long candle

Chapter 229 Unsolved

When I looked closer with the light of the fluorescent stick, I found that there was a cigarette butt in the crack of the stone.

I recall that Boss Wu smoked a cigarette and refused to throw away the cigarette butt. It turned out that it was because of this.

It seems that Boss Wu had a foresight and left this cigarette butt as a mark to avoid getting lost.

When we used apples to seduce the things in the Dan furnace here before, Boss Wu unconsciously made a mark.

Boss Wu has obviously seen this mark just now, so I concluded that I have to infer that it is wrong.

Looking at my expression, Boss Wu sighed and said, "Well, I take back the previous words of pediatrics. This maze is quite puzzling. At least I can't think of any other reason."

"I have another reason that I may explain." I suddenly remembered the previous mural and said to Boss Wu.

"What's the possibility?" Boss Wu looked at me with great interest.

"This bronze elixir may not be a whole." I said confidently.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Boss Wu stood up and seemed to grasp the key.

"This elixir furnace may be composed of countless particles, or it is just an illusion." I continued.

Boss Wu smiled and immediately shook his head and said, "I know what you said, and I have encountered some illusions on the way here, but the illusions are silent, and this bronze elixir furnace can make a sound like a bell."

Boss Wu mentioned this detail, which I didn't expect just now.

So, the disappearance of this bronze elixir furnace is really unclear.

Thinking of this, I remembered that I was trapped in the maze when I was in Heizhugou before. It seemed to be the same situation, and I couldn't find an explanation at all. So far, it is still a mystery.

But at that time, we were always entering the same door and different rooms, and this time, there was no door, which was even more confusing.

Boss Wu threw the stone in his hand again and said, "Since we can't explain the disappearance of the bronze elixir furnace, let's analyze why the previous entrance is missing. I think this problem is simpler than before."

I nodded and said, "Yes, I think there are only three situations. The first is that there is a secret door in this cave. We accidentally encountered some mechanism and the secret door fell down. The second possibility is that the light outside has disappeared, so we can't see it. The third possibility is that there is some smoke in front blocking the light of the hole.

Boss Wu shook his head and said, "All of them are wrong, because these three possibilities can be investigated as long as we go to the cave, but think about what will happen if we go to the cave now?"

"Here again?" I replied.

"Yes, we can try it if you don't believe it." After saying that, he raised his foot and walked to the hole.

I grabbed him and said, "No, I know that the three guesses just now are too naive. If the problem was so simple, we wouldn't be trapped here."

Boss Wu nodded and said, "Now we have to use the old method. You stay here, and then I will go forward. Let's see which side I will appear again."

I shook my head and said, "What if you don't show up again?"

Boss Wu thought for a moment and felt that there was indeed such a possibility, so he sighed and said, "What should I do?"

I rubbed my hair and tried to think about countermeasures, but I had no clue.

Boss Wu also sat down again and frowned deeply.

In this way, we sat in place for half an hour until our legs were numb, before we stood up and paced back and forth.

Boss Wu simply found a corner when I was in a daze and dozed off.

When he saw me stand up, he immediately opened his eyes and said, "How's it going? Did you think of anything?"

I shook my head and felt that my lips were a little dry, so I picked up the kettle and took a sip of water.

After drinking a mouthful of water, I found that there was not much water in my kettle.

Boss Wu looked at me frowning at the water in the kettle and said, "It's okay. I still have water and food here. It should be okay to hold on for two days."

"Two days?" My head was dizzy, because no matter how difficult the situation was before, I had never been trapped in one place for two days.

The most important thing is that I feel a little unwilling. Why did the hole that was just disappear? This maze should not be as complicated as I thought. I feel that it is close to the answer, but I just can't get out. It's really impetuous.

This may also be that although I have encountered extremely dangerous difficulties before, it is generally relatively smooth and can be solved in a short time, so I have developed this impatient personality.

Looking at my restlessness, Boss Wu frowned and said, "This maze is really not that simple, but although I say that, I may not wait so long. I just want you to be psychologically prepared."

After a pause, he said, "Now the first question we need to solve is not whether we will spend the night here, but after a while, it's time for those fires to prey. We'd better go back to that gap now to avoid it."

Although I was not in a good mood, I knew that Boss Wu's words were reasonable, so I nodded and said, "Let's go."

Unfortunately, although we were trapped here, the gap formed by the furnace wall just now was still there, and we didn't go far to see it.

Boss Wu and I walked in before and found that there was still smoke in the place charred by monsters on the ground.

I'm not in the mood to care about this, so I sat down on the spot.

Boss Wu didn't say anything. He took down the simple tent on his back and unfolded it.

I saw that he was busy alone and went up to help set up the tent.

This time, both of our mobile phones have been out of power. Fortunately, Boss Wu also brought a Rolex.

He looked at the time and said, "It's already two o'clock in the evening. Let's rest early. Tomorrow is energetic. Maybe this maze is not a problem at all."

I sighed and took out a few canned soybeans from my backpack and handed them to Boss Wu.

Boss Wu smiled happily and said, "You still have this with you, don't think it's heavy? I thought I was going to eat compressed cookies tonight, and this meal is also very good.

I smiled reluctantly and didn't say anything.

Boss Wu took the can, then pointed to the tent and said, "You go to bed first, I'll guard first, and change you in the middle of the night."