died so quietly in the rainy ancient city. I couldn't accept such a thing and suddenly felt that everything was fine.

Squatting on the ground, I cried loudly until my throat was dry, my stomach was sobbing that I couldn't squeeze out tears, so I slowly took a deep breath and stood up from the ground.

I know that Nobita is really dead, but I can't be decadent like this.

Nobita just knew that he was going to die and advised me to leave the stone house in order not to let me see him leave, so that I would not be sad.

Finally, he tried his best to take off his clothes and cover the two women in response to his request to take care of them before I left.

What Daxiong did in the end told me that he didn't want me to be sad and wanted me to take good care of the two women.

I can't live up to Nobita's expectations, and I absolutely can't fall here at this moment.

After combing my emotions, I remembered the dagger in Daxiong's hand with dirt, and I guessed what he might have left for me.

So I turned on the flashlight and lit it on the place where Daxiong had just lay, and there was indeed a line of words on the ground.

The content is: Ogawa, I know I'm going to die. It's actually good to see Marx, and I can also re-educate my life. People are bound to die. I'm very happy to be with you, a good brother before I die. I'm most afraid of centipedes. After I died, I immediately burned me. I don't want to stay here to be gnawed by insects and sprinkle my ashes in the sea, just like Comrade Xiaoping. Remember not to play mourning when I hold a funeral for me. I want to listen to the theme song of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wash away the heroes... Suddenly, I want to eat the donkey meat on the West Street of Gulou. Do you remember?

Seeing this, although my tears have dried, my nose is still sore.

The shop mentioned by Daxiong is called Wang Fatty's donkey meat. The decoration is magnificent. He always says that the waitress is beautiful and the name of the store is also very related to him. When he has money, he will buy this store.

I patted Daxiong's face and said, "Fatty, I always call you that. I didn't expect you to really die now. I'll buy it for you by burning donkey meat, and pour you a bowl at the grave every month in the future."

After saying this, I took out a bottle of mineral water from my backpack, washed the blood stains on Daxiong's face, and then helped him tidy up his hair.

At this time, I found that the corners of Nobita's mouth were slightly upturned, and it seemed that he was finally satisfied with his death.

I sighed and saw this joking smile, and I always felt that he was still alive.

I flattened Nobita's body and wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.

Turning to Liang Qian and Long Jia, they were still unconscious. Liang Qian, who could still open her eyes before, also closed her eyes at this moment and didn't know whether they were seriously injured.

I turned over their eyelids, checked my breathing and found that their lives were not in danger for the time being.

I looked back at Nobita again. He was indeed dead. I lit a flashlight around and found the stairs to the second floor.

I climbed up the shabby stairs carefully, and I found that it was still the same empty room.

However, unlike the following, I found a cylindrical thing near the right wall of the house.

When I got closer, I was overjoyed.

Because this is a charcoal stove made of ceramics, and there are several pieces of charcoal in the stove.

Charcoal can be used even after a long time, but this ceramic stove is a little broken, but it can barely be used.

I picked up this thing and walked back downstairs.

Nobita is still lying there, with no intention of coming back to life.

I frowned, put the stove next to the two women, then took out the lighter and lit it with difficulty.