long candle

Chapter 228 Assumption

"What is missing is not only the bronze elixir, but also the entrance." Boss Wu turned his head and looked behind us and said.

I also looked back and recalled that when I saw the bronze furnace before, I could still see the faint light at the mouth of the cave, but now it is dark when I look back.

"We seem to be trapped here." I said something.

Boss Wu nodded and said, "Yes, it's not the first time I've encountered such a thing, so don't worry. The more anxious I am at this time, the more I can't get out."

I also nodded and said, "Indeed, I have met it before."

Boss Wu looked at me, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. Two seconds later, he said, "I think your body should have experienced more than me."

I looked at my whole body, and I looked like a begling, and I was also the kind of begling with a virus in my right hand. I couldn't help smiling helplessly.

Boss Wu sighed, found a relatively flat stone and sat down, then took out a kettle and took a sip.

I didn't seem to be nervous at all, so I fidgeted and said, "Are you really not in a hurry?"

Boss Wu spread out his hands and said, "I said, it's useless to be in a hurry. If you are tired, you should take a break, otherwise you won't have the strength to use your brain to crack the maze."

I was a little helpless and could only sit down next to him.

After drinking water, Boss Wu rested for a few seconds and said to me, "Actually, I don't think this maze is difficult. It's a child-level trick."

I was stunned for a moment and said, "How to explain it?"

Boss Wu picked up two pebbles from the ground and put them on the ground in front of us and said, "There are about two problems we are facing now. One is where the Dan furnace has gone, and the other is where is the entrance and exit area, right?"

I shook my head and said, "No, the problem we are facing now is that we are spinning in place and can't go out at all."

Boss Wu also shook his head and said, "Why do you have such a poor understanding? Assuming that we have been working in circles, then repeatedly returning here, and then the scenes we see are exactly the same. Maybe this is still a problem, but now although we seem to have returned to the same place, the scene has changed. Isn't that right?

After thinking about it, some of them didn't know what Boss Wu was going to express, but he nodded and said, "Yes, it's true. What does that mean?"

Boss Wu sighed and said, "For example, there is a person who wants to pretend that your grandfather cheated your money, so he came to you with transfigurement, but his transfigurement skill is not good and does not cover a mole on his face, and your grandfather did not have this mole. Do you think he is a pediatrician?"

I nodded and said, "It's true."

Boss Wu smiled and continued, "If you see that this mole is strange, first you can make sure that this person is not your grandfather, and then you will think about who the person with this mole you have seen is. It's like now that we find that the bronze elixir furnace is missing, and the hole is gone, so we must start from these two things to find the truth of the matter.

I realized that Boss Wu is indeed a little different from others' way of thinking. When others encounter this situation, they usually wonder why they have gone back, and then wonder why they have gone to the same place, but some things are different.

This becomes strange and strange, leading things to a more difficult level.

However, Boss Wu believes that the change in the scene is just a gap in solving difficult problems, which becomes a question plus hint, making the question much simpler, which has to be admirable.

At this time, Boss Wu picked up one of the stones on the ground and said, "Well, for example, these two stones represent the two clues we see now, so let's first analyze the first question, that is, why the bronze elixir furnace disappeared, and then write down all the possibilities. This is what a friend of mine taught me, you Say it first and say whatever.

I thought about it and said, "I think it may be that the bronze incense burner moved by itself, because since the things inside can make the copper wall concave, it is not difficult to push the bronze elixir furnace, and there are so many scratches on the surface of the elixir furnace that it may have been moved here before."

Boss Wu nodded and said, "I didn't expect that we would think of it together. This possibility is indeed relatively large, but I have seen it just now. If such a heavy incense burner is pushed, it will definitely leave traces on the ground, but the ground is very flat, and those rocks are not heavy. Traces of crushing.

I touched my chin and felt that what Boss Wu said was indeed reasonable, so I frowned and began to be confused.

"It's my turn next." Boss Wu threw the pebble in his hand and said, "I think there is a possibility that the space where the bronze elixir furnace is located has moved."

I know what Boss Wu meant. What he meant was that the bronze elixir furnace was actually placed in an elevator, but the elevator was disguised as a cave. After we left, the elevator where the Dan furnace was located moved. When we came back, another elevator without a big elixir furnace replaced the original The cave that came.

If Boss Wu really thinks so, then I have to refute him, because not to mention how much power the weight of this cave is to support. The key is that it is meaningless to suffer from such an elevator. The ancients are not stupid. It took so much manpower just to joke with us?

Boss Wu obviously thought of this and continued to say, "Of course, this is just a hypothesis, and the possibility is not great."

I nodded and said, "Another possibility is that the space is distorted and the Dan furnace is sucked into another space, or the place where we came from is not the original place at all. Someone deliberately threw the residue of this apple core here."

Boss Wu smiled and said, "Space is distorted?"

Because I didn't know what mechanism was touched, I came to the current time and space, so I remembered the theory of time and space distortion.

However, for ordinary people, it is really funny to mention this concept, so I can understand that Boss Wu laughed.

However, Boss Wu smiled, then sighed and said, "I once had similar ideas to you, so smile, don't be surprised. However, distorted space is only in theory, and almost no one has encountered it in reality, so we ruled it out first.

He paused and said, "As for what you said that we didn't come to the same place, I don't think it's tenable, because you look here."

I looked at the place my boss pointed to a crack in the stone under our feet.