long candle

Chapter 233 Inch Head

But that thing is not a mobile phone, because there is no light from the screen.

Unfortunately, the brightness of the fluorescent stick is too low. Even if I try my best to see what it is, I still can't see what it is.

Just as I was struggling, Boss Wu stopped again and was working on the square in his hand.

At this time, there was a different situation than before.

I saw that every time Boss Wu rubbed the things in his hand, there was a slight bang around him.

The sound is very low, as if something is scratching the wall in the dark.

Boss Wu obviously found something and continued to move forward. His pace was much faster than before.

I hurriedly followed, and saw that the more Boss Wu moved forward, the strange noise would become louder and louder.

I always felt familiar with this sound. At first, I didn't remember it, but later I suddenly found that it was a noise made by the walkie-talkie.

Do you mean that Boss Wu already knew where the exit was, and then put another walkie-talkie at the exit. Now he finds the location of the original record in this way?

Thinking, suddenly Boss Wu jumped under an east wall, and then pushed the stone wall with his hand, and the whole person disappeared in front of the wall.

With the disappearance of Boss Wu, I secretly shouted: There is indeed a secret door here!

Boss Wu disappeared into the dark door with lighting equipment, and my eyes suddenly darkened and became out of sight.

But I'm not worried about being in the dark, because I've found a way out, so I'm no longer afraid.

Boss Wu just went in. If I follow him immediately, it is very likely that he hasn't gone far.

So I squatted in place for a while before slowly approaching the wall of the hole where Boss Wu disappeared.

Since Boss Wu and I still have a certain distance, and there is no light around, I can't determine the location of the secret door at once.

You can only lean against the wall and grope little by little to find the location of the hidden door.

It is planned in my heart, but it doesn't seem to be as easy to implement.

I don't know whether I approached the wall too early or because the mechanism of the secret door was really hidden. I checked the wall inch by inch, but never found the secret door.

I can't shout in my heart, because there are many ways to open such a secret door.

Some can be opened by pushing hard, some have buttons or grooves that can be opened, and some are more complicated. I have even heard of secret doors that can be opened by shouting in front of the door.

But I didn't see how Boss Wu opened the door just now, so even if I stand in front of this door, I may not be able to open it, let alone whether I can find it now.

While checking the wall, I became more and more anxious.

If I really can't find the secret door, I will miss a major clue. If Boss Wu disappears like this, I may still be trapped here.

Thinking of this, I began to regret that I didn't follow immediately at that time. At least I should get closer and see how the secret door was opened.

Just as I was about to despair, my hand seemed to touch something hairy.

I was shocked and hurriedly withdrew my hand.

Because that thing is hairy, like human hair, but there is no temperature, a little like a dead person.

I cursed in my heart that it would be unlucky if I really touched a dead body in this place.

But on second thought, I didn't see any dead body just now. If there is, it should be obvious, unless the dead body suddenly appears.

Thinking of this, my heart just thumped, and my heart said that what I touched should not be Boss Wu's hair, right? Did he turn off the light and come out?

But Boss Wu, as a living man, should not be at such a temperature.

At this time, I remembered the idea that Boss Wu was pretending to be a grass man, and my heart couldn't help pounding.

I took two steps back to get further away from that thing.

Because I know that if that thing is a living thing, it will definitely react when I touch it, and maybe it will jump on me immediately.

However, this idea only existed for a few seconds, because after I stepped back a few steps, there was no movement in front of me.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down a little.

Then go to see if there is anything lighting on your body.

But after touching my whole body, I didn't find anything lighting.

Just now, I followed Boss Wu out of a hurry and didn't think about bringing anything. Backpacks and other things were put in the tent.

I regret it, but I also know that if I walk back now and come back, I will never find the location of the secret door.

After thinking about it, I was cruel and said to myself, "Since there is no movement, the thing in front of me should be a dead object. Even if it is a dead person, it will not jump up and bite me. It's better to figure it out."

After saying that, I reached forward and touched, like a blind man who had just been blind.

Although this action is a little obscene, it is the safest way, because if something happens with one of my hands, the other hand can support it immediately.

I touched forward with fear, my whole body tightened, my breathing was very low, and my feet were tense. I was ready to retreat as soon as it went wrong.

I carefully walked forward without two steps, and I encountered what I had just touched.

This time, I didn't shrink back, but my whole body still had goose bumps.

Because what I touched really looks like human hair.

This hair is very short, not like Boss Wu's long hair, but I can conclude that it must be a man.

Next, my hand trembled slightly and wanted to touch this person's face to find out whether he had a breath, a dead person or a living person.

But as my hand touched down, the thing seemed to tremble, and a jingle sound similar to the shaking of the chain sounded in front of me.

I was shocked and wanted to shrink my hand back.

As a result, I was grabbed by the opposite thing.

I was so scared that I shouted: Oh, my God! He began to struggle hard.

But the other party is so strong that no matter how I twist my arm, I still can't break free.

At this time, the man opposite spoke, and his voice was very low: "Don't move. Why did you run out alone in the middle of the night? I've been following you. It's really weird to see your nagging behavior."